Convenience Vehicle for Paraplegics People
A self-aware wheelchair would be immensely beneficial to people suffering from multiple disabilities as it eliminates the need to navigate around obstacles. As the wheelchair can memorize once traversed paths , the time taken to travel the same route again is significantly reduced thus enabling greater ease in navigation.
Aim : To design an intelligent wheelchair that memorizes a path once entered, and optimizes choosing multiple paths between two locations.
The solution to our problem statement can be broken into 4 crude parts:
- Enabling two modes within the bot- a teach mode, wherein the path is entered and memorised, and a self-drive mode, where the bot traverses a predefined path and learns to optimize it.
- Using Ultrasonic sensors avoid obstacles in the path of the bot and return to the same optimized path after skipping the obstacle.
- Mapping of unpleasant inputs (obstacles) into the database of the bot.
- Use of Machine Learning-Qlearning (a part of Reinforcement learning) to choose the optimal path out of multiple paths for traversal.
- Quadriplegics and victims of blindness who need wheelchairs for their locomotory necessities will stand to benefit the most from the successful execution of this project.
- An intuitive wheelchair will thus make an huge impact on the the lives of differently abled persons and enable them to perform their day to day functions in a more efficient way.