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ASU: Justified Referral in AI Glaucoma Screening challenge.

Setup Instructions:

  1. Login to the lambda machine (via ssh key is preferred). To set this up:
    1. Alias the lambda machine in your ~/.ssh/config file:
       Host lambda
             User <your-username>
             Port 22
    2. Issue a key exchange with the lambda machine:
        ssh-copy-id <your-username>@lambda
    3. You should now be able to login to the lambda machine with the following command:
      ssh <your-username>@lambda
  2. Create a new Python virtual environment using venv. Ensure you use the command below to do so, as this will leverage the lambda-stack by default:
    python3 -m venv just-raigs --system-site-packages
  3. If you are not in bash shell, switch to it:
  4. Activate the virtual environment:
    source just-raigs/bin/activate
  5. Note that the lambda-stack will have installed most of the deep learning packages you require for you:
    pip list
  6. I have created an environment for us to use, which is stored in the requirements.txt file. You can install all the required packages with the following command:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Any other packages you wish to install can be installed with pip:
    pip install some-package

Resource Monitoring and Courtesy:

  1. The lambda machine is powerful, but it is not a GPU cluster. There are two NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPUs and 126 GB of RAM that we must all share.
    1. Please note that AppMAIS work must take precedence over the challenge, as this machine was purchased with AppMAIS grant funds.
  2. Please monitor resource consumption and utilization with the following commands:
    1. Current GPU usage: watch -d -n 0.5 nvidia-smi
    2. Memory usage: htop
  3. If one of the GPUs is not in use, you can use it. If both are in use, please wait until one is free. Communicate with your team members on our JustRAIGS Google Chat Space to coordinate experimentation and resource utilization.
  4. Ensure you check WaB to see if someone is already running an experiment that would include the parameters you were going to run.

Data Location:

  1. Data is stored in the /usr/local/data/JustRAIGS directory.
  2. The raw compressed files are stored in /usr/local/data/JustRAIGS/compressed.
  3. The extracted uncompressed files (unmodified) are stored in: /usr/local/data/JustRAIGS/raw.
    1. Files in this directory are partitioned by the original dataset splits provided by the challenge organizers. For example, the training data is stored in /usr/local/data/JustRAIGS/raw/train/0 corresponds to the compressed file: provided directly from the challenge Zenodo website.
  4. I have provided a utility method :meth:src.utils.datasets.load_datasets which will load the training datasets from the disk, perform preprocessing, rescaling, normalization, and convert the result into TensorFlow Datasets for use downstream.

Introduction to Weights and Biases (WaB):

  1. Weights and Biases (WaB) is a tool that allows us to track and visualize our experiments. It is a great tool for collaboration, and is flexible enough to be customized how you see fit.
    1. This means you have the freedom to log arbitrary metrics, artifacts, models, and more.
    2. You can also integrate WaB with other deep learning frameworks and libraries. For instance, you could use Keras Tuner with WaB instead of the native WaB hyperparameter tuning framework.
  2. I have created a WaB project for us to use, which is located at: WaB: JustRAIGS.
  3. I have also provided comments in Restructured Text (RST) format in the codebase to help you understand how to integrate WaB with your code, and which documentation to reference when you get stuck.
  4. There is some high level terminology you should know which will allow you to utilize WaB effectively:
    1. Organization: This is a collection of Projects. It is a way to organize separate distinct Projects within a particular organization/research group.
      1. Project: This is the highest level of organization in WaB. It is a collection of Experiments.
    2. An Experiment is a collection of Runs, Metrics and Artifacts.
      1. A Run: Is a single unit of computation logged by WaB. Consider a Run an atomic element of the whole project. A new Run should be initialized if you change a hyperparameter, use a different model, etc.
      2. Within a Run, Metrics can be tracked across the training and validation datasets and visualized in the WaB dashboard. You could track the accuracy, loss, precision, recall and more as Metrics.
      3. Within a Run, Artifacts can also be logged. For example, you could log the model weights, the model architecture, the training dataset, the training logs, a matplotlib image, etc.
        1. For more on logging artifacts, see the WaB Documentation on Artifacts.
    3. WaB uses Reports to organize Runs, embed visualizations, describe findings, and share content with collaborators.
    4. WaB leverages Sweeps to automate hyperparameter searching and perform experiment tracking. Sweeps allow you to leverage popular hyperparameter search methods such as Bayesian search, grid search, random search, hyperband search, and more. Sweeps require a Sweep Configuration to specify the overall hyperparameter search space and the method of search.
      1. Behind the scenes, the WaB Sweep Controller manages the execution of the Sweep. You interact with the WaB Sweep Controller via the wandb.agent API.
    5. WaB Sweeps generate unique Trials based on the Sweep Configuration provided. Each Trial is a unique subset of the overall hyperparameter search space specified by the Sweep Configuration. In the way I leverage WaB, each Trial will have its own unique Run, and therefore its own Metrics and Artifacts.
    6. In Keras a Model is a class that performs fitting (weight optimization) to a particular datasets. The model is in charge of minimizing a particular loss function, and is capable of making predictions on a particular dataset (i.e. performing inference). This class also is in charge of: resource management for the training process, the logging of metrics, the logging of losses, and the logging of artifacts to WaB.
    7. A Hypermodel is a class that is in charge of instantiating and managing Models for the hyperparameter tuning process. The HyperModel class is instantiated just once per-Sweep and is responsible for creating a new Model for each Trial in the Sweep.

