- Document Everything
- Standardized CodeStyle
- Server Browser
- Chat Bar -- (Missing Voice Chat, needs to be added at later design (after Basic API))
- User Bar
- Chat
- a way to modify Chat Messages (in case you've misspelled)
- User Accounts
- User Status
- User Status Message -- Custom
- User Avatars
- Server Join
- Server Images
- Server Chat
- Server Voice Chat
- Theme Engine -- SASS Compatible
- Theming Editor. (using this)
- Markdown in Chat
- Join messages if the same user sends multiple messages
- Tutorial (How everything works)
- Server News (if no channel is Selected)
- Game News (What is currently happening)
- Development news (Depends on what kind of Developer you're!)
- All Server news (Basically gathers all latest News from the Servers.)
- Some Game/Anime related Easter eggs.
- Permission System
- Current Playing Game
- Rich Presence (Discord Compatible) -- to make sure that people don't have to rewrite their Discord RPC Implementation.
- A way to modify own Messages (Self Bots)
- OAuth 2.0 for Developers
- Other Browser support Besides Chromium
- Improve Emoji-mart OR create an EmojiPicker from Scratch as loading times are quite slow. it should be Cached.
- Guidelines
- Terms of Service