MobieXpert is the first L3 cellular attack detection xApp deployed at O-RAN compliant near-RT RIC. MobieXpert’s design is based on the Production-Based Expert System Toolset (P-BEST) language, which has been widely used for decades in stateful intrusion detection. With MobieXpert, network operators can program stateful production-based IDS rules for detecting a wide range of cellular L3 attacks.
MobieXpert is an essential part of 5G-Spector. To get started and learn more about 5G-Spector, please refer to our paper in NDSS'24 and the 5G-Spector git repository.
MobieXpert is dedicated for the OSC RIC. It is developed based on the OSC RIC's python SDK. MobieXpert obtains MobiFlow telemetry stream from the MobiFlow Auditor xApp via the Shared Data Layer (SDL) database.
We also have an old version at branch master
implemented for the ONOS RIC on SD-RAN. It was used as part of the 5G-Spector artifact but not recommended any more since the ONOS RIC xApp python SDK is no longer being maintained.
MobieXpert is built from source as a local Docker container. Refer to the official tutorial ( to install and set up the Docker environment.
Create a local docker registry to host docker images:
sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
Before deploying the xApp, make sure the OSC nRT-RIC is deployed by following this tutorial.
MobieXpert directly acquires security telemetry from the SDL generated from the MobiFlow Auditor xApp xApp. Following the instructions to prepare the environment and collect data from a 5G network.
MobieXpert’s programming capability is powered by the Production-Based Expert System Toolset (P-BEST) language. The IDS rule file is located at src/pbest/expert/rules.pbest. It has already integrated the L3 attack detection rules described in our original paper.
To get started with the P-BEST syntax, please refer to the P-BEST original paper: Detecting computer and network misuse through the production-based expert system toolset (P-BEST).
During compilation and building, the P-BEST rule file will be translated into C executables by the pbcc
compiler. The executable listens to the input from a local csv
file that is constantly updated with MobiFlow streams.
Below we provided an example of how BTS Resource Depletion Attack could be detected by programming a P-BEST rule set which has been already integrated into src/pbest/expert/rules.pbest from line 433-536. Our original paper also describes how this rule sets were developed.
The following P-BEST rule defined in rules.pbest
serves as an auxiliary rule for detecting BTS resource depletion attack:
[?|s.nas_state == 1] `NAS registering state
[-transient_ue_counter|bs_id == s.bs_id]
[-transient_ue|bs_id == s.bs_id, rnti == s.rnti]
[+transient_ue_counter|bs_id = s.bs_id, value = 1, ts = s.ts]
[+transient_ue|bs_id = s.bs_id, rnti = s.rnti, ts = s.ts]
[!|debugprintf("[BTS Resource Depletion][ADD_FIRST_TRANSIENT_UE_5G] Marking UE %d/%x as transient\n", s.rnti, s.rnti)]
[!|debugprintf("[BTS Resource Depletion][ADD_FIRST_TRANSIENT_UE_5G] Transient UE counter of bs %d is %d\n", s.bs_id, 1)]
This rule based on certain user-defined xtype
structures in the P-BEST file. It determines whether a UE is a transient UE
that explicits a layer-3 RRC DoS pattern.
From the rule, it leverages the MobiFlow features, i.e., the UE timers, and checks whether the session has been stuck at NAS registering state exceeding a time threshold BTS_DEPLETION_REG_INIT_TIME_THRESHOLD
Then this rule will be triggered to add a transient UE instance and update the counters. The accumulated counters will then be evaluated to determine whether to trigger a BTS resource depletion attack alert, based on the rule below:
[+tran_ue_cntr: transient_ue_counter^BTS_RESOURCE_DEPLETION]
[?|tran_ue_cntr.value > 'BTS_DEPLETION_UE_THRESHOLD]
[$|tran_ue_cntr: BTS_RESOURCE_DEPLETION]
[+event|id = 'event_id_cntr,
name = "BTS Resource Depletion",
ts = tran_ue_cntr.ts,
bs_id = tran_ue_cntr.bs_id,
ue = 0
[!|'event_id_cntr += 1 ]
[!|debugprintf("[BTS Resource Depletion][GENERATE_EVENT] Event detected for bs %d\n", tran_ue_cntr.bs_id)]
[!|eventprintfjson('event_id_cntr, "BTS Resource Depletion", tran_ue_cntr.bs_id, tran_ue_cntr.ts, tran_ue_cntr.value)]
Additionally, all the defined ptype
in P-BEST need to be cleaned up in time. The rule below uses a timer-based clean up strategy to release the transient UEs to avoid filing an false alarm:
[+tran_ue_cntr:transient_ue_counter|bs_id == tran_ue.bs_id]
[?|(ts_ev.value - tran_ue.ts) > 'BTS_DEPLETION_RELEASE_TIME_THRESHOLD]
[/tran_ue_cntr|value -= 1]
[!|debugprintf("[BTS Resource Depletion][RELEASE_TRANSIENT_UE] Removing transient UE %d/%x\n", tran_ue.rnti, tran_ue.rnti)]
After the new rules are integrated into src/pbest/expert/rules.pbest, you can use our Docker build script to build the MobiExpert xApp:
After a successful build, the xApp will be compiled as a standalone Docker container.
$ docker images
localhost:5000/mobiexpert-xapp 0.0.1 39cc298cbb97 11 minutes ago 232MB
If your rules.pbest
file contains syntax error, an exception will occur and fail the build process.
First, onboard the xApp. You need to set up the proper environment with the dms_cli
tool. Following the instructions here: Execute the following to onboard the xApp:
cd init
sudo -E dms_cli onboard --config_file_path=config-file.json --shcema_file_path=schema.json
Then, simply run the script to deploy the xApp under the ricxapp
K8S namespace in the nRT-RIC.
cd ..
Successful deployment:
$ kubectl get pods -n ricxapp
ricxapp ricxapp-mobiexpert-xapp-796846cc9b-sjwhn 1/1 Running 0 26m
Undeploy the MobieXpert xApp from Kubernetes:
title = {5G-Spector: An O-RAN Compliant Layer-3 Cellular Attack Detection Service},
author = {Wen, Haohuang and Porras, Phillip and Yegneswaran, Vinod and Gehani, Ashish and Lin, Zhiqiang},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'24)},
address = {San Diego, CA},
month = {February},
year = 2024