buildscript { repositories { jcenter() mavenCentral() maven { url = '' } } dependencies { classpath group: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle', name: 'ForgeGradle', version: '3.+', changing: true } } plugins { id "com.matthewprenger.cursegradle" version "1.1.0" id '' version '3.3.0' } repositories { jcenter() mavenCentral() maven { name 'LDTTeam - Modding' url '' } flatDir { dirs 'libs' } } apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle' apply plugin: 'jacoco' apply plugin: 'maven-publish' apply plugin: 'idea' apply plugin: 'eclipse' apply plugin: 'maven' jacocoTestReport { reports { xml.enabled true } } sourceSets { api { java { srcDir 'src/api/java' } compileClasspath += configurations.getByName("minecraft") } main { java { srcDir 'src/main/java' } resources { srcDir 'src/main/resources' srcDir 'src/main/generated/resources' } compileClasspath += compileClasspath += sourceSets.api.output } } ext.configFile = file "" configFile.withReader { def prop = new Properties() prop.load(it) ext.config = new ConfigSlurper().parse prop } configurations { contained { transitive = false } additionalMods { transitive = false } apiImplementation.extendsFrom contained } dependencies { minecraft "net.minecraftforge:forge:${config.minecraft_version}-${config.forge_version}" implementation fg.deobf("com.ldtteam:structurize:${config.structurize_version}") contained fg.deobf("com.ldtteam:structurize:${config.structurize_version}") additionalMods "com.ldtteam:structurize:${config.structurize_version}" compile "com.ldtteam:datagenerators:0.1.38-ALPHA" implementation fg.deobf("mezz.jei:jei-1.15.2:${config.jei_version}") testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12' testImplementation "org.mockito:mockito-core:1.+" testImplementation group: 'org.powermock', name: 'powermock-module-junit4', version: '1.6.5' testImplementation group: 'org.powermock', name: 'powermock-api-mockito', version: '1.6.5' testImplementation group: 'org.powermock', name: 'powermock-module-junit4-rule-agent', version: '1.6.5' testImplementation 'org.assertj:assertj-core:3.9.0' testImplementation group: 'org.hamcrest', name: 'hamcrest-all', version: '1.3' implementation 'com.intellij:annotations:+@jar' apiImplementation "com.intellij:annotations:+@jar" } group = "com.minecolonies" version = config.minecraft_version.toString() + "-" + System.getenv().containsKey("Version") ? System.getenv("Version") : 'null' archivesBaseName = "minecolonies" sourceCompatibility = targetCompatibility = compileJava.sourceCompatibility = compileJava.targetCompatibility = '1.8' // Need this here so eclipse task generates correctly. minecraft { // The mappings can be changed at any time, and must be in the following format. // snapshot_YYYYMMDD Snapshot are built nightly. // stable_# Stables are built at the discretion of the MCP team. // Use non-default mappings at your own risk. they may not always work. // Simply re-run your setup task after changing the mappings to update your workspace. mappings channel: 'snapshot', version: "${config.mappings}" // makeObfSourceJar = false // an Srg named sources jar is made by default. uncomment this to disable. accessTransformer = file('src/main/resources/META-INF/accesstransformer.cfg') // Default run configurations. // These can be tweaked, removed, or duplicated as needed. runs { client { workingDirectory project.file('runClient') // Recommended logging data for a userdev environment property 'forge.logging.markers', 'SCAN' // Recommended logging level for the console property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'info' // OPTIFINE GUIDE // find and download/compile latest OptiFineDevTweaker, classifier "all" // put this and (unpacked) optifine into mods in runClient folder // alternate or comment out (if you have default gradle cache location) next property to target "caches/forge_gradle/minecraft_repo/versions/{mcVersion}/client.jar" // property 'ofdev.mcjar', 'P:\\apps\\common\\gradle-cache\\caches\\forge_gradle\\minecraft_repo\\versions\\1.15.2\\client.jar' mods { minecolonies { source sourceSets.main source sourceSets.api } } } server { workingDirectory project.file('runServer') // Recommended logging data for a userdev environment //property 'forge.logging.markers', 'SCAN,REGISTRIES,REGISTRYDUMP' // Recommended logging level for the console property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'info' mods { minecolonies { source sourceSets.main source sourceSets.api } } } data { workingDirectory project.file('runData') property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'info' args '--mod', 'minecolonies', '--all', '--output', file('src/main/generated/resources'), '--input', file('src/main/resources') mods { minecolonies { source sourceSets.main source sourceSets.api } } } } } //From forge task downloadCrowdin() { ext { output = file('build/') update = file('build/crowdin.json') id = 'minecolonies' } onlyIf { System.getenv().containsKey("crowdinKey") && !project.gradle.startParameter.isOffline() } doLast { download { src "${id}/export?key=${System.getenv("crowdinKey")}&json" dest update overwrite