module to track processes associated to a counter.
Behaviours: gen_server
code_change/3 | |
handle_call/3 | |
handle_cast/2 | |
handle_info/2 | |
init/1 | |
start_link/0 | |
terminate/2 | |
track/1 | track the number of processes for a name this add the current process. |
track/2 | track the number of processes for a name. |
code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) -> any()
handle_call(Msg, From, State) -> any()
handle_cast(X1, State) -> any()
handle_info(X1, State) -> any()
init(X1) -> any()
start_link() -> any()
terminate(Reason, State) -> any()
track(Name::any()) -> ok | {error, term()}
track the number of processes for a name this add the current process
track(Name::any(), Pid::pid()) -> ok | {error, term()}
track the number of processes for a name