- Attendees and Apologies
- Previous minutes
- Welcoming and introduction to new members
- ToR & MoU status review
- ARDC PID System update
- Presentations
- Overview of the W3C's Data Shapes working group proposal - Nicholas Car
- Ontology Mapping - a presentation by Alastair Paton based on the recent Mapping PROV-O to BFO paper
- Updates and new releases of the RDFLib Open Source Python toolkit - Edmond Chuc
- Action Items
- General business
- Notification about ISO geospatial codelists appearing online as Linked Data - Nicholas Car or Margie Smith
- Upcoming OGC Metadata Codesprint involving LD - Rob Atkinson
- Report from the GovHack Sub Working Group
- Next meeting details
- Close
Chair: Andrew Fitzgerald
Scribe: Nicholas Car
Apologies: John Machine, Terhi N-F, Megan Wong, Margie Smith
Attendees: Nicholas Car, Andrew Fitzgerald, Alastair Paton, Avinash Chandra, Jason Boudville, Enzhen Luo, Junrong Yu, Kathryn Nolan, Les Kneebone, Lucy Arrowsmith, Michael Henry, Mieke Strong, Peter Carter, Rob Atkinson, Sergio Rodriguez Mendez, Matt Duckworth
Avinsh re-introduced himself (atteneded a few months back)
Peter Carter of GS1 introduced himself
Nothing to report - Mattias on leave
- Overview of the W3C's Data Shapes working group proposal - Nicholas Car
- Ontology Mapping - a presentation by Alastair Paton based on the recent Mapping PROV-O to BFO paper
- Alastair delivered a PowerPoint presentation which is available at... (link coming)
- chat added many links such as https://w3id.org/BCI-ontology
- Updates and new releases of the RDFLib Open Source Python toolkit - Edmond Chuc
- Nick presented for Edmond
- Some questions about the next version were answered
From last meeting:
- NEW ACTION: Andrew to send out the invitation for a GovHack interest goup
- now done!
- Notification about ISO geospatial codelists appearing online as Linked Data - Nicholas Car or Margie Smith
- spoken presentation by Nick
- Upcoming OGC Metadata Codesprint involving LD - Rob Atkinson
- spoken presentation by Rob
- Report from the GovHack Sub Working Group
- The AGLDWG @ GovHack25 SubWG met 17Oct2024 and now has on GovTeams:
- GovHack2024 Document library, and
- AGLDWG @ GovHack25 Project page.
- New AGLDWG members most welcome
- The AGLDWG @ GovHack25 SubWG met 17Oct2024 and now has on GovTeams:
First Thursday of December (5th)