diff --git a/driver.py b/driver.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5485d9f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from viewing_party.main import *
+janes_data = {
+        "watched": [
+            {
+                "title": "Title A",
+                "genre": "Fantasy",
+                "rating": 4.8
+            },
+            {
+                "title": "Title B",
+                "genre": "Action",
+                "rating": 2.0
+            },
+            {
+                "title": "Title C",
+                "genre": "Intrigue",
+                "rating": 3.9
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+# Act
+average = get_watched_avg_rating(janes_data)
diff --git a/viewing_party/main.py b/viewing_party/main.py
index e69de29bb..5fe2f55f4 100644
--- a/viewing_party/main.py
+++ b/viewing_party/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# <-------------- WAVE 1 ------------------ WAVE 1 ------------------------- >
+# test wave 1, part 1:
+# create function: create_movie()
+# function takes 2 parameters (title, genre, rating)
+# IF title, genre and rating == true ==> return a dictionary
+# ELSE (title, genre and rating == false ) ==> return None
+def create_movie(title, genre, rating):
+    movies = {
+        "title": title,
+        "genre": genre,
+        "rating": rating
+    }
+    if title and genre and rating:
+        print(movies)
+        return movies
+    else:
+        return None
+# test wave 1, part 2:
+# create function: add_to_watch()
+# function takes 2 parameters (user_data, movie)
+# user_data ==> dictionary: key = watched; value = []
+    # represents that user has NO movies in watched list
+# movie ==> dictionary w/ 3 keys: title, genre, rating
+# add movie to watched list inside of user_data
+# return user_data
+def add_to_watched(user_data, movie):
+    user_data["watched"].append(movie)
+    return user_data
+# test wave 1, part 3:
+def add_to_watchlist(user_data, movie):
+    user_data["watchlist"].append(movie)
+    return user_data
+# test wave 1, part 4:
+# create function watch_movie
+# function takes 2 parameters: user_data, title
+# user_data ==> dictionary: key: watchlist, watched; value: []
+# title ==> string (title of movie user has watched)
+# IF title of movie is IN user's watchlist:
+    # remove movie from WATCHLIST
+    # ADD movie to WATCHED
+    # return user_data
+# IF title of movie IS NOT IN user's watchlist:
+    # return user_data
+def watch_movie(user_data, title):
+    for movie in user_data["watchlist"]:
+        if movie["title"] == title:
+            add_to_watched(user_data, movie)
+            user_data["watchlist"].remove(movie)
+    return user_data
+# <-------------- WAVE 2 ------------------ WAVE 2 ------------------------- >
+# test wave 2, part 1:
+# create function get_watched_avg_rating, function takes 1 parameter: user_data
+# need to: access "rating"
+# iterate through "rating"
+# append value of "rating" into empty list
+# calculate average value of rating_list
+# return the average rating
+def get_watched_avg_rating(user_data):
+    ratings = []
+    for watched, movies in user_data.items():
+        for movie_details in movies:
+            ratings.append([movie_details][0]["rating"])
+    if len(ratings) == 0:
+        return 0.0
+    else:
+        ratings_avg = (sum(ratings) / len(ratings))
+        return ratings_avg
+# test wave 2, part 2:
+# create function get_most_watched_genre, function takes 1 parameter: user_data
+# need to access "genre"
+# determine which genre is frequently occuring in the watched list
+# return genre that is most frequently watched
+def get_most_watched_genre(user_data):
+    genre = []
+    for watched, movies in user_data.items():
+        for movie_details in movies:
+            genre.append([movie_details][0]["genre"])
+    genre_frequency = {}
+    for type in genre:
+        if type not in genre_frequency:
+            genre_frequency[type] = 1
+        else:
+            genre_frequency[type] += 1
+    if user_data["watched"] == []:
+        return None
+    else:
+        common_genre = max(genre_frequency, key=genre_frequency.get)
+        return common_genre
+# <-------------- WAVE 3 ------------------ WAVE 3 ------------------------- >
+# test wave 3, part 1:
+# create function get_unique_watched, function takes 1 parameter: user_data
+# determine which movies the user has watched but NONE of their friends has watched
+# add list of movies of movies to unique movies list
+# return unique movies
+def get_unique_watched(user_data):
+    unique_movies = []
+    friends_movies = []
+    if not user_data["watched"]:
+        return []
+    for friends in user_data["friends"]:
+        for movie in friends["watched"]:
+            friends_movies.append(movie)
+    for each_movie in user_data["watched"]:
+        if each_movie not in friends_movies:
+            unique_movies.append(each_movie)
+    return unique_movies
+# test wave 3, part 2:
+# create function get_friends_unique_watched, function takes 1 parameter: user_data
+# consider the movies the user has watched and the movies their friends have watched
+# determine which movies the user's friends have watched BUT the user hasn't
+# return list of dictionary ==> movies that the user hasn't watched
+# similar to part 1 but the reverse reverse!!!
