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compound-railway-changelog(3) -- RailwayJS History

0.2.13 Sun, 25 Mar 2012

  • Added db-tools and seedjs
  • Removing validations before loading models
  • Models not running in sandbox, just a regular require, publish method deprecated, use module.exports instead
  • Removed import and export methods from controller scope
  • IMPORTANT jugglingdb dependency removed from railway, add it to your project when it's necessary
  • Added filter names uniquenes checking, issue #136
  • Added support for coffeescript format for locales, thanks to David Butler
  • Add support for file uploads to form helper, via David Butler
  • New helper csrf_tag to create the hidden input tag, thanks to fsateler
  • Changes to routing (fixed behavior of as option), now it affects helper names too, via fsateler


Monitoring API

Allow to collect information about response handling, db queries, etc.. Now we can build our own newrelic, with blackjack and hookers!

Bootstrap 2.0

Updated generators, helpers and ejs-ext module. Many thanks to Garret Johnson

Various fixes:

  • allowing nested namespaces within routes, thanks Ross Grayton
  • spec helper adjustments (for new node verion)
  • express 3.0 server startup, thanks @keichii

0.2.8 Sun, 29 Jan 2012

Helpers extenstion API

Extend helpers API prototype object:

railway.helpers.HelperSet.prototype.myCoolHelper = function () {
    return '<p>Application-wide helper</p>'; // use this in your plugins

to get <%- myCoolHelper %> availabe in every view

Stylus support

Generate your application with --stylus option to work with stylus out-of-box:

  • store your assets in /app/assets/styles/*.styl
  • access styles at GET /styles/*.css

0.2.7 Fri, 20 Jan 2012

  • complex names in forms (see details below)
  • view option to disable layout app.set 'view options', layout : false
  • display env info in index.html
  • tests/fixes rolling on travis-ci now

Complex names in forms

Important change! Now resourceful form helpers generates input names within csope:

form_for(post, function (f)

Will generate <input name="Post[title]" /> instead of <input name="title" /> For all existing code this behavior is not turned on to not break anything, but for newly generated apps it turned on in config/environment file

app.set 'view options', complexNames: true

CRUD generator also rewritten to match new structure

0.2.6 Fri, 13 Jan 2012

Major amends:

  • routing moved to separate project
  • default database engine is memory
  • node 0.4 compatible

Minor improvements:

  • scaffold/show populated with properties
  • cleanup init generator
  • remove unnecesary dependencies
  • cleanup css [by Eric Chan]
  • improve locale.yaml loading [by VladimirTechMan]


  • incorrect behavior for coffee-script when running rw s
  • body entries in server log for GET requests
  • jade-ext, ejs-ext dependencies with bundled ejs and jade (bad monkey-patching)
  • relative paths in require inside models and controllers

0.2.0 For node 0.6.0, jugglingdb 0.0.6

A lot of changes in core, fully rewritten controllers flow, node 0.6.0 compatible

Migration notes:

  • Model.allInstances deprecated, use Model.all
  • No more class definition in model files, do it in db/schema.js
  • If you want to define non-persistence class in model file, publish it using publish method, not export (not allowed in node 0.6.0).
  • Mongoose driver not available out of box for direct using (only within jugglingdb logic layer)
  • db/schema not reloaded every time in dev mode, you should reload server after changing db/schema [issue #63]

New features:

  • logging actions, app.enable('log actions') to turn on
  • logging jugglingdb queries
  • generic routes: app.get(':controller/:action');
  • incredibly fast controllers (2.5x faster) (controllers pool)
  • sexy bootstrap scaffolding

0.1.9 Experimental release

  • removed mongoose and datamapper, switched to jugglingdb
  • cleaning up all generators stuff, related to different ORMs

  • RIAK datamapper beta, thanks Taliesin Sisson (
  • routes tuning (map.all, map.root, path alias, helpers alias)
  • controller changes: params, body, session objects published in controller context
  • skipBeforeFilter, skipAfterFilter support
  • controllerName and actionName available in all views
  • some bugfixes
  • minor changes


Test generators

ensure mongo and redis servers are running, then run

nodeunit test/


npm test

Testing API for controllers

Check out autogenerated tests for controllers, additional nodeunit stubs can be used:

test.redirect '/path'
test.render 'viewName'
test.send 'what'
test.success() # check status 200
test.assign 'memberName'

More stubs coming soon

Localize form labels automagically

Now form labels can be localized automatically, just use it as previously:

<% form_for(user, {}, function (form) { %>
    <%- form.label('name') %>
<% }); %>

And add translation to locales/en.yml:

        name: User name
        email: Email address

Jade templating engine (and any others)

Application can be generated with --tpl key, for now possibly values are

  • jade
  • ejs (default)

This list can be extended. Check out packages npm ejs-ext and jade-ext if you need to learn how to do it. It easy: just add another lang-ext package and install it before running railway g app --tpl lang


  • Merge javascripts and stylesheets
  • NPM 1.0.6 support (requires sudo npm link after railway init)
  • Filter parameter logging
  • CSRF protection (turned on by default)
  • Faster server startup (two-stage loading)

Small improvements:

  • By default static cache max age is one day
  • Merge js and css option turned on in production
  • Railway helpers now instantiated per request (localization support can be hooked up now)
  • Heroku-friendly app generation for mongo


  • Extension API
  • Logger support (app.set('quiet', true) now forces logger to log in log/ENV.log
  • Railway common API (almost all existing modules)
  • Observers support

Observer is a kind of controller, that listen for some event in the system, for example: paypal, twitter or facebook observers listens for callback from foreign service. Email observer may listen some events related to emails.

If you need app.on('someEvent') you should place this code in APPROOT/app/observers/NAME_observer.js


HTTPS Support

Just place your key and cert into config directory, railway will use it. Default names for keys are tsl.key and tsl.cert, but you can store in in another place, in that case just pass filenames to createServer function: server.js

require('railway').createServer({key: '/tmp/key.pem', cert: '/tmp/cert.pem'});


  • npmfile
  • Extenstions
  • Support (partially) security tokens generation


  • Localization in config/locales/*.yml
  • Coffeescript support for models, controllers and initializers
  • Disable caching settings: app.disable('model cache'); and app.disable('eval cache');


Scaffold generator railway generate scaffold ModelName field1:type1 field2:type2 It generates model, crud controller and appropriated views


Now you can run railway init blog and railway will create directory structure within blog root folder

By default will created file config/database.json that will force you to use mongoose driver, feel free to modify it and use redis or mysql (both supported)

Also, running express -t ejs no longer required


Mongoose driver support

Describe your schema in db/schema.js, it's just commonjs module which should export models. For describing logic please use app/models/*.js files. Every model described in schema accessible as global object in all models and controllers.


Added features generator for cucumis. Run railway generate features, then you will be able to create features using Gherkin language, parsed by kyuri.


  • CRUD generator
  • improved form_for helper
  • binary file bugfixes
  • layouts moved to app/views/layouts


  • Rewritten controllers
  • Rewritten models
  • ORM for mysql, redis, works like datamapper (e.g. one entity -- one object)