After creating an account in the organization, follow the following steps to grant access to a group in the root account.
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1
export AWS_PROFILE=xxx
SOURCE_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text --profile $AWS_PROFILE)
# enter the account id to which access is needed
#Group which will be allowed to assume role/login
Initialize terraform, plan and apply
terraform init
Run terraform plan
terraform plan \
-var "profile=$AWS_PROFILE"\
-var "iam_group=$IAM_GROUP"\
-var "source_account_id=$SOURCE_ACCOUNT_ID"\
-var "target_account_id=$TARGET_ACCOUNT_ID"\
-var "target_account_role=OrganizationAccountAccessRole"
Apply terraform plan
terraform apply \
-var "profile=$AWS_PROFILE"\
-var "iam_group=$IAM_GROUP"\
-var "source_account_id=$SOURCE_ACCOUNT_ID"\
-var "target_account_id=$TARGET_ACCOUNT_ID"\
-var "target_account_role=OrganizationAccountAccessRole"
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
iam_group | The source AWS group allowed to assume role into | string | Admin |
no |
profile | AWS profile for source account | string | - | yes |
region | AWS region | string | us-east-1 |
no |
source_account_id | The AWS accounts from where can assume role into | string | - | yes |
target_account_id | The AWS accounts we can assume role into | string | - | yes |
target_account_role | The role name in the target account | string | OrganizationAccountAccessRole |
no |