Ipfs API Lua module. Partialy implemented.
You need a running ipfs daemon. Currently, tested with the Go implementation of ipfs.
luarocks install luaipfs
Or compile it yourself. Libcurl (C library), luajson and luafilesystem modules are needed.
Create a new ipfs object:
local luaipfs = require("luaipfs")
local ipfs = luaipfs:new()
And use it to download a file from ifps:
local file = io.open("dot.gif", "w+")
Of course, you can do a lot more. Read the documentation.
See doc/lipfs.md for a list of available functions.
Or luarocks doc luaipfs
Some useful informations can be found on the ipfs website. The API reference is here: https://ipfs.io/docs/api/.
De la doc en français est également disponible à cette addresse: https://wifi.gauf.re/p2p/lua-ipfs-api (wip)