true } if (!update.text.contains('success')) { throw new RuntimeException("Crowdin export failed, see ${update} for more info") } download { src "${id}/download/${System.getenv("crowdinKey")}" dest output overwrite true } } } task crowdin(type: Zip) { dependsOn downloadCrowdin onlyIf { !downloadCrowdin.state.skipped } baseName = version = project.version classifier = 'crowdin' destinationDir = file('build/distributions') from(zipTree(downloadCrowdin.output)){ eachFile { if (!it.path.startsWith('assets/')) { it.relativePath = new RelativePath(true, it.relativePath.segments.drop(4)) } } exclude { it.isDirectory() } rename { it.toLowerCase() } } } task apiJar(type: Jar) { from sourceSets.api.output classifier 'api' } jar { from sourceSets.api.output from sourceSets.main.output // add crowdin locales from { !crowdin.state.skipped ? zipTree(crowdin.archivePath) : null} dependsOn crowdin manifest { attributes([ 'Maven-Artifact': "${}:${project.archivesBaseName}:${project.version}:universal", 'Timestamp': System.currentTimeMillis(), "Specification-Title": "minecolonies", "Specification-Vendor": "ldtteam", "Specification-Version": "1", // We are version 1 of ourselves "Implementation-Title":, "Implementation-Version": "${project.version}", "Implementation-Vendor" :"ldtteam", "Implementation-Timestamp": new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") ]) } classifier = 'universal' } javadoc { source += sourceSets.api.allSource } task packageJavadoc(type: Jar) { from javadoc classifier = 'javadoc' } task sourceJar(type: Jar) { classifier = 'sources' from sourceSets.main.allJava from sourceSets.api.allJava } idea { module { inheritOutputDirs = true } } task setupDecompWorkspace { afterEvaluate { println "Setup" } } task setupCIWorkspace { afterEvaluate { println "Setup" } } task buildModsZip(type: Zip) { group "build" baseName "mods" afterEvaluate { from(configurations.additionalMods.files) { include '*' } from (tasks.jar.outputs) { include '*' } } } buildModsZip afterEvaluate { tasks.buildModsZip.dependsOn tasks.reobfJar } curseforge { if (System.getenv().CURSEAPIKEY != null && System.getenv().CURSERELEASETYPE != null) { apiKey = System.getenv().CURSEAPIKEY project { id = '245506' addGameVersion '1.15.2' changelog = file('build/') changelogType = 'markdown' releaseType = System.getenv().CURSERELEASETYPE addArtifact apiJar mainArtifact(jar) { relations { requiredDependency 'structurize' } } } } else { logger.lifecycle("Cannot run the CurseUpload sequence. No API-Key or release type has been provided.") } } task("createChangelog") { group = 'upload' doLast { def teamCityURL = "" def file = new FileOutputStream("build/") def out = new BufferedOutputStream(file) def changesXML = new XmlSlurper().parse(teamCityURL + "guestAuth/app/rest/changes?locator=build:(id:" + teamcity[""] + ")") def changes = changesXML.change println("createChangelog: Identified " + changes.size() + " changes to be written into the changelog.") out << "# Minecolonies Changelog \n" out << "## Version: _" + version + "_ \n" if (changes.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < changes.size(); i++) { def changeDetailsURL = teamCityURL + "guestAuth/app/rest/changes/id:" + changes[i].@id.text() def changeDetailsXml = new XmlSlurper().parse(changeDetailsURL) def changeComment = changeDetailsXml.comment.text().trim() out << "* " + changeComment + "\n" } } else { out << "No Changes detected!" } out.close() } } reobf { jar {} apiJar {} } publishing { if (System.getenv().containsKey("LDTTeamJfrogUsername") && System.getenv().containsKey("LDTTeamJfrogPassword")) { project.logger.log(LogLevel.WARN, "Uploading to JFrog enabled.") repositories { maven { name 'LDTTeamJfrog' credentials { username System.getenv().get("LDTTeamJfrogUsername") password System.getenv().get("LDTTeamJfrogPassword") } url '' } } } else { project.logger.log(LogLevel.WARN, "Uploading to JFrog disabeled.") } publications { maven(MavenPublication) { from artifact packageJavadoc artifact sourceJar artifact apiJar pom { url = '' licenses { license { name = 'GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3' url = '' } } developers { developer { id = 'OrionDevelopment' name = 'Marc Hermans' email = '' } developer { id = 'Raycoms' name= 'Ray Neiheiser' email = '' } } contributors { contributor { id = 'ldtteam' name = 'Let\'s Develop Together - Team' email = '' } } scm { connection = 'scm:git:git://' developerConnection = 'scm:git:ssh://' url = '' } } //Replace all deobf dependencies with normal jar references. pom.withXml { xmlProvider -> NodeList dependencies = asNode().dependencies NodeList allDeps = dependencies.'*'; // Remove forge deps allDeps.findAll() { Node el -> el.artifactId.text() == 'forge' && el.groupId.text() == 'net.minecraftforge' }.forEach() { Node el -> el.parent().remove(el) } //remove forgegradle's mapped suffix from versions & set as optional so anyone else doesn't inherit them allDeps.findAll() { Node el -> el.version.text().contains('_mapped_') }.each { Node el -> NodeList version = el.version version.each { it.setValue(it.text().substring(0, it.text().indexOf('_mapped_'))) } } } } } }