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  • 项目属性:商城网站 | Type of Project: E-commerce Website
  • 已发布| Deployed to
  • 商家管理后台还未实现 | Currently No admin dashboard yet...

技术栈 | Technology Stack

Front-End:  vue-cli2 + vue2.5 + vue-router + vuex + axios
UI:         vuetify + Material Design Icons
Server:     node.js + express 
DB:         mysql2 (Native, no ORM/Query Builder) 
Test:       TODO
Migration:  TODO
Docs:       Swagger Docs

功能列表 | Features and Functions

  • 登录注册 | Login & Registration | with form validations
  • 商品详情 | Product List & Details Page | Simple filter only so far
  • 购物车管理 | Shopping Cart | Working
  • 结算页面 | Checkout | Fully working
  • 在线支付 | Online Payment | Using Omise(Thailand)
  • 简易订单管理 | Order Management System | Not fully suppoted so far
  • 国际化 | i18n supported now (2022-May-16) | Language completed, Time & Money format to implement
  • 邮件通知 | Email notification (2022-May-22) | Could extend to orders et al.

How to run project after clone

// For Client
cd Mall-vue-express
npm install
npm run dev

// For Server
// modify conf.sample.js & create your database first
cd Mall-vue-express/server
npm install
Modify conf.js to make sure configuration work
npm run dev

Test API with Postman

  • Make sure your database is configured well, and mysql is up and running
  • login with API call tohttp://localhost:3000/api/users/login, to get a jwt token
  • Add 'Authorization' to Headers, with value as Bearer token_paste_here


  • (数据库)商品分类及属性;
  • (前端)商城商品分类下拉菜单,商品 Filter
  • (前端)后台管理系统(商品,权限,员工,物流,订单管理,结算及发票等)


  • Remember to copy create database, and configure connection in server/src/conf.js
  • The server.crt, and server.key can be used for enabling https, register a cert, and then change configurations in /build/

App screenshots

Login Page Product added to cart Cart Checkout / pay online Checkout / add address Checkout / order success Order List


如果想一起实现更多功能,请提 Issue | Create Issue to collaborate;