Describe what this column is used for. Include any selection choices, if applicable. If this is a free-form entry field, this section can be deleted.
- Epic
- Milestone
- Task
- Subtask
Add any icons that you will be using to communicate with your user. If none, you may delete this section. Icons are from Fluent 2
- (Epic)
- (Milestone)
- (Task)
- (Subtask)
If you have any specific interactions (such as inline edit in a table or grid) add that here.
- Inline edit using dropdown menu
Should you want to add examples images, include them here.
![this is an example image](example.png)
<img src="example.png" width="50%" alt="this is an example image">
If you have multiple images to show, it is recommended that you add them to a table in order to keep them organized and on the same line. Images in a table can only utilize Markdown image rendering.
Column 1 | Column 2 |