composer require aternovtsii/search-bundle
To enable bundle add the following to your config/bundles.php file
return [
// ...
ATSearchBundle \ATSearchBundle::class => ['all ' => true ],
To enable additional doctrine filters add the following to your config/doctrine.yaml file
doctrine :
orm :
dql :
numeric_functions :
IFNULL : ATSearchBundle\Doctrine\Extensions\Query\IfNull
JSON_CONTAINS : ATSearchBundle\Doctrine\Extensions\Query\JsonContains
RAND : ATSearchBundle\Doctrine\Extensions\Query\Rand
Configure bundle in your config/packages/at_search.yaml file
at_search :
search :
enabled : true
client : OpenSearch\Client # OpenSearch\Client or Elasticsearch\Client
mappings :
App :
namespace : App\Entity
dir : ' %kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity'
To create OpenSearch Client add the following to your config/services.yaml file
OpenSearch\Client :
factory : ['OpenSearch\ClientBuilder', 'fromConfig']
arguments :
$config :
hosts : ['%env(OPENSEARCH_URL)%']
To create ElasticSearch Client add the following to your config/services.yaml file
Elasticsearch\Client :
factory : ['Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder', 'fromConfig']
arguments :
$config :
hosts : ['%env(ELASTICSEARCH_URL)%']
namespace App \Entity ;
use ATSearchBundle \Annotation as ATSearch ;
use Doctrine \ORM \Mapping as ORM ;
#[ATSearch \Index]
#[ORM \Entity]
class User
#[ATSearch \FieldId]
#[ORM \Id]
#[ORM \GeneratedValue]
#[ORM \Column]
public ?int $ id = null ;
#[ATSearch \FieldString]
#[ORM \Column(length: 128 )]
public ?string $ firstName = null ;
#[ATSearch \FieldMultiString(subFields: 'email ' )]
#[ORM \OneToMany(mappedBy: 'user ' , targetEntity: Email::class)]
public Collection $ emails ;
To enable default reindex based on Doctrine events add the following to your config/packages/at_search.yaml file
at_search :
search :
enable_update_events : true # default false