- People
- Space
- Tools
- Equipments
- logistics
- laptop computer
- Screw drivers
- solidaring toolkit
- Community meetings
- Churches
- Placing of posters on notice boards and community hotsports
- Posting on facebook
- Organize your work space
- gather the required tools
- access and identify the device
- dessamble the device
- fix the problem
- test the device to see whether the problem is fixed
- If problem not solve, do research about the particular problem
- transistors These are semiconductor devices used to amplify or Switch electronic signals and electronic power. TYPES
- bipolar
- field effect transistor
- Unijunction
- power transistors
- switch etc.
Note: We shall basically look at bipolar transistors, because most devices brought for cafe repair are using bipolar transistors.
- Bipolar:
- Has terminals labelled
- base
- collector
- emitter
Feel free to add for easier understanding such that during the cafe repair it doesn't became abig challenge.
- Documentation
- Accountablility
- Availability
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