- (Not So) Smart Contracts
- A hitchhikers guide to solana program security
- Academic Smart Contract Papers
- All about Smart Contract & DApp Auditing Video
- All known smart contract-side and user-side attacks and vulnerabilities in Web3.0, DeFi, NFT and Metaverse + Bonus
- Architectural Design for Secure Smart Contract Development
- Awesome Ethereum Security
- Awesome On-Chain Investigations HandBook
- Awesome Tezos Security
- awesome-cryptoeconomics
- Beginners Guide to Smart Contract Auditing
- blockchain auditing
- Blockchain Security
- BlockSec Academy
- Bug Patterns in Solidity and Smart Contract Auditing Video
- Building Secure Smart Contracts
- Coinbase Solidity Style Guide
- Composable Security security guide
- CryptoVulhub
- DeFi Security Lecture
- Defi Vulnerabilities
- Demystifying Exploitable Bugs in Smart Contracts
- ethereum-security
- Hitchhiker's Guide to Security Thread
- HolyTips
- Immunefi Proof of Concepts Repository
- Immunefi-bug-bounty-writeups-list
- Learn EVM Attacks
- Most Common Smart Contract Attacks
- opensensepw Videos
- OriginProtocol security
- OWASP Smart Contract Security
- Path Quest - The Attacker Mindset
- SC Exploits Minimized
- SCSVS v2
- SCV-List
- Sealevel Attacks
- Secure Smart Contract Design Principles
- SecureumFindings
- Security Audit | What Are the Common Characteristics of Recent Web3 Attacks, and How Can Projects Avoid These Issues?
- Security Review Readiness Guide
- Smart Contract Attack Vectors
- Smart Contract Security Best Practices
- Smart Contract Security
- Smart Contract Vulnerabilities
- Solana Auditing and Security Resources
- Solidity DevSecOps Standard
- Solidity Notes
- Solidity Patterns
- Solidity Security: Comprehensive list of known attack vectors and common anti-patterns
- solidity-security-by-example
- Spearbit Armory
- SWC Registry
- The 4 External Call Attacks Video
- The Compendium
- The Encyclopedia of Smart Contract Attacks and Vulnerabilities
- The Secure Smart Contract Development Roadmap
- The Top 10 Most Common Vulnerabilities In Web3
- Tincho’s audit process
- Top 10 blockchain hacking techniques of 2023
- TOP 10 real-life exploits Thread
- Top Ten “Awesome” Security Incidents in 2023
- ultimate defi research base
- Ultimate List of Common DeFi Component Types
- Understanding Smart Contract Vulnerabilities
- Vulnerabilities every beginner Smart Contract Security Researcher should find
- Web 3 audit dump
- Web3 Audits, Bug-Bounties, CTFs: Introduction
- Web3 Resources
- web3 Security DAO
- Web3 Security Library
- wiki.r.security