A Walkthrough of the Code Provided:

  1. In the docs directory, you will find the source files needed to build Sphinx documentation. Sphinx is a static website generator that parses Python docstrings into HTML documentation. This is the tool leveraged by the official Python documentation so it is worth your while to be somewhat familiar with it. Sphinx operates on docstrings written in Restructured Text (RST) form. Restructured Text is a superset of Markdown. Since RST can be ugly to look at, I write docstrings in the Google Documentation Style, and use the sphinx.ext.napoleon extension to parse it into RST, which Sphinx then utilizes to generate pretty looking HTML documentation. You will most likely not need to know how this works. Just know that if you write good docstrings in the Google Style (use this example for reference) , Sphinx will be able to generate readable documentation for you (almost) automagically.
    1. If you use PyCharm (which you should) for Python development, then PyCharm can build the Sphinx documentation for you. Additionally, you can configure PyCharm to lint your docstrings in Google Style. Ask me if you want to know how to do this.
  2. In the src directory, you will find the following relevant subdirectories:
    1. sweepers: This is the main entry point for the program. The :mod:src.sweepers.sweeper module is the file you should modify to either change the hyperparameters that are experimented with, or to change the method of the hyperparameter search itself (i.e. random search, grid search, hyperband, etc.). Note that if you do change the hyperparameters, you will also need to change the Hypermodel itself to be able to handle the new hyperparameters.
    2. hypermodels: Contains an example :class:hypermodels.hypermodels.WaBHyperModel class which is instantiated by the WaB agent just once for a particular Sweep. This class is responsible for creating a new Model for each Trial (i.e. unique subset of hyperparameters). Specifically, the :meth:hypermodels.hypermodels.WaBHyperModel.construct_model_run_trial method is invoked once per Trial and is in charge of creating a new Model for the Trial and fitting the Model for the Trial. You will need to modify this method if you modify the hyperparameters in the sweep configuration.
    3. models: Contains an example :class:models.models.WaBModel class which is instantiated by the Hypermodel once for every Trial. This class is separate from the hypermodel as the hypermodel could theoretically instantiate separate Model subclasses for each Trial. Additionally, the :class:models.models.WaBModel class provides an example of how to perform custom model serialization and deserialization in TensorFlow 2.0. If you wish to use a non-sequential model, or a model that requires custom serialization/deserialization, this class will serve as a useful reference.
    4. metrics: This file is used to house custom metrics that are not available by default in the Keras API. Note that the use of custom metrics will result in a custom model, which means you will have to modify the serialization and deserialization methods in the :class:src.models.models.WaBModel class.
    5. utils: This directory houses utility functions which are leveraged by the various classes above. For instance, the :meth:utils.datasets.load_datasets method will load the training dataset from the disk, perform preprocessing, rescaling and normalization, and convert the result into TensorFlow Datasets for use downstream.
    6. layers: This directory houses the :mod:src.layers.custom module which provides an example of how to create custom layers in TensorFlow 2.0. This is not used in the current codebase, but is provided as a reference in case you wish to use custom layers in your model. Note that using a custom layer will result in a custom module, which will require you to modify the serialization an deserialization methods in the :class:src.models.WaBModel class.
  3. Less-relevant subdirectories:
    1. tuners: This directory houses the :mod:src.tuners.wab_kt_tuner module which provides an example of how to integrate WaB with Kerastuner. This is not used in the current codebase, but is provided as a reference in case you wish to leverage KerasTuner for hyperparameter tuning directly, instead of WaB. This class uses KerasTuner as a driver, but still integrates with WaB for experiment tracking, versioning, and artifact retention.