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Jira scripts

Dashboard tweaks

Project list styles

Script: jira-dashboard-styles-projects.user.js

Improves the styling of the Project List gadget.

Reduce size of Sprint Health Gadget on the Dashboard

Script: jira-dashboard-styles-sprint-health.user.js

This script injects styles that reduce the font size of the Sprint Health Gadget within the Dashboard.

Navigation tweaks

Add "Dashboard" link in Global Nav

Script: jira-global-nav-dashboard.user.js

This adds a Dashboard icon to the Global Navigation sidebar, allowing you to one-click to your dashboard if you have set your default page to the Your Work page.


Make urls in the "Forum Threads" field clickable links

Script: jira-convert-threads-to-links.js

This checks for the "Forum Threads" field and scrapes it for urls, wrapping them in anchor tags so they become clickable links.


Add "Your Work" link in Global Nav

Script: jira-global-nav-your-work.user.js

This adds a Your Work icon to the Global Navigation sidebar, allowing you to one-click to the Your Work page if you have set your default page to the Dashboard page.

Screencast: Basically...the same as the jira-global-nav-dashboard.user.js, only the inverse.

Ticket tweaks

Remove Harvest from ticket page

Script: jira-remove-harvest.user.js

Removes the Harvest section in the sidebar of Jira.

Uncheck email checkbox when bulk editing

Script: jira-bulk-edit-uncheck-email.user.js

When bulk editing tickets, automatically uncheck the Send mail for this update checkbox.

Tempo tweaks

Hide private events in My Work / Tempo

Script: jira-mywork-hide-events.user.js

If you are using the Google Calendar integration in Tempo you can hide events on the My Work page by defining keywords or strings. When the script finds a keyword in the event title the event will be hidden on the My Work page. Predefined keywords:

  • Hide
  • Busy
  • Private
  • Night

You can also adjust or define your own keywords in the script.