Security Assertion Markup Language) is widely used for authentication.
It uses XML schema and is prone to multiple security vulnerabilities.
Some of the common security issues are
Index | Technique |
1 | Signature Wrapping (XSW) Attacks |
2 | XML Attacks |
3 | SAML Message Integrity Abuse |
4 | Missing / Invalid Signature |
5 | SAML Message Replay |
6 | CSRF |
7 | XML Comment Handling |
8 | XSLT |
9 | Token Recipient Confusion |
10 | Labs & Resources |
11 | Report |
XSW Attacks happen when the XML Digital Signature (XML DSig) is not validated which is used to establish a trust b/w IDPs & Service Providers.
This attack can lead to situations like Privilege Escalation, Authentication Abuse & Denial of Service as well.
Burp Extention:
SAML Raider
There are multiple variants of XSW attacks from XSW1 to XSW8 (Way of exploitation varies a bit). You can read more about them here in little details
Due to the improper input validation and DTD processing
The SAML implementation might be Vulnerable to XXE and XML DoS Attacks like Billian Laugh Attack.
Using the SAML Message from other users or forged SAML message to bypass the restriction or may lead to bypass the authentication
Missing or Invalid Signature may allow an attacker to forge a signature and abuse the implementation
Assertion ID should be unique and one ID should be accepted only once.
Due to improper validation it is possible to carry out CSRF in SAML Implementation
A threat actor who already has authenticated access into an SSO system can authenticate as another user without that individual’s SSO password
XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Transformation Language) Attack can also be leverage against SAML Implementation
Attacker Token is used to login to Victim Account.