- Lightweight binary-to-text data de/encoders (C++03).
- Base64: canonical implementation.
- Base85: 17% to 08% smaller than Base64, still quotable.
- Base91: 19% to 10% smaller than Base64, still quotable, JSON, XML and TSV friendly.
- Base91: Encoded data can be "quoted", splitted with tabs, spaces, linefeeds and carriages.
- Tiny, self-contained, header-only.
- ZLIB/LibPNG licensed.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "base.hpp"
int main() {
std::string encoded_64 = base64::encode("Hello world from BASE64! \x1");
std::string decoded_64 = base64::decode(encoded_64);
std::cout<< decoded_64 << " <-> " << encoded_64 << std::endl;
std::string encoded_85 = base85::encode("Hello world from BASE85! \x1");
std::string decoded_85 = base85::decode(encoded_85);
std::cout<< decoded_85 << " <-> " << encoded_85 << std::endl;
std::string encoded_91 = base91::encode("Hello world from BASE91! \x1");
std::string decoded_91 = base91::decode(encoded_91);
std::cout<< decoded_91 << " <-> " << encoded_91 << std::endl;
Hello world from BASE64! ☺ <-> SGVsbG8gd29ybGQgZnJvbSBCQVNFNjQhIAE=
Hello world from BASE85! ☺ <-> nm=QNzY<mxA+]new].*bavnv)ml0dFaoqGy
Hello world from BASE91! ☺ <-> \OwJh\Io2Tv!lE^jpr4JuucSS5V*pBkA
- Base, zlib/libpng licensed.
- Original basE91 by Joachim Henke, BSD licensed.
- Original base64 implementation by René Nyffenegger, zlib/libpng licensed.
- v1.0.2 (2016/04/20): Base85 support (custom Z85); In-place API; Project renamed
- v1.0.1 (2015/12/07): Update sample
- v1.0.0 (2014/04/26): Base64 support
- v0.0.0 (2013/04/12): Initial commit (custom basE91)