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Easy-install on Ubuntu 18+


Dependencies installation

There is no requirement to install jiminy_py on linux if one does not want to build it.

Install Jiminy Python package

The project is available on PyPi and therefore can be install easily using pip>=20.3.

python3 -m pip install --prefer-binary jiminy-py[meshcat,plot]

Gym Jiminy

Dependencies installation

Pytorch>=1.13 with GPU support dependencies

Nowadays, it is straightforward to install CUDA. You are responsible for doing so since it depends on the OS.

Once done, Pytorch can be installed following the official "getting started" instructions:

(optional) stable_baselines3

Installing the Python packages stable_baselines3==0.9 is required to run some of the provided examples, though it is not required to use gym_jiminy.

python3 -m pip install stable-baselines3[extra]==0.9

(optional) tianshou

Installing the Python packages tianshou==0.3.0 is required to run some of the provided examples, though it is not required to use gym_jiminy.

python3 -m pip install tianshou==0.3.0

Install Gym Jiminy learning Python package

python -m pip install --prefer-binary gym-jiminy[all]

Building from source

Excluding dependencies on Ubuntu 18+

First, one must install the pre-compiled libraries of the dependencies. Most of them are available on robotpkg APT repository. Just run the bash script to install them automatically for Ubuntu 18 and upward. It should be straightforward to adapt it to any other distribution for which robotpkg is available.

sudo env "PATH=$PATH" ./build_tools/

You are now ready to build and install Jiminy itself.

RootDir=".... The location of jiminy repository ...."


mkdir "$RootDir/build" "$InstallDir"
cd "$RootDir/build"
cmake "$RootDir" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$InstallDir" \
make install -j2

Including dependencies on Linux-based OS


sudo apt install -y gnupg curl wget build-essential cmake doxygen graphviz
python -m pip install "numpy>=1.16,<1.22"

Jiminy dependencies build and install

Just run the bash script already available.

BUILD_TYPE="Release" ./build_tools/

Build Procedure

RootDir=".... The location of jiminy repository ...."
PythonVer=".... Your version X.Y of Python, for instance 3.8 ...."


unset Boost_ROOT

mkdir "$RootDir/build"
cd "$RootDir/build"
cmake "$RootDir" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$InstallDir" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$InstallDir" \
      -DBOOST_ROOT="$InstallDir" -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR="$InstallDir/include" \
make install -j2

mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/lib/python${PythonVer}/site-packages"
echo "$InstallDir/lib/python${PythonVer}/site-packages" \
> "$HOME/.local/lib/python${PythonVer}/site-packages/user_site.pth"

Including dependencies on Windows 10+


You have to preinstall by yourself the (free) MSVC 2019 toolchain.

Then, install numpy and wheel.

python -m pip install wheel "numpy>=1.16,<1.22"

Jiminy dependencies build and install

Now you can simply run the powershell script already available.

$env:BUILD_TYPE = "Release"
& './build_tools/build_install_deps_windows.ps1'

Build Procedure

You are finally ready to build Jiminy itself.

$RootDir = ".... The location of jiminy repository ...."

$env:BUILD_TYPE = "Release"
$RootDir = $RootDir -replace '\\', '/'
$InstallDir = "$RootDir/install"

if (Test-Path env:Boost_ROOT) {
  Remove-Item env:Boost_ROOT

if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Container $RootDir/build)) {
  New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Force -Path "$RootDir/build"
Set-Location -Path $RootDir/build
cmake "$RootDir" -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -T "v142" -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64 `
      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$InstallDir" -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH="$InstallDir" `
      -DBOOST_ROOT="$InstallDir" -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR="$InstallDir/include" `
cmake --build . --target all --config "${env:BUILD_TYPE}" --parallel 8

if (-not (Test-Path -PathType Container "$RootDir/build/PyPi/jiminy_py/src/jiminy_py/core")) {
  New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Force -Path "$RootDir/build/PyPi/jiminy_py/src/jiminy_py/core"
Copy-Item -Path "$InstallDir/lib/boost_numpy*.dll" `
          -Destination "$RootDir/build/PyPi/jiminy_py/src/jiminy_py/core"
Copy-Item -Path "$InstallDir/lib/boost_python*.dll" `
          -Destination "$RootDir/build/PyPi/jiminy_py/src/jiminy_py/core"
Copy-Item -Path "$InstallDir/lib/site-packages/*" `
          -Destination "$RootDir/build/PyPi/jiminy_py/src/jiminy_py" -Recurse

cmake --build . --target install --config "${env:BUILD_TYPE}"