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Macintosh Installation and requirements

Greg edited this page Jul 25, 2016 · 12 revisions

In order to run the project, you will need Python, pip and the project dependencies. Version 2.7 is what we usually test against. You can use 3.x but no support will be given.

PokemonGo-Map: Macintosh Installation

Prerequisites for this guide

Step 1: Install Homebrew

Open up Terminal

  1. Click on the rocket ship
  2. In the search, type in Terminal
  3. Type /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Step 2: Install Requirements

  1. brew install git python python protobuf

Step 3: Clone PokemonGo-Map

For this guide we'll be using the Documents folder.

While still in the Terminal

  1. Navigate to the user home folder. cd ~/Documents
  2. Clone the repository. git clone

Now we have all PokemonGo-Map files inside our Documents folder. Git clone automatically creates a folder called PokemonGo-Map

Step 4: Get your own Google Maps API Key

Go to this page to get your own Google Maps API Key. If you do not get your own API Key, you'll very likely run into an error telling you that you reached the daily request limit.

If you got your own API Key, open the credentials.json file inside the PokemonGo-Map folder. You can edit that file with Mac's built in text editor. Now replace the API Key in line 6 with the one you got from that Google website.


Step 6: Setup PokemonGo-Map

While still in the Terminal:

  1. Navigate into PokemonGo-Map folder. cd ~/Documents/PokemonGo-Map
  2. Install specific python requirements pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Step 7: Start PokemonGo-Map

Now we are ready to start the map.

A full list of parameters you can use with the map and what they mean can be found here. This guide will only cover the important ones:

-a: Use either ptc or google for the login
-u: Your Username
-p: Your Password
-l: The location you want to scan for Pokémon. You can try something like La tour Eiffel, Paris, your street or exact coordinates in this format: 47.6062100 -122.3320700
-st: The amount of steps to take (5 steps is approximately a 1.2km radius according to this list)
-ar: Auto refresh interval (in seconds), so you don't have to refresh the map all the time

Note: It's recommended that you create a dummy account to use this Map with in order to prevent your real account from getting (soft)banned.

The final command should look like this:

python -a ptc -u johndoe -p ilovemama -l "400 Broad St, Seattle, WA 98109, USA" -st 5 -ar 10

Final command

Hit enter and view your map in all it's glory at Done!


Bonus: How to update PokemonGo-Map

Since PokemonGo-Map is under active development and gets a lot of updates, you probably want to get all the latest features and bug fixes. You can see the latest updates (called commits) here. To update your copy, Git Bash here from the PokemonGo-Map folder, paste this command and hit enter:

git pull origin master

Now repeat Step 7 to restart your map.

Credentials and Downloading

Create a Pokemon Club account [on their official website] to be used by the program to search for Pokemon. This generally shouldn't be the same as your main Trainer account you personally use. As of 7/21/2016 this page is unavailable most of the time, refresh the page every 5-10 minutes and it should allow signups eventually.

Then, download one of the following branches below:

The dev branch will have latest features from the development team, however it may be unstable at some times.

Extract this zip file to any location.

Install Dependencies

Now, open a Terminal/Command Line (Win+R and cmd on Windows) and cd to the folder you extracted the zip file to.

cd some/directory/

In Windows you can also right click within the folder and select "Open Command Window Here."

Then enter the following:

pip install -r requirements.txt


To start the server, run the following command:

python -a ptc -u [USERNAME] -p [PASSWORD] -l "[LOCATION]" -st 10

Replaing [USERNAME] and [PASSWORD] with the Pokemon Club credentials you created previously, and [LOCATION] with any location, for example Washington, D.C or latitude and longitude coordinates, such as 38.9072 77.0369.

Additionally, you can change the 10 after -st to any number. This number indicates the number of steps away from your location it should look, higher numbers being farther.


Open your browser to http://localhost:5000 and keep refreshing as it loads more Pokemon (auto refresh is not implemented yet).