+def get_friends_unique_watched(user_data):
+    user_movies = []
+    friends_movies = []
+    friends_unique = []
+    for friends in user_data["friends"]:
+        for movie in friends["watched"]:
+            if movie not in user_data["watched"]:
+                friends_movies.append(movie)
+    if (len(user_data["watched"])) == 0:
+        for friends in user_data["friends"]:
+            for movie in friends["watched"]:
+                friends_movies.append(movie)
+    friends_unique_pt2 = []
+    for i in range(len(friends_movies)):
+        if friends_movies[i] not in friends_movies[i + 1:]:
+            friends_unique_pt2.append(friends_movies[i])
+    return friends_unique_pt2
+# <-------------- WAVE 4 ------------------ WAVE 4 ------------------------- >
+# create a function named get_available_recs, function takes 1 parameter: user_data
+# determine a LIST (with nested dict) of recommended movies
+# movie should be added to the list IF AND ONLY IF:
+# user has not watched it 
+# at least one of the user's friends has watched
+# host of the movie is a service that is in the user's subscriptions
+# return list of recommended movies
+def get_available_recs(user_data):
+    friends_host = []
+    user_host = (user_data["subscriptions"])
+    for friends in user_data["friends"]:
+        for movie in friends["watched"]:
+            if movie["host"] in user_host:
+                friends_host.append(movie)
+    friends_host_pt2 = []
+    for i in range(len(friends_host)):
+        if friends_host[i] not in friends_host[i + 1:]:
+            friends_host_pt2.append(friends_host[i])
+    return friends_host_pt2
+# <-------------- WAVE 5 ------------------ WAVE 5 ------------------------- >
+# test wave 5, part 1:
+# create a function get_new_rec_by_genre, function takes 1 parameter: user_data
+# consider the user's most frequently watched genre THEN determine a list of recommended movies
+# movie should only be added to recommended movies list IF AND ONLY IF:
+# the user has not watched it
+# at least one of the user's friends has watched
+# genre of the movie == user's most frequent genre
+# return list of recommended movies
+def get_new_rec_by_genre(user_data):
+    recommended_movies = []
+# append user's watched titles into new list
+    user_titles = []
+    for details in user_data["watched"]:
+        user_titles.append(details["title"])
+# append user's genre into new list
+    user_genre = []
+    for details in user_data["watched"]:
+        user_genre.append(details["genre"])
+# create dictionary to determine user's msot frequent genre type
+    user_genre_frequency = {}
+    for type in user_genre:
+        if type not in user_genre_frequency:
+            user_genre_frequency[type] = 1
+        else:
+            user_genre_frequency[type] += 1
+# create variable for user's favorite genre & condition if user's watched data is empty
+    if user_data["watched"] == []:
+        return []
+    else:
+        user_fav_genre = max(user_genre_frequency, key=user_genre_frequency.get)
+# iterate through friends watched list. Append ONLY if genre == user_fav_genre AND title is NOT IN user_titles
+    for friends in user_data["friends"]:
+        for movies in friends["watched"]:
+            if movies["genre"] in user_fav_genre and movies["title"] not in user_titles:
+                recommended_movies.append(movies)
+# print(user_titles)
+# print(user_genre)
+# print(user_genre_frequency)
+# print(user_fav_genre)
+    return recommended_movies
+    # print(recommended_movies)
+# test wave 5, part 2:
+# create a function get_rec_from_favorites, function takes 1 parameter: user_data
+# determine a list of recommended movies
+# movie should only be added to recommended movies IF AND ONLY IF:
+# movie is in user's favorites
+# none of the user's friends have watched it
+# return list of recommended movies 
+def get_rec_from_favorites(user_data):
+    favorite_movies = []
+# append user's favorites to new list
+    user_favorites = []
+    for details in user_data["favorites"]:
+        user_favorites.append(details)
+    user_watched = []
+    for titles in user_data["watched"]:
+        user_watched.append(titles)
+    friends_watched = []
+    for friends in user_data["friends"]:
+        for movies in friends["watched"]:
+            friends_watched.append(movies)
+    unique_faves = []
+    for title in user_watched:
+        if title not in friends_watched:
+            unique_faves.append(title)
+    return unique_faves
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