modV is a modular audio visualisation environment built upon web technologies.
Find the latest modV binaries available for download in the releases section.
yarn electron:serve
yarn electron:build
If you want to remove a package with yarn remove
, make sure to run yarn
afterwards as we are using patch-package
without postinstall-postinstall
because of #554.
CMD or PowerShell is required as native binaries need to be compiled or fetched for Windows. WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) or WSL2 are not supported as they will try to compile those binaries for Ubuntu.
Visual Studio Tools and Python are required by node-gyp, which build native node modules. Since Node.js 16, the official Windows installer can install them.
If you're using nvm-windows or another headless Node.js install, you can easily install the required packages with Chocolatey:
choco install python visualstudio2022-workload-vctools
Please see issue 122 (vcync/modv-3/issues/122#issuecomment-640100114) on how to resolve this.
libndi is required for NDI sources and must be installed for modV to build. You can find that available to download here: Palakis/obs-ndi/releases
Last successful build was with libndi4_4.5.1-1_amd64.deb
Untested. NDI is provided by grandiose, our fork is here: vcync/grandiose This fork of grandiose has other libndi supported platforms, however even on Ubuntu we needed the above libndi package to be installed.
Let us know how you get on (good or bad) and we'll update the repo and docs accordingly.
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
Thank you to:
- Tim Pietrusky for his continued support, help, mentorship and kindness
- Live:JS for inspiration, motivation and advice
- Hugh Rawlinson, Nevo Segal and Jakub Fiala for the incredible audio analysis engine, meyda
- Dario Villanueva for his advice and introduction to live visuals which inspired this whole project