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Using Ruby with AWS Lambda & SAM

Ruby AWS SAM & Lambda

A demo project build by 757rb to explore the latest AWS SAM tool with Ruby & Lambda. High level goals.

  • Strap script conventions for bootstrap, setup, deploy, test, and more.
  • Solid directory setup to kickstart your next project.
  • Leverage Minitest & Capybara for unit & system tests.
  • Demonstrate AWS resource usage like DynamoDB.


Make sure to install the following prerequisites before proceeding.

Setup scripts follow the Strap convention. The bootstrap will install AWS SAM CLI via Homebrew and also sets the local Ruby version to 2.5.3 via rbenv & ruby-build.

Finally, running bootstrap will make a S3 bucket in your AWS account to host your SAM/CloudFormation template. The default name will be $(whoami) or you can override this by exporting the BUCKET_NAME environment variable.


From here you can run bin/server or bin/test as needed. Other Strap bin files include the following. Please examine these to see how the use AWS SAM for each task.

  • ./bin/server - Starts SAM local development. Uses sam local start-api.
  • ./bin/test - Runs all the tests.
  • ./bin/build - Prepares your Lambda for deploying in the .aws-sam directory. Uses sam build.
  • ./bin/update - Resets all vendored gems and re bundles.
  • ./bin/info - Shows the Function's CloudFormation Outputs. Uses aws cloudformation describe-stacks.


Brief presentation notes & how this project progressed.

A Brief Intro to SAM

  • Avoid using the older Serverless toolkit. Abstraction of CloudFormation and not needed when focusing on AWS Lambda.
  • The AWS SAM spec is a superset of CloudFormation. Use this reference when learning.
  • The AWS SAM CLI is a command line tool for manager AWS Lambda for both local development and deployment to production.

Some helpful links about AWS SAM CLI.

Created New Ruby App

Commands I used to create the project.

sam init --runtime ruby2.5 --name hello-757rb-lambda
cd hello-757rb-lambda
git init
git commit -a -m "Initial Project"

Then to use it.

rbenv local 2.5.3
bundle install
sam local start-api
open ""

And got this error.

"errorMessage": "cannot load such file -- httparty"

Oh... the project runs in Docker from that hello world directory. SUCCESS!

bundle install --path app/vendor/bundle
sam local start-api
open ""

First Cleanup

Removed .gitignore and replaced with this to avoid checking in vendored gems into source control. Also ignorning the .aws-sam directory which holds the build.


Also cleaned up both the template.yaml and app.rb file to show some debug info.

Bootstrapping & Deploy

  • Creating Strap conventions in ./bin directory.
  • bin/bootstrap and friends (AWS CLI, Rbenv, Bundler, S3 Bucket)

⚠️ Learned that if .aws-sam/build is present, then sam local will use that directory. This will make you go crazy trying to figure out why changes to your code do not show up when hitting refresh in the browser. Added a rm -rf to that directory in bin/server to help avoid this.

⚠️ The sam build also leaves a root vendor directory for some reason, likely due to a copy. Used bin/build to remove this too.

Better App/Test Directories & Files

There is a bit of a tug of war going on here when needing to use Bundler for both build packaging and local development. This simple command illustrates the core issue and how .bundle/config will change when running sam build.

$ sam build
$ cat .bundle/config
BUNDLE_PATH: "vendor/bundle"
BUNDLE_WITHOUT: "development:test"

Miscellaneous changes to support that issue and other work:

  • Added some top level goals of the project.
  • New test directory structure.
  • Add cleanup to bin/build script and re-setup local dev bundle.
  • Added --no-deployment to bin/setup so updates to Gemfile work well.
  • Leveraged Bundler in `test_helper
  • Move POROs to app/src and keep app.rb slim.
  • Created an example unit spec/test.

Native Extensions

The goal of these changes is to introduce basic gems with native C extensions into the development, test, and deploy process. The high level summary of changes to meet this objective include:

  • Added Nokogiri gem which builds against libxml.
  • Get some XML from a service (PLOS) via HTTP.
  • Leverage Nokogiri via ActiveSupport to parse PLOS results.
  • Made sure to use Bundler 1.17.3 in project. Details below.
  • Used sam build --use-container in build script.
  • Ensure Docker development local tests share platform native gems.
  • Copy Gemfile files to app directory when building. Git ignore these.

Other smaller changes include:

  • Add some debug HTML to the page to show PLO requests.
  • Added Guard for rapid test feedback.
  • Increase memory size to 256 megabytes.
  • Increase lambda timeout to 10 seconds.

About Bundler 2 and how we juggled the .aws-build directory to get both local tests and the development server to work together. First, errors when building can often return a very un-helpful message.

{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "error": {"code": 400, "message": "PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies - Could not satisfy the requirement: requests==2.20.0"}}

To over come this, we can use the following command to debug the errors in the build process. This is how I found that using Bundler v2 locally will cause errors for the build Docker container.

docker run -v $(pwd):/var/task \
  lambci/lambda:build-ruby2.5 \
  bash -c "bundle install --without development test --verbose"


Allow Lambda to own a DynamoDB instance and use it for storing results of API queries to PLOS. Details to support this change include:

  • Added Aws::Record gem to the project.
  • Change API Gateway to use /{resource+} to slurp all path params.
  • Pass the query query parameter down to the PlosSearch object.
  • New PlosSearchTable DynamoDB PORO with simple schema & migration class methods.
  • Made PlosSearch#search find or create DynamoDB records.
  • Lazily create DynamoDB tables in development & test envs.
  • Added an Policies section to the template.yml with full access to the new PlosSearchTable arn.

Some helpful DynamoDB resources when getting started with SAM & Ruby.

Other smaller changes include:

  • Added a STAGE parameter to CloudFormation template and "prod" to deploy script.
  • Created a simple Myenv PORO to check current ENV stuff.
  • Renamed some logical resource id names in template.yml.