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42 Cursus 👨‍🎓

Project Description Topics
Libft Library of recoded functions from the standard C library (libc) and other implementations. library memory linked list
get_next_line get_next_line function will read content line by line, whether it's a file, stdin or a network connection. static variable file descriptor
ft_printf Library that contains ft_printf, a function that mimics the real printf. variadic args parsing
Born2beroot This project consists of setting up a server on Debian GNU/Linux 11. system admin linux
so_long A small 2D game using MiniLibX, including textures, sprites and some basic gameplay elements. game graphics minilibx
pipex Simulating the pipe and redirection shell commands in C. An introductory project for bigger UNIX projects. file descriptor UNIX pipe


All projects developed for 42 cursus.



