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Assembly in Go

Why use Assembly in Go?


  • Speed up computationally intensive functions.
  • Access CPU specific instructions or capabilities that are not available otherwise.
  • Good way to learn and play around with assembly.
  • go vet works on assembly files.


  • Very hard to write bug-free, safe and stable code.
  • Binds your code to the CPU architectures you have written assembly for (unless a fallback function written in go is created. More on this later).
  • It may breake in the future if go shanges internaly.
  • Currently the functions written in assembly will not be inlined like small go functions.
  • It will not be covered by the go tool cover.
  • It will not work with go fmt.

How it works

There is no inlining of assembly code in a go file.

Special names for the assembly files (_386.s, _amd64.s, _arm.s).

Declare the assembly function in the go code.

The assembly function decleration

Special character for function declerations in the .s files

Middle dot: · (Unicode code point U+00B7)


TEXT ·Test(SB), 7, $0

Before using Assembly in Go

Have you tried...

  • Identifying what the program is spending most time on by profiling?
  • Algoritmic optimizations if it is applicable?
  • Minimise the generation of garbage? (conversions from string to byte slice and vice versa etc.)
  • Finding a good library that already solved this problem?

If nothing else works then you can consider rewriting in parts or as a whole the computationaly intence function in optimized assembly.

Before writing Assembly in Go

  • Write test cases for every possible variation of input (there are too many pitfalls to do anything else).

Alignment, Page boundaries, Overflows, Special cases etc.


[Instruction] [src], [dst]

Immediate values:

  • MOVQ $1234, AX //; moves 1234 in to AX
  • MOVQ $0x12EF, AX //; moves the hex value 0x12EF in to AX

Size of the operands:

  • MOVQ is a MOV of size Quad word (8 byte)
  • MOVL is a MOV of size Double word or Long word (4 byte)
  • MOVW is a MOV of size Word (2 byte)
  • MOVB is a MOV of size Byte (1 byte)


  • SP, AX, BX, CX, DX, BP, DI, SI, R8-R15
  • X0-X15 (XMM registers - 16 byte)
  • M0-M7 (MMX registers - 8 byte)

More Syntax


  • AX, (AX), (AX)(BX*4), 10(AX), and 10(AX)(BX*4)

The offsets from AX can be replaced by offsets from FP or SB to access names:

  • extern+5(SB)(AX*2)


MOVQ AX, BX //; Move the value of AX in to BX

MOVQ (AX), BX //; Move 8 bytes from where AX is pointing in to BX

MOVQ (AX)(BX*4), CX //; Move 8 bytes from where AX + 4*BX is pointing

MOVQ 10(AX)(BX*4), CX //; Move 8 bytes from where AX + 4*BX + 10 is pointing

MOVQ asdf+0(FP), AX //; Move the first 8 bytes located at the Frame pointer in to AX.

//; This is usualy the first argument, or part of the first argument to a function.

//; asdf in this case is just a lable for conviniance.

More Documentation and examples


Examples (all .s files for the architecture you are interested in):

Starting Point

Usually when optimising a function you already have the function written in go, if this is the case you can easely get a good starting point for your assembly by outputing the compiler generated assembly for the function.

go tool 6g -S gofile.go

Ok lets start with a basic example


package typehack

// ToByteSlice returns the string s as a []byte. Note that cap in bs is
// set to the length of s. WARNING! bs uses the same memory as s and has
// therefore broken the immutability of the string s. This can lead to
// serious bugs, vulnerabilities or other errors if used incorrectly.
func ToByteSlice(s string) (bs []byte)

// ToString returns the []byte bs as a string. Note that the cap value
// from bs is discarded. WARNING! s uses the same memory as bs and is
// therfor not Immutable. This can lead to serious bugs, vulnerabilities
// or other errors if used incorrectly.
func ToString(bs []byte) (s string)

// Fallback for not supported architectures
func toByteSlice(s string) (bs []byte) {
       return []byte(s)

// Fallback for not supported architectures
func toString(bs []byte) (s string) {
       return string(bs)


example_test.go - ToByteSlice

//; func ToByteSlice(s string) (bs []byte)
TEXT ·ToByteSlice(SB),7,$0
//       s+0(FP) contains pointer to the s data
//       s+8(FP) contains length of s
//       bs+16(FP) contains pointer to bs data
//       bs+24(FP) contains length of bs
//       bs+32(FP) contains cap of bs

//; Pointer to data in s is moved to bs pointer so that bs now refers to
//; the same data.
       MOVQ s+0(FP), AX
       MOVQ s+8(FP), BX
       MOVQ AX, bs+16(FP)
       MOVQ BX, bs+24(FP)
       MOVQ BX, bs+32(FP)

example_test.go - ToString

//; func ToString(bs []byte) (s string)
TEXT ·ToString(SB),7,$0
//       bs+0(FP) contains pointer to the bs data
//       bs+8(FP) contains length of bs
//       bs+16(FP) contains cap of bs
//       s+24(FP) contains pointer to s data
//       s+32(FP) contains length of s

//; Pointer to data in bs is moved to s pointer so that bs now refers to
//; the same data.
       MOVQ bs+0(FP), AX
       MOVQ bs+8(FP), BX
       MOVQ AX, s+24(FP)
       MOVQ BX, s+32(FP)

Side Note

To get more information on how the internal structure of []byte and strings please visit:

Fallback for 386 and ARM


//; func ToByteSlice(s string) (bs []byte)
TEXT ·ToByteSlice(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
       B ·toByteSlice(SB)

//; func ToString(bs []byte) (s string)
       B ·toString(SB)


//; func ToByteSlice(s string) (bs []byte)
TEXT ·ToByteSlice(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
       JMP ·toByteSlice(SB)

//; func ToString(bs []byte) (s string)
       JMP ·toString(SB)


package typehack_test

import "fmt"
import typehack "."

func ExampleToByteSlice() {
       s := "Hello, Gophers!"
       fmt.Println("ToByteSlice:", typehack.ToByteSlice(s))
       fmt.Println("Raw s:", s)
// Output:
// ToByteSlice: [72 101 108 108 111 44 32 71 111 112 104 101 114 115 33]
// Raw s: Hello, Gophers!

func ExampleToString() {
       bs := []byte("Hello, Gophers!")
       fmt.Println("ToString:", typehack.ToString(bs))
       fmt.Println("Raw bs:", bs)
// Output:
// ToString: Hello, Gophers!
// Raw bs: [72 101 108 108 111 44 32 71 111 112 104 101 114 115 33]

Other examples

Thank you!

Go Stockholm Meetup

23 May 2014

Daniel Lidén