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189 lines (147 loc) · 4.87 KB

File metadata and controls

189 lines (147 loc) · 4.87 KB

Orange's OS


  1. 多进程 Shell
    • 未知指令
    • 进程并行执行
  2. 堆栈溢出
    • 跳转到恶意函数: command/attack.c
    • 跳转到堆栈执行: command/attack_stack.c
    • 缓冲区溢出: command/overflow.c
  3. CRC 段完整性检测
  4. Canary 检测


  1. 硬件: MacBook Air 2022
  2. 芯片: Apple M2 (ARM 64)
  3. 系统: macOS 13.6.2
  4. 交叉编译环境: aarch64 → x86 (i386)
  5. 编译器1: x86_64-elf-gcc 13.2.0
  6. 编译器2: gcc 5.4.0 (Ubuntu 22.0.4)
  7. 链接器: x86_64-elf-ld 2.41


kernel.bin 中默认附加 g1 级别的调试信息

  1. mac 原生环境编译

    cd command && make install && cd .. && make image
  2. Orbstack 编译

    • 修改 Makefile

      CC = gcc-5
      LD = ld
    • 编译

      cd command && orb make install && cd .. && orb make image
    • 附加调试信息

      orb ./make

      执行后 kernel.debug 中为 g2 级别调试信息.


  1. 解压磁盘 (如果未解压过)

    tar -xzvf 80m.img.gz
  2. 启动

    qemu-system-i386 -drive format=raw,file=a.img,if=floppy -drive format=raw,file=80m.img,if=ide -boot a


  1. 配置 VSCode

    • launch.json

          "version": "0.2.0",
          "configurations": [
                  "name": "gdb kernel debug",
                  "type": "cppdbg",
                  "request": "launch",
                  "miDebuggerServerAddress": "",
                  "program": "kernel.bin",
                  "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
                  "environment": [],
                  "externalConsole": true,
                  "logging": {
                      "engineLogging": false
                  "stopAtConnect": true,
                  "MIMode": "gdb",
                  "miDebuggerPath": "/opt/homebrew/bin/x86_64-elf-gdb",
                  "name": "lldb kenel debug",
                  "type": "lldb",
                  "request": "custom",
                  "breakpointMode": "file",
                  "initCommands": [
                      "command script import ~/coding/lldb/",
                      "setting set target.x86-disassembly-flavor intel",
                  "targetCreateCommands": [
                      "target create --arch i386 kernel.bin",
                  "processCreateCommands": [
                      "gdb-remote localhost:1234",
    • settings.json

          "lldb.displayFormat": "auto",
          "lldb.showDisassembly": "auto",
          "lldb.dereferencePointers": true,
          "lldb.consoleMode": "commands",
          "files.associations": {
              "__mutex_base": "c",
              "atomic": "c",
              "proc.h": "c",
              "locale": "c",
              "__config": "c",
              "stdio.h": "c"
    • tasks.json

          "version": "2.0.0",
          "tasks": [
                  "label": "launch qemu",
                  "type": "shell",
                  "isBackground": true,
                  "command": "make image && echo Starting QEMU && qemu-system-i386 -drive format=raw,file=a.img,if=floppy -drive format=raw,file=80m.img,if=ide -boot a -s -S",
                  "problemMatcher": {
                      "pattern": {
                          "regexp": "^(Starting QEMU)",
                          "line": 1
                      "background": {
                          "activeOnStart": true,
                          "beginsPattern": "^(Starting QEMU)",
                          "endsPattern": "^(Starting QEMU)"
                  "label": "build image",
                  "type": "shell",
                  "command": "orb build image && x86_64-elf-objcopy --only-keep-debug kernel.bin kernel.debug && x86_64-elf-objcopy --strip-debug kernel.bin"
  2. 启动 QEMU 等待调试器

    qemu-system-i386 -drive format=raw,file=a.img,if=floppy -drive format=raw,file=80m.img,if=ide -boot a -s -S
  3. 启动 VSCode

    使用 lldb kenel debug 配置项启动. 若要使用 kernel.debug 中的 g2 级别调试信息, 请使用 gdb kenel debug 配置项启动, 并在调试窗口中输入如下指令加载符号文件:

    -exec add-symbol-file kernel.debug