Add this snippet to your page:
var affirm=window.affirm||{};
(function(c,e,a,d,b,l){var f,g=document.createElement(d),k=document.getElementsByTagName(d)[0],h=function(a,b,c){return function(){a[b]._.push([c,arguments])}};c[e]=h(c,e,"set");d=c[e];c[a]={};c[a]._=[];d._=[];affirm.ui[b]=h(c,a,b);a=0;for(b="set add save post open empty reset on off trigger ready".split(" ");
a<b.length;a++)d[b[a]]=h(c,e,b[a]);a=0;for(b=["get","token","url","items"];a<b.length;a++)f=b[a],d[f]=function(){try{console.warn("affirm.checkout."+f+"() called before Affirm Checkout initialized")}catch(a){}};g.async=!0;g.src=l;k.parentNode.insertBefore(g,k)
Setup and submit the checkout
// setup and configure options
checkout_id: "ABC-123456",
merchant: {
public_api_key: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
user_confirmation_url: "",
user_cancel_url: ""
items: [
display_name: "Awesome Pants",
sku: "ABC-123", // must be unique
unit_price: 1999, // in cents
item_image_url: "",
item_url: ""
// save and start the checkout;
If you want to save the checkout, but not immediately open the checkout UI, you can use the .save()
// if the save was not successful, an `error` object will be set on the response
if( response.error ){
alert( "Error!" );
// if successful, a `url` will be available for the saved checkout
} else {
console.log( response.url );
// To set options on the checkout, you can use the top level `checkout({...})`
checkout_id: "f2390jfds9a0jfds",
shipping_amount: 1900,
merchant: {
public_api_key: "23kjfds0f902jf39",
user_confirmation_url: "",
user_cancel_url: ""
// You can also use the `.set({...})` method
billing: {
email: "",
name: "John Doe"
Set a single field
affirm.checkout.set("shipping_amount", 1299);
affirm.checkout.set("", "1 (989) 555-5555");
affirm.checkout.set("", "John");
affirm.checkout.set("merchant", {
public_api_key: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
user_confirmation_url: "",
user_cancel_url: ""
Get a field
// You should wrap any .get() calls in .ready() to ensure affirm.checkout has loaded
affirm.checkout.get("shipping_amount"); // 1299
affirm.checkout.get(""); // "1 (989) 555-5555"
affirm.checkout.get(""); // "John"
// {
// public_api_key: "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
// user_confirmation_url: "",
// user_cancel_url: ""
// }
You can reset all options with .reset()
// reset all config options and remove all items
You can add items to the checkout a few different ways:
// Add a single item
display_name: "Awesomest Product",
sku: "f2390j",
unit_price: 1999,
qty: 2, // optional, default is 1
item_image_url: "",
item_url: ""
// add multiple items as arguments
display_name: "Awesome Pants",
sku: "ABC-123",
unit_price: 1999,
item_image_url: "",
item_url: ""
display_name: "Blue Shirt",
sku: "DEF-456",
unit_price: 1999,
qty: 3,
item_image_url: "",
item_url: ""
display_name: "Green Shoes",
sku: "GHI-789",
unit_price: 2345,
item_image_url: "",
item_url: ""
// add multiple items with an array
var my_items = [{
display_name: "Awesome Pants",
sku: "ABC-123",
unit_price: 1999,
item_image_url: "",
item_url: ""
display_name: "Blue Shirt",
sku: "DEF-456",
unit_price: 1999,
item_image_url: "",
item_url: ""
// You can also add items when setting options
items: [{
display_name: "Awesome Pants",
sku: "ABC-123",
unit_price: 1999,
item_image_url: "",
item_url: ""
display_name: "Blue Shirt",
sku: "DEF-456",
unit_price: 1999,
item_image_url: "",
item_url: ""
To read the items, you can use .items()
// You should wrap this call in a .ready() to ensure affirm.checkout has loaded
// returns an array of all items added to the cart
You can clear the items in the checkout with the .empty()
Calling .open()
will save the checkout and immediately open the checkout flow. If you have already called .save()
and it was successful, it will open the most recently saved checkout.
// opens the checkout modal on desktop, forwards to the checkout on mobile
Save the checkout:
// save the checkout and get the url{
// handle error case
} else {
// if successfully saved, the response will have a `url` for the checkout
// once it has been saved, you can access the url
If you want to POST the checkout directly to Affirm, you can use .post()
. This is similar to .open()
, but will always
save a new version and the checkout flow will be on the domain instead of your website.
