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Steven Qiu edited this page Apr 29, 2022 · 1 revision

Usage - 用法 Specifically search for mayatorizomuv in YouTube - 具体在B站搜索mayatorizomuv First use - 第一次使用

重开Maya后找到在Windows-Setting/Perferences中的Plug-in Manager,搜索MayaToRizomuv.py插件点击Loaded进行使用 找到窗口上方布局的工具按钮并点击

After reopening Maya, find the Plug-in Manager in Windows-Settings/Perferences, search for the plugin and click Loaded to use it Find the tool button in the layout above the window and click

自动查找Rizomuv路径,可不设置路径 可以直接点击Send Link 如果想快速的话可以直接点Push或者自动化功能,会弹出是否启动程序,选是即可 点击后启动程序即可分UV 在需要传回maya时点击Pull即可(或者在Rizomuv中使用Ctrl+S保存) 手动设置Rizomuv路径 点击Edit-Preferences 点击...打开RizomUV.exe启动文件选择 设置完毕后点击Ok

Atomatically finds the Rizomuv path, you can not set the path You can click Send Link directly If you want to be quick, you can directly click the Push or automation function, and it will pop up whether to start the program, select yes Click and start the program to divide UV Click Pull when you need to send back to maya(Or use Ctrl + s to save in rizomuv) Set Rizomuv path Click 击Edit-Preferences Click ... to open RizomUV.exe startup file selection Click Ok after setting

Send Link / Stop Linking - 发送连接请求 / 中断链接 * 发送连接请求开启Maya和Rizomuv的连接,可以在软件中修改UV,中断链接则会关闭Rizomuv * Send a connection request to open the connection between Maya and rizomuv, you can modify the UVs in the software, and breaking the link will close rizomuv

Push - 上传UV 快捷键: Ctrl + Alt + 1 Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + 1 上传选择的模型至Rizomuv Upload the selected model to rizomuv

Pull - 下载UV 快捷键: Ctrl + Alt + 2 Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + 1 下载RizomUV的UV到场景模型 Download the UVs of rizomuv to the scene model

UVTool - UV自动化工具 AutoCut - 自动切线 自动切割模型UVShell,如果在选择模式的模式下则是在选择的Shell中切割 Automatically cut the model uvshell. If it is in the selected mode, it is cut in the selected shell

AutoUnfold - 自动展开 自动展开模型UVShell,如果在选择模式的模式下则是在选择的Shell中展开 Automatically unfold the model uvshell. If it is in the selected mode, it is unfold in the selected shell

AutoLayout - 自动布局 自动布局模型UVShell,如果在选择模式的模式下则是在选择的Shell中自动布局 Automatically layout the model uvshell. If it is in the selected mode, it is automatically layout in the selected shell

AutoOptimize - 自动优化 自动优化模型UVShell,如果在选择模式的模式下则是在选择的Shell中自动优化 Automatically optimize the model uvshell. If it is in the selected mode, it is automatically optimized in the selected shell

AutoAlign - 自动排列 自动排列模型UVShell,如果在选择模式的模式下则是在选择的Shell中自动排列 Automatically align the model uvshell. If it is in the selected mode, it is automatically aligned in the selected shell

AutoStack - 自动堆叠 自动堆叠模型UVShell,如果在选择模式的模式下则是在选择的Shell中自动堆叠 Automatically stack the model uvshell. If it is in the selected mode, it is automatically stacked in the selected shell

AutoStaighten - 自动打直 自动打直模型UVShell,如果在选择模式的模式下则是在选择的Shell中自动打直 Automatically staighten the model uvshell. If it is in the selected mode, it is automatically staighten in the selected shell

AutoLightmap - 自动生成光照UV 自动生成模型光照UV,如果在选择模式的模式下则是在选择的Shell自动生成光照UV Automatically generate model lighting UVs. If in the mode of selection mode, the lighting UVs are automatically generated in the selected shell

FullAuto - 全自动化 快捷键: Ctrl + Alt + 3 Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + 1 全自动化处理模型UVShell,如果在选择模式的模式下则是在选择的Shell中全自动化处理 The fully automated processing model uvshell is fully automated in the selected shell if it is in the selected mode

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