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Error Messages

John Green edited this page Mar 4, 2017 · 2 revisions

Error Messages

This page is to help you troubleshoot any errors that Bolt Inspector gives you. I've written the error messages to be as helpful as possible, but this page should clear up anything you don't understand. If it doesn't, please post an issue thread.

Note: errors are currently hard-coded into Bolt Inspector, so the exact wording may vary from place to place ("doesn't" vs "does not" for example). Use your best judgement to figure out which applies.

General Errors

These errors can show up in multiple commands, but the meaning is the same.

The specified file does not exist

This error happens when selecting a bucket if BoltInspector cannot find the file. Check that the path is valid. Spaces can through off argument parsing, so ensure to account for that. You can enclose paths that have a space in them with quotes to fix that problem.

Unrecognized command. Type "help" to see commands

The command you entered doesn't exist. Check your spelling and then check the docs to make sure you're referencing a valid command.

Couldn't parse arguments

Bolt Inspector couldn't make sense of the argument string you passed. Double check the syntax of the string and look for any errors in it.

The specified bucket does not exist

The path you entered doesn't exist. Verify the path. Spaces can through off argument parsing, so ensure to account for that. You can enclose paths that have a space in them with quotes to fix that problem.

Value for key [key] is undefined in [path]

The path you gave exists, but there isn't a value in that bucket with the given key. Verify the key and try again. Spaces can through off argument parsing, so ensure to account for that. You can enclose paths that have a space in them with quotes to fix that problem.

Bucket does not exist. Returning to root...

The command tried running on your current bucket, but the bucket you were in no longer exists. To correct that, you've been moved back to the root of the database.

Errors by Command

These errors are specific to a given command.


Value for the key [key] is already defined in this bucket ([bucket path])

A key can only exist once in a given bucket. If you get this error, check the key you entered and the target bucket to make sure there is no conflict.

You must specify a key for the bucket

You cannot create a bucket that does not have a key. As such, you must specify a key (a name) for the bucket.

Failed to create bucket: [path]

The command was parsed correctly and passed to BoltDB, but BoltDB failed to create the bucket for some reason. I've never had this error, so I'm not sure what would cause it.


You must enter a destination

To change directory, you need to specify where to change to.

Invalid bucket path: [path]

Bolt Inspector can't find the path you entered. Double check that it is valid. Spaces can through off argument parsing, so ensure to account for that. You can enclose paths that have a space in them with quotes to fix that problem.


You must enter both a target and destination key

You need to tell Bolt Inspector what to copy, and where to copy it. So you need to provide both the key to the source value and a key to copy that value to.

Invalid path(s) entered [length error]

The copy command currently only works with individual values. Individual values cannot exist in the root of the database outside of a bucket. So, if the path you entered for the source or the destination is pointing at the root, you get this error.

Source bucket ([path]) doesn't exist.

The path entered for the first key (the key being copied) doesn't exist. Check the path. Spaces can through off argument parsing, so ensure to account for that. You can enclose paths that have a space in them with quotes to fix that problem.

Destination bucket ([path]) doesn't exist

The path entered for the second key (the location you want to copy the value to) doesn't exist. Check the path. Spaces can through off argument parsing, so ensure to account for that. You can enclose paths that have a space in them with quotes to fix that problem.

Destination already exists

There already exists a key at the path specified in the second parameter. Either choose a different location or delete that key.

Source is a bucket. Copying buckets is not yet supported

Bolt Inspector doesn't support copying buckets from one place to another. You will need to create the destination bucket and copy each key individually.


You must specify a key to delete

The delete command needs a target key to delete. Enter the path to the key you wish to delete.

Unknown input

This happens when confirming whether to delete or not. Bolt Inspector takes deleting values very seriously, so it only accepts yes or no as an answer. Anything else will get the response Unknown input


Unknown input

This happens when confirming whether to delete or not. Bolt Inspector takes deleting values very seriously, so it only accepts yes or no as an answer. Anything else will get the response Unknown input


Unknown Command [command]

You passed an argument to the help command, but that argument doesn't correspond to a section of the help guide. Check the command and try again. For a list of commands, type help without an argument.


You must specify a key to print

You need to tell Bolt Inspector which key you want it to print out. Pass a path to that key as the first parameter

Key [key] is a bucket

The key you specified exists, but it is a bucket. Buckets cannot be printed


Invalid length passed

Bolt Inspector tried parsing your depth argument, but couldn't. Verify your command and try again


You cannot write values in the root directory. Use the 'bucket' command to make a value storing bucket

BoltDB doesn't support having values stored directly in the root of the database. So, to store values, you must first create a bucket in the root and write the values in there.

You must specify a key and value to write

Bolt Inspector needs to know what to write and where to write it. So you need to pass 2 arguments: the path to a key to store the value, and the value itself.

Couldn't convert value string to int: [string]

You told the write command to write the value as an integer, but the string you passed couldn't be parsed as such. Double check your value and try again.

binary.Write failed

To convert the string to an int, it's written as a binary to a buffer. For some reason, Bolt Inspector couldn't not write the value to that buffer. I've never had this error in testing, so I'm not sure what would cause it.

Unknown insert type

You passed an argument to the write command after the key and value, but that argument doesn't correspond to a datatype that the write command understands. Verify your command and try again. Spaces can through off argument parsing, so ensure to account for that. You can enclose values that have a space in them with quotes to fix that problem.

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