// post checkout directly (and redirect to
// Optional identifier for the checkout, used for tracking by the merchant
checkout_id: "ABC-123456789",
// Total tax cost for the checkout (cents)
tax_amount: 987,
// Any extra fees applied to the checkout (cents)
misc_fee_amount: 298,
// Total shipping amount for the checkout (cents)
shipping_amount: 1900,
// States that cannot be shipped to for any item.
// Format should be "state=xx,xx,xx..."
shipping_exclusions: "state=FL,CN",
// Currency for the checkout, only USD is currently allowed
currency: "USD",
// Merchant settings / configuration
merchant: {
// Required
public_api_key: "23kjfds0f902jf39",
// Required. Url that the user is sent to after a successful checkout
// with a charge_id or charge_token set as a parameter
user_confirmation_url: "",
// Required. Url that the user is redirected to if they cancel the checkout
// *note: if the user is on desktop and is in the affirm checkout widget on
// your site, the widget will simply close when the user cancels and they
// will not be redirected. This is only used if the user is checking out
// on the domain
user_cancel_url: "",
// Url that the user will be redirected to after being declined during the checkout
charge_declined_url: ""
// This url we receive a POST with all of the details of the checkout
// before the user is allowed to complete the checkout. You can verify and/or
// modify the checkout information if required.
checkout_amendment_url: ""
// configuration options for the checkout
config: {
// If any shipping fields are required for the order and are not provided
// by you, they will be asked for during the checkout flow. All possible
// values are below
required_shipping_fields: ["name","address","phone_number", "email"],
// Action that will be used when the user is sent to the user_confirmation_url.
// Possible values are 'GET' and 'POST'. Default is 'POST'
user_confirmation_url_action: "POST"
// User's shipping address for the checkout
shipping: {
email: "",
phone: "+989 555-5555",
// Name can be either be a string or a hash
name: 'John Doe',
// If it is a hash, it must either contain 'full' or 'first' and 'last'
name: {
// optional
prefix: "Mr.",
// required if 'full' is not provided
first: "John",
// optional
middle: "Joe",
// required if 'full' is not provided
last: "Doe"
// optional
suffix: "Jr.",
// required if 'first' and 'last' are not provided
full: "Mr. John Joe Doe Jr."
// Shipping address
address: {
// required
line1: "12345 Main",
// optional
line2: "#1",
// required
city: "San Francisco",
state: "CA",
country: "US",
zipcode: "94122"
// Billing information for the user to applied to the user's Affirm account
billing: {
email: "",
// Name can be either be a string or a hash
name: 'John Doe',
// If it is a hash, it must either contain 'full' or 'first' and 'last'
name: {
// optional
prefix: "Mr.",
// required if 'full' is not provided
first: "John",
// optional
middle: "Joe",
// required if 'full' is not provided
last: "Doe"
// optional
suffix: "Jr.",
// required if 'first' and 'last' are not provided
full: "Mr. John Joe Doe Jr."
// Billing address
address: {
// required
line1: "12345 Main",
// optional
line2: "#1",
// required
city: "San Francisco",
state: "CA",
country: "US",
zipcode: "94122"
// You can add items with the .set method by providing an array
items: [
// Required. Name for the product displayed to the user
display_name: "Awesome Product",
// Required. Cost of the item, per unit (cents)
unit_price: 1999,
// Required. Unique identifier for the item
sku: "f2390j",
// Required. Image used to display the product during the checkout flow
item_image_url: "",
// Required. Url to view the item
item_url: "",
// Item Quantity, default is 1 (integer)
qty: 1,
// Date when the item will be shipping (ISO 8601)
shipping_date: "2014-11-30",
// Expected delivery date for the item (ISO 8601)
delivery_date: "2015-01-15"
Affirm.js has several UI elements that it uses for the checkout flow. You can access these to use for your integration via affirm.ui
When working with any affirm ui elements, you will want to wrap it in the .ready()
method in order to make sure that the affirm.ui has loaded and initialized on the page.
If you have an element on your page with an id of affirm_button
, affirm.js will append a checkout button to the element. When clicked, it will save and open the current checkout.
You can listen for the click event on the button:
// You can modify checkout fields here before it is opened
affirm.checkout.set('shipping_amount', 3400);
Affirm.js has a modal that it uses to display any errors. You can use it to display errors as well:
var my_error_screen = affirm.