description |
Critical Logon Events, Threat Detection Tactics, and OPSEC Best Practices |
- Logon Type 1 (Interactive)
- When: Local keyboard/console logon
- Location: Security Log Event ID 4624
- Risk: High - indicates physical or RDP access
- Important for: Detecting unauthorized local access
- Logon Type 2 (Network)
- When: Network access to resources (file shares, printers)
- Location: Security Log Event ID 4624/4625
- Risk: High - common in lateral movement
- Critical for: Detecting unauthorized network access attempts
- Event ID 4624 (Successful Logon)
- Tracks successful authentication attempts. Look for logons from unexpected locations, devices, or non-standard accounts (e.g., Domain Admins on workstations).
- Event ID 4625 (Failed Logon)
- Indicates brute-force attacks or credential-stuffing attempts. Excessive failures from a single source may signal reconnaissance or lateral movement.
- Event ID 4672 (Special Privileges Assigned)
- Flags use of highly privileged accounts (e.g., Administrator). Hackers often exploit these for persistence or privilege escalation.
- Event ID 4768/4769 (Kerberos TGT/Service Ticket Requests)
Detects forged Golden/Silver Ticket attacks. Anomalies in encryption types (e.g., weak RC4 instead of AES) or non-standard service principals (SPNs) are red flags.
Golden/Silver Ticket Detection
In addition to 4768/4769:
- Mismatched IPs between Kerberos requests (4768) and logon events (4624).
- Encryption downgrades (e.g., AES ➔ RC4) in 4769 (Kerberos service ticket).
- Event ID 4776 (NTLM Authentication)
- Monitors legacy NTLM usage. Adversaries may force NTLM downgrades for relay attacks.
- Event ID 4648 (Explicit Credential Use)
- Logs RunAs or scheduled task executions with alternate credentials. Common in lateral movement using tools like Mimikatz.
- Event ID 4740 (Account Lockout)
- Indicates potential brute-force attacks against user accounts. Correlate with 4625 for targeted account identification.
- Event ID 4673 (Sensitive Privilege Use)
- Alerts on critical privileges like SeDebugPrivilege or SeBackupPrivilege, often abused to dump credentials or bypass security.
- Logon Type 3 (Batch)
- When: Scheduled tasks execution
- Location: Security Log Event ID 4624
- Risk: Medium - could indicate persistence mechanisms
- Monitor for: Unexpected scheduled task creations
- Logon Type 4 (Service)
- When: Service startup/operations
- Location: Security Log Event ID 4624
- Risk: High - often targeted for privilege escalation
- Watch for: New service creations (Event ID 7045)
- NOTE: Event ID 7045 (New service installation) resides in the System log, not Security.
So, pair with 4697 (Security log) for full context.
- NOTE: Event ID 7045 (New service installation) resides in the System log, not Security.
- Account Management:
- 4624, 4625 (Successful/Failed logons)
- Event ID 4688 logs process creation (e.g., Process Name, Command Line).
- 4689 logs process termination.
- Credential usage is tracked in 4648 (Subject: ... Account: DOMAIN\user).
- Service Operations:
- 7045 (New service installation)
- 4697 (Service installation)
- PowerShell Activities:
- 4104 (PowerShell script block logging)
- Event ID 4104 requires Module Logging or Script Block Logging to be enabled (via GPO). Adversaries often bypass with
-NoProfile -NonInteractive
- Event ID 4104 requires Module Logging or Script Block Logging to be enabled (via GPO). Adversaries often bypass with
- Privilege Usage:
- 4672 (Admin privilege assignments)
- 4673 (Privileged service operations)
- Domain Controllers:
- Monitor all logon activities
- Track privilege escalations
- Watch service account usage
- Administrative Actions:
- Track all privileged account usage
- Monitor security policy changes
- Watch for unusual administrative tool usage
- Authentication Patterns:
- Look for off-hours access
- Monitor for geographically impossible logons
- Track failed authentication attempts
- Service Account Activity:
- Monitor service account logons
- Track credential usage patterns
- Watch for unusual service operations
Event ID 4701:
- Scheduled Task Disabled. Adversaries may disable legitimate tasks to avoid detection.
Event ID 4738:
- User Account Changed (e.g., password reset). Used for persistence via service account compromise.
Event ID 5136:
- Directory Service Object Modification. Monitor for changes to AdminSDHolder or Group Policy Objects (GPOs).
Event ID 8003:
- NTLM Audit (Enabled via "Audit NTLM ..." policies). Detects NTLM relay attempts.
SACL Auditing Best Practices
Enable Audit Directory Service Changes to log:
- Group membership modifications (Event ID 4732/4733).
- Sensitive attribute changes (e.g., UserAccountControl flags for "Password Never Expires").
- Impossible Travel: Auth from New York ➔ London in <1 hour.
- DC Shadow Attacks: Look for Event ID 4662 (AD object restore) from non-DC hosts.
- Pass-the-Hash: NTLMv1 use in 4624 paired with NetNTLMv1 relay in logs.
- Deploy Windows Event Forwarding (WEF) to centralize logs.
- Use Sigma Rules (e.g., "Admin Login Remote") to filter noise.
- Credential Theft Detection:
- Monitor LSASS access (Security Event 4656)
- Track memory dump operations
- Watch for Mimikatz signatures
- Lateral Movement Indicators:
- Unusual remote logons
- Pass-the-Hash patterns
- WMI/PowerShell remote execution
- Privilege Escalation:
- Token manipulation
- DLL injection
- Service exploitation
- Persistence Mechanisms:
- New scheduled tasks
- Service modifications
- Registry autorun changes
- Command and Control:
- Unusual outbound connections
- DNS anomalies
- PowerShell encodings