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C# reasoning tool based on deep learning matting tool
Reply [mat] in the background to get the installation package and model files
File -> Image File Load a local image file
File -> Screenshot
File -> Clipboard
File -> Video For efficiency, the current Fps is 2, that is, two frames per second
Background->Background Colo: Replace the background with a solid color
Background -> Background Image: Replace the background with an image
Save -> Save Overall :Foreground+Background
Save -> Save Foreground: Save only foreground
The saved images and videos are all under the path of the exe.
- Download the source code to the local
2.Visual Studio opens the .sln project solution
- Install the Nuget package
3.1 In Visual Studio, right-click on the project and select "Manage NuGet Packages".
3.2 In the "NuGet Package Manager" window, select the "Browse" tab.
3.3 Search for Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime, select version 1.15.1, and click Install
3.4 Search for OpenCvSharp4, select version 4.8.0, and click Install
3.5 Search for OpenCvSharp4.runtime.win, select version 4.8.0, and click Install
3.6 Find ScreenCapture.dll under Debug or Release and add it to the reference - Put MODNET.onnx in the exe path
- Run the program