####Change of Android 5.1 source to skip network validation.
- In China, we can't connect to Google server 204.
- If you don't ship network validation, it will always search network to get Google server 204.
- Then it causes a lower battery life and the icons of signal & wifi on status bar will contain the exclamation marks.
####Path to frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/connectivity/NetworkMonitor.java. #####line 264
Add: before "public NetworkMonitor(Context context, Handler handler, NetworkAgentInfo networkAgentInfo".
//Add. In China, we can't connect to Google server 204. private static boolean mSkipNetworkValidation = true; //End.
#####line 301
Add: following "mCaptivePortalLoggedInResponseToken = String.valueOf(new Random().nextLong());".
//Add. In China, we can't connect to Google server 204. mSkipNetworkValidation = mContext.getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_skip_network_validation);
#####line 488
Change: "int httpResponseCode = isCaptivePortal();" to following codes.
//M: Add. In China, we can't connect to Google server 204. log("mSkipNetworkValidation ="+mSkipNetworkValidation); if (mSkipNetworkValidation) { mConnectivityServiceHandler.sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_NETWORK_TESTED, NETWORK_TEST_RESULT_VALID, 0, mNetworkAgentInfo)); } int httpResponseCode = isCaptivePortal(); if (mSkipNetworkValidation) { if (httpResponseCode != 204 && httpResponseCode >= 200 && httpResponseCode <= 399){ transitionTo(mCaptivePortalState); } else { transitionTo(mValidatedState); } return HANDLED; } //End: Add. In China, we can't connect to Google server 204.
####Path to frameworks/base/res/res/values/config.xml. #####line 2215
<!-- //M: Add. In China, we can't connect to Google server 204.--> <bool name="config_skip_network_validation">true</bool>
####Path to frameworks/base/res/res/values/symbols.xml. #####line 2179
<!-- //M: Add. In China, we can't connect to Google server 204.--> <java-symbol type="bool" name="config_skip_network_validation" />