A group project of testing different algorithms of finding path in a generated maze.
Project is built using Intellij IDEA 2020
- data folder contains excel files with the test results of the algorithms.
- slides folder contains presentation slides(in Latvian).
- images folder contains images for slides and README.
- maze_solver/src/dip107 folder contains source files:
- Labyrinth.java - a class which holds the maze structure. This class allows to generate mazes with Prim's or RDFS algorithm. It also allows to use different pathfinding algorithms - DFS, BFS, A* - on a generated or manually created maze.
- Main.java - a start of the program. Inputs the maze and pathfinding parameters.
- MazeTestFramework.java - a class used for testing the performance of maze generation algorithms. Outputs results into console with specific formatting for an Excel document.
- PathfindingTestFramework.java - a class used for testing the performance of pathfinding generation algorithms. Outputs results into console with specific formatting for an Excel document.
- Pair.java - a class which holds a pair of coordinates of the maze.
- Tuple.java - a class used for storing a pair and f value for A* algorithm.
- TupleComparator.java - a class which implements Comparator and sorts f values in descending order for the PriorityQueue in A* algorithm.
Argument | Description |
-tprim | It tests Prim's algorithm 5 times for different maze sizes and fixes the execution time. Outputs a result as a table for Excel document. |
-trdfs | It tests RDFS algorithm 5 times for different maze sizes and fixes the execution time. Outputs a result as a table for Excel document. |
-tdfs | It tests DFS algorithm 5 times for different maze sizes in RDFS generated mazes and then 5 times in Prim's mazes. It fixes the execution time and a found path length. Outputs a result as a table for Excel document. |
-tbfs | It tests BFS algorithm 5 times for different maze sizes in RDFS generated mazes and then 5 times in Prim's mazes. It fixes the execution time and a found path length. Outputs a result as a table for Excel document. |
-tastar | It tests A* algorithm 5 times for different maze sizes in RDFS generated mazes and then 5 times in Prim's mazes. It fixes the execution time and a found path length. Outputs a result as a table for Excel document. |
-ft | It executes a full test, meaning, that all above tests will be executed. |
-pretty | Turns on maze printing into the console. Be careful with big mazes. See example of a printed maze below. |
Using a -pretty flag while starting a program, it is possible to see a generated maze and then find a path to the exit:
A maze generated by a Prim's algorithm(13 rows by 92 columns) and the found path(red stars) by A* algorithm.
Algorithms which were used.
Algorithm | Contributor | Description |
Prim's algorithm | Ri0ee | Maze generation algorithm |
RDFS | cyoq | Maze generation algorithm |
DFS | Ri0ee | Pathfinding algorithm |
BFS | Ri0ee | Pathfinding algorithm |
A* | cyoq | Pathfinding algorithm |