diff --git a/docs/sources/knowledge.rst b/docs/sources/knowledge.rst
index 5eda3c6..85b2c4a 100644
--- a/docs/sources/knowledge.rst
+++ b/docs/sources/knowledge.rst
@@ -8,13 +8,213 @@ Blogs
-`Aaron Ames's publications `_
+This section lists some of the research publications produced by the 3Laws team:
+* `3D dynamic walking on stepping stones with control barrier functions `_
+* `A Barrier-Based Scenario Approach to Verify Safety-Critical Systems `_
+* `A Control Barrier Perspective on Episodic Learning via Projection-to-State Safety `_
+* `A scalable controlled set invariance framework with practical safety guarantees `_
+* `A Scalable Safety Critical Control Framework for Nonlinear Systems `_
+* `Adaptive Safety Using Control Barrier Functions and Hybrid Adaptation `_
+* `Adaptive safety with control barrier functions `_
+* `An online approach to active set invariance `_
+* `Backup Control Barrier Functions: Formulation and Comparative Study `_
+* `Barrier functions for multiagent-pomdps with dtl specifications `_
+* `Barrier functions: Bridging the gap between planning from specifications and safety-critical control `_
+* `Certifying Safety for Nonlinear Time Delay Systems via Safety Functionals: A Discretization Based Approach `_
+* `Characterizing Safety: Minimal Control Barrier Functions From Scalar Comparison Systems `_
+* `Comparative Analysis of Control Barrier Functions and Artificial Potential Fields for Obstacle Avoidance `_
+* `Control barrier certificates for safe swarm behavior `_
+* `Control barrier function based quadratic programs for safety critical systems `_
+* `Control barrier function based quadratic programs with application to adaptive cruise control `_
+* `Control barrier function based quadratic programs with application to bipedal robotic walking `_
+* `Control barrier functions for sampled-data systems with input delays `_
+* `Control barrier functions: Theory and applications `_
+* `Data-Driven Safety-Critical Control: Synthesizing Control Barrier Functions with Koopman Operators `_
+* `Density Functions for Guaranteed Safety on Robotic Systems `_
+* `Distributed Collision-Free Motion Coordination on a Sphere: A Conic Control Barrier Function Approach `_
+* `Episodic Learning for Safe Bipedal Locomotion with Control Barrier Functions and Projection-to-State Safety `_
+* `Formal test synthesis for safety-critical autonomous systems based on control barrier functions `_
+* `Guaranteed obstacle avoidance for multi-robot operations with limited actuation: a control barrier function approach `_
+* `Guaranteeing Safety of Learned Perception Modules via Measurement-Robust Control Barrier Functions `_
+* `Input-to-State Safety with Control Barrier Functions `_
+* `Integral Control Barrier Functions for Dynamically Defined Control Laws `_
+* `Learning for safety-critical control with control barrier functions `_
+* `Learning Performance Bounds for Safety-Critical Systems `_
+* `Measurement-robust control barrier functions: Certainty in safety with uncertainty in state `_
+* `Model-free safety-critical control for robotic systems `_
+* `Multi-layered safety for legged robots via control barrier functions and model predictive control `_
+* `Multi-Rate Control Design Leveraging Control Barrier Functions and Model Predictive Control Policies `_
+* `Multi-rate control design under input constraints via fixed-time barrier functions `_
+* `Neural Gaits: Learning Bipedal Locomotion via Control Barrier Functions and Zero Dynamics Policies `_
+* `Onboard safety guarantees for racing drones: High-speed geofencing with control barrier functions `_
+* `Online Active Safety for Robotic Manipulators. `_
+* `Online safety calculations for glide-slope recapture `_
+* `Reactive motion planning with probabilistics safety guarantees `_
+* `Realizable Set Invariance Conditions for Cyber-Physical Systems `_
+* `Risk-Averse Control via CVaR Barrier Functions: Application to Bipedal Robot Locomotion `_
+* `Risk-Sensitive Path Planning via CVaR Barrier Functions: Application to Bipedal Locomotion `_
+* `Robustness of Control Barrier Functions for Safety Critical Control `_
+* `Safe Backstepping with Control Barrier Functions `_
+* `Safe Control for Nonlinear Systems with Stochastic Uncertainty via Risk Control Barrier Functions `_
+* `Safe Controller Synthesis with Tunable Input-to-State Safe Control Barrier Functions `_
+* `Safe multi-agent interaction through robust control barrier functions with learned uncertainties `_
+* `Safe Policy Synthesis in Multi-Agent POMDPs via Discrete-Time Barrier Functions `_
+* `Safety Barrier certificates for collisions-free multirobot systems `_
+* `Safety barrier certificates for heterogeneous multi-robot systems `_
+* `Safety Functionals for Time Delay Systems `_
+* `Safety of Sampled-Data Systems with Control Barrier Functions via Approximate Discrete Time Models `_
+* `Safety-Aware Preference-Based Learning for Safety-Critical Control `_
+* `Safety-critical control synthesis for network systems with control barrier functions and assume-guarantee contracts `_
+* `Safety-Critical Event Triggered Control via Input-to-State Safe Barrier Functions `_
+* `Safety-Critical Kinematic Control of Robotic Systems `_
+* `Safety-Critical Manipulation for Collision-Free Food Preparation `_
+* `Safety-Critical Rapid Aerial Exploration of Unknown Environments `_
+* `Self-Supervised Online Learning for Safety-Critical Control using Stereo Vision `_
+* `SLIP Walking over Rough Terrain via H-LIP Stepping and Backstepping-Barrier Function Inspired Quadratic Program `_
+* `Stability and Safety through Event-Triggered Intermittent Control with Application to Spacecraft Orbit Stabilization `_
+* `Towards a framework for realizable safety critical control through active set invariance `_
-This section contains videos to conference talks on the subject of control barrier function and runtime assurance.
+This section contains a curated selection of videos to meetings, workshops and conference talks on the topics of **Control Barrier Functions** and **Run-time Assurance**.
+Control Barrier Functions
+Aaron Ames - Safety-Critical Control of Autonomous Systems
+.. youtube:: ZC3T_P_8xpE
+Aaron Ames - Control Barrier Functions for Safe Robot Autonomy
+.. youtube:: EU3fciGisDc
+Aaron Ames - Safety-Critical Control of Dynamic Robots
+.. youtube:: ek_cFzxyhE0
+Aaron Ames - Guaranteeing Safety of Learned Perception Modules via Measurement-Robust Control Barrier Functions
+.. youtube:: x7L6Sz2lxOA
+Federico Califano - Introduction to Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) and energy-based CBFs
+.. youtube:: 3HXIo_HaPRc
-* Jason Choi -- Introduction to Control Lyapunov Functions and Control Barrier Functions
+Georgios Fainekos - Control barrier functions & neural networks for handling risk and uncertainty in autonomous systems
+.. youtube:: 3spkt3TfG-E
+Jason Choi - Introduction to Control Lyapunov Functions and Control Barrier Functions
.. youtube:: _Tkn_Hzo4AA
+Jason Choi - Robust Control Barrier-Value Functions for Safety-Critical Control
+.. youtube:: LjD5AvuagPc
+Jason Choi - Safety Filters for Uncertain Dynamical Systems: Control Theory & Data-driven Approaches
+.. youtube:: gsGKmXceWmc
+Lars Lindermann - Learning Hybrid Control Barrier Functions from Data
+.. youtube:: yQXbwrEKUOo
+Ruben Grandia - Multi-Layered Safety for Legged Robots via Control Barrier Functions & MPC (ICRA 2021 Presentation)
+.. youtube:: xZqapQU2k84
+Sander Tonkens - Refining CBFs through Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability (IROS 2022 Presentation)
+.. youtube:: GxsCNOLlWmU
+Sylvia Herbert - Connections between HJ Reachability Analysis and CBF
+.. youtube:: -PzULKLB0D4
+Sze Zheng Yong - Robust Control Barrier Functions with Set-Membership Estimation and Learning
+.. youtube:: APbkT7grmr8
+Wenceslao Shaw Cortez - Differentiable Predictive Control with Safety Guarantees: A Control Barrier Function Approach
+.. youtube:: NQsfDHSMC6Y
+Wenceslao Shaw Cortez - Correct-by-Design Control Barrier Functions for Euler-Lagrange Systems with Input Constraints
+.. youtube:: X7vXZtovGGY
+Yuxiao Chen - Towards safe multiagent autonomy
+.. youtube:: 4t_a-ZBSOgQ
+Run-Time Assurance
+Dio De Niz - Certifiable Distributed Runtime Assurance (CDRA)
+.. youtube:: lOxv44jZykk
+Hesham Shageer - Run-time assurance via real-time generation of trajectory and transverse dynamics regulation law
+.. youtube:: By__K97YZLw
+Kerianne Hobbs - Autonomy on a Leash
+.. youtube:: pHTDpusoPSc
+Mark Skoog - Leveraging Multi-Monitor Run-Time Assurance
+.. youtube:: oO_gfXtscXM
+Matthew Abate - Verification and Runtime Assurance for Dynamical Systems with Uncertainty
+.. youtube:: x8QOXGpvUs4