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File metadata and controls

522 lines (452 loc) · 19.6 KB


Analyzer的主要职责是将Sql Parser生成的Unresolved Logical Plan转化成Resolved Logical Plan。Analyzer会利用Catalog和FunctionRegistry里面注册的表格和用户定义的函数,将UnresolvedAttribute和UnresolvedRelation转换为Catalyst里全类型的对象。



Catalog里面记录了Table Name到Logical Plan的映射,提供了注册表格,查找表格等接口。

 * An interface for looking up relations by name.  Used by an [[Analyzer]].
trait Catalog {

  def caseSensitive: Boolean

  def tableExists(db: Option[String], tableName: String): Boolean

  def lookupRelation(
    databaseName: Option[String],
    tableName: String,
    alias: Option[String] = None): LogicalPlan

  def registerTable(databaseName: Option[String], tableName: String, plan: LogicalPlan): Unit

  def unregisterTable(databaseName: Option[String], tableName: String): Unit

  def unregisterAllTables(): Unit

Catalog具体的实现是SimpleCatalog,里面是用HashMap来记录Table Name到Logical Plan的映射。

class SimpleCatalog(val caseSensitive: Boolean) extends Catalog {
  val tables = new mutable.HashMap[String, LogicalPlan]()

  override def registerTable(
      databaseName: Option[String],
      tableName: String,
      plan: LogicalPlan): Unit = {
    val (dbName, tblName) = processDatabaseAndTableName(databaseName, tableName)
    tables += ((tblName, plan))

  override def unregisterTable(
      databaseName: Option[String],
      tableName: String) = {
    val (dbName, tblName) = processDatabaseAndTableName(databaseName, tableName)
    tables -= tblName

  override def unregisterAllTables() = {

  override def tableExists(db: Option[String], tableName: String): Boolean = {
    val (dbName, tblName) = processDatabaseAndTableName(db, tableName)
    tables.get(tblName) match {
      case Some(_) => true
      case None => false

  override def lookupRelation(
      databaseName: Option[String],
      tableName: String,
      alias: Option[String] = None): LogicalPlan = {
    val (dbName, tblName) = processDatabaseAndTableName(databaseName, tableName)
    val table = tables.getOrElse(tblName, sys.error(s"Table Not Found: $tableName"))
    val tableWithQualifiers = Subquery(tblName, table)

    // If an alias was specified by the lookup, wrap the plan in a subquery so that attributes are
    // properly qualified with this alias. => Subquery(a, tableWithQualifiers)).getOrElse(tableWithQualifiers)


FunctionRegistry记录了用户定义的函数名到该函数的表达式的映射,并提供注册函数,查找函数等接口。 FunctionBuilder被定义成为 Seq[Expression] => Expression,可以理解为输入多个Expression作为参数,输出一个Expression作为结果。

/** A catalog for looking up user defined functions, used by an [[Analyzer]]. */
trait FunctionRegistry {
  type FunctionBuilder = Seq[Expression] => Expression

  def registerFunction(name: String, builder: FunctionBuilder): Unit

  def lookupFunction(name: String, children: Seq[Expression]): Expression


class SimpleFunctionRegistry extends FunctionRegistry {
  val functionBuilders = new mutable.HashMap[String, FunctionBuilder]()

  def registerFunction(name: String, builder: FunctionBuilder) = {
    functionBuilders.put(name, builder)

  override def lookupFunction(name: String, children: Seq[Expression]): Expression = {



 * Provides a logical query plan analyzer, which translates [[UnresolvedAttribute]]s and
 * [[UnresolvedRelation]]s into fully typed objects using information in a schema [[Catalog]] and
 * a [[FunctionRegistry]].
class Analyzer(catalog: Catalog, registry: FunctionRegistry, caseSensitive: Boolean)
  extends RuleExecutor[LogicalPlan] with HiveTypeCoercion {

  val resolver = if (caseSensitive) caseSensitiveResolution else caseInsensitiveResolution

  // TODO: pass this in as a parameter.
  val fixedPoint = FixedPoint(100)

   * Override to provide additional rules for the "Resolution" batch.
  val extendedRules: Seq[Rule[LogicalPlan]] = Nil

  lazy val batches: Seq[Batch] = Seq(
    Batch("MultiInstanceRelations", Once,
    Batch("Resolution", fixedPoint,
      ResolveReferences ::
      ResolveRelations ::
      ResolveSortReferences ::
      NewRelationInstances ::
      ImplicitGenerate ::
      StarExpansion ::
      ResolveFunctions ::
      GlobalAggregates ::
      UnresolvedHavingClauseAttributes ::
      TrimGroupingAliases ::
      typeCoercionRules ++
      extendedRules : _*),
    Batch("Check Analysis", Once,
    Batch("AnalysisOperators", fixedPoint,

Analyzer解析主要是根据这个batches里面的各种Rule来对Unresolved Logical Plan进行解析的。这里Analyzer类本身并没有定义执行的方法,而实现在它的父类RuleExecutor[LogicalPlan]中。



  1. MultiInstanceRelations (Once)
  2. Resolution (fixedPoint)
  3. Check Analysis (Once)
  4. AnalysisOperators (fixedPoint)



Resolution这个Batch里面定义了十几个Rules,例如ResolveReferences,ResolveRelations,ResolveSortReferences,etc。这些不同的Rule会循环执行fixedPoint次,执行的顺序是依次执行,也就是说,ResolveReferences -> ResolveRelations -> ResolveSortReferences -> ResolveReferences -> ResolveRelations -> ResolveSortReferences -> ...,类似这个顺序。



如果一个实例在Logical Plan里出现了多次,则会应用NewRelationInstances这条Rule。

 * If any MultiInstanceRelation appears more than once in the query plan then the plan is updated so
 * that each instance has unique expression ids for the attributes produced.
object NewRelationInstances extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
    //将logical plan应用partial function得到所有MultiInstanceRelation的plan的集合
    val localRelations = plan collect { case l: MultiInstanceRelation => l}

    val multiAppearance = localRelations
      .groupBy(identity[MultiInstanceRelation]) //group by操作
      .filter { case (_, ls) => ls.size > 1 } //如果只取size大于1的进行后续操作

    plan transform {
      case l: MultiInstanceRelation if multiAppearance contains l => l.newInstance

将Sql parser解析出来的UnresolvedAttribute全部都转为对应的实际的catalyst.expressions.AttributeReference。这里调用了Logical Plan的resolveChildren方法,将属性转为NamedExepression。

   * Replaces [[UnresolvedAttribute]]s with concrete
   * [[catalyst.expressions.AttributeReference AttributeReferences]] from a logical plan node's
   * children.
  object ResolveReferences extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transformUp {
      case q: LogicalPlan if q.childrenResolved =>
        logTrace(s"Attempting to resolve ${q.simpleString}")
        q transformExpressions {
          case u @ UnresolvedAttribute(name) =>
            // Leave unchanged if resolution fails.  Hopefully will be resolved next round.
            val result = q.resolveChildren(name, resolver).getOrElse(u)
            logDebug(s"Resolving $u to $result")

select * from src中,src表parse后就是一个UnresolvedRelation节点。ResolveRelations就是把src替换成具体的LogicalPlan。而这个table name到LogicalPlan的映射可以从Catalog里获得。

   * Replaces [[UnresolvedRelation]]s with concrete relations from the catalog.
  object ResolveRelations extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {
      case i @ InsertIntoTable(UnresolvedRelation(databaseName, name, alias), _, _, _) =>
          table = EliminateAnalysisOperators(catalog.lookupRelation(databaseName, name, alias)))
      case UnresolvedRelation(databaseName, name, alias) =>
        catalog.lookupRelation(databaseName, name, alias)
def lookupRelation(
    databaseName: Option[String],
    tableName: String,
    alias: Option[String] = None): LogicalPlan


   * In many dialects of SQL is it valid to sort by attributes that are not present in the SELECT
   * clause.  This rule detects such queries and adds the required attributes to the original
   * projection, so that they will be available during sorting. Another projection is added to
   * remove these attributes after sorting.
  object ResolveSortReferences extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transformUp {
      case s @ Sort(ordering, p @ Project(projectList, child)) if !s.resolved && p.resolved =>
        val unresolved = ordering.flatMap(_.collect { case UnresolvedAttribute(name) => name })
        val resolved = unresolved.flatMap(child.resolve(_, resolver))
        val requiredAttributes = AttributeSet(resolved.collect { case a: Attribute => a })

        val missingInProject = requiredAttributes -- p.output
        if (missingInProject.nonEmpty) {
          // Add missing attributes and then project them away after the sort.
              Project(projectList ++ missingInProject, child)))
        } else {
          logDebug(s"Failed to find $missingInProject in ${p.output.mkString(", ")}")
          s // Nothing we can do here. Return original plan.
      case s @ Sort(ordering, a @ Aggregate(grouping, aggs, child)) if !s.resolved && a.resolved =>
        val unresolved = ordering.flatMap(_.collect { case UnresolvedAttribute(name) => name })
        // A small hack to create an object that will allow us to resolve any references that
        // refer to named expressions that are present in the grouping expressions.
        val groupingRelation = LocalRelation(
          grouping.collect { case ne: NamedExpression => ne.toAttribute }

        logDebug(s"Grouping expressions: $groupingRelation")
        val resolved = unresolved.flatMap(groupingRelation.resolve(_, resolver))
        val missingInAggs = resolved.filterNot(a.outputSet.contains)
        logDebug(s"Resolved: $resolved Missing in aggs: $missingInAggs")
        if (missingInAggs.nonEmpty) {
          // Add missing grouping exprs and then project them away after the sort.
              Aggregate(grouping, aggs ++ missingInAggs, child)))
        } else {
          s // Nothing we can do here. Return original plan.


   * When a SELECT clause has only a single expression and that expression is a
   * [[catalyst.expressions.Generator Generator]] we convert the
   * [[catalyst.plans.logical.Project Project]] to a [[catalyst.plans.logical.Generate Generate]].
  object ImplicitGenerate extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {
      case Project(Seq(Alias(g: Generator, _)), child) =>
        Generate(g, join = false, outer = false, None, child)


   * Expands any references to [[Star]] (*) in project operators.
  object StarExpansion extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {
      // Wait until children are resolved
      case p: LogicalPlan if !p.childrenResolved => p
      // If the projection list contains Stars, expand it.
      case p @ Project(projectList, child) if containsStar(projectList) =>
          projectList.flatMap {
            case s: Star => s.expand(child.output, resolver)
            case o => o :: Nil
      case t: ScriptTransformation if containsStar(t.input) =>
          input = t.input.flatMap {
            case s: Star => s.expand(t.child.output, resolver)
            case o => o :: Nil
      // If the aggregate function argument contains Stars, expand it.
      case a: Aggregate if containsStar(a.aggregateExpressions) =>
          aggregateExpressions = a.aggregateExpressions.flatMap {
            case s: Star => s.expand(a.child.output, resolver)
            case o => o :: Nil

     * Returns true if `exprs` contains a [[Star]].
    protected def containsStar(exprs: Seq[Expression]): Boolean =
      exprs.collect { case _: Star => true }.nonEmpty


   * Replaces [[UnresolvedFunction]]s with concrete [[catalyst.expressions.Expression Expressions]].
  object ResolveFunctions extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {
      case q: LogicalPlan =>
        q transformExpressions {
          case u @ UnresolvedFunction(name, children) if u.childrenResolved =>
            registry.lookupFunction(name, children)


   * Turns projections that contain aggregate expressions into aggregations.
  object GlobalAggregates extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {
      case Project(projectList, child) if containsAggregates(projectList) =>
        Aggregate(Nil, projectList, child)

    def containsAggregates(exprs: Seq[Expression]): Boolean = {
      exprs.foreach(_.foreach {
        case agg: AggregateExpression => return true
        case _ =>

这条规则会寻找Having子句中Unresolved Attributes,将这些Attributes下降到下面的Aggregates里面,最后在最上面添加Project。

   * This rule finds expressions in HAVING clause filters that depend on
   * unresolved attributes.  It pushes these expressions down to the underlying
   * aggregates and then projects them away above the filter.
  object UnresolvedHavingClauseAttributes extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transformUp {
      case filter @ Filter(havingCondition, aggregate @ Aggregate(_, originalAggExprs, _))
          if aggregate.resolved && containsAggregate(havingCondition) => {
        val evaluatedCondition = Alias(havingCondition,  "havingCondition")()
        val aggExprsWithHaving = evaluatedCondition +: originalAggExprs

            aggregate.copy(aggregateExpressions = aggExprsWithHaving)))

    protected def containsAggregate(condition: Expression): Boolean =
        .collect { case ae: AggregateExpression => ae }


   * Removes no-op Alias expressions from the plan.
  object TrimGroupingAliases extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {
      case Aggregate(groups, aggs, child) =>
        Aggregate( { case Alias(c, _) => c }), aggs, child)


   * Makes sure all attributes and logical plans have been resolved.
  object CheckResolution extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
      plan.transform {
        case p if p.expressions.exists(!_.resolved) =>
          throw new TreeNodeException(p,
            s"Unresolved attributes: ${p.expressions.filterNot(_.resolved).mkString(",")}")
        case p if !p.resolved && p.childrenResolved =>
          throw new TreeNodeException(p, "Unresolved plan found")
      } match {
        // As a backstop, use the root node to check that the entire plan tree is resolved.
        case p if !p.resolved =>
          throw new TreeNodeException(p, "Unresolved plan in tree")
        case p => p

在上述主要的优化规则都运行完后,CheckAggregation也会运行一次,用于检查是否存在non-aggregated attributes,如果不是就抛异常。

   * Checks for non-aggregated attributes with aggregation
  object CheckAggregation extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
      plan.transform {
        case aggregatePlan @ Aggregate(groupingExprs, aggregateExprs, child) =>
          def isValidAggregateExpression(expr: Expression): Boolean = expr match {
            case _: AggregateExpression => true
            case e: Attribute => groupingExprs.contains(e)
            case e if groupingExprs.contains(e) => true
            case e if e.references.isEmpty => true
            case e => e.children.forall(isValidAggregateExpression)

          aggregateExprs.find { e =>
            !isValidAggregateExpression(e.transform {
              // Should trim aliases around `GetField`s. These aliases are introduced while
              // resolving struct field accesses, because `GetField` is not a `NamedExpression`.
              // (Should we just turn `GetField` into a `NamedExpression`?)
              case Alias(g: GetField, _) => g
          }.foreach { e =>
            throw new TreeNodeException(plan, s"Expression not in GROUP BY: $e")



 * Removes [[catalyst.plans.logical.Subquery Subquery]] operators from the plan.  Subqueries are
 * only required to provide scoping information for attributes and can be removed once analysis is
 * complete.
object EliminateAnalysisOperators extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {
    case Subquery(_, child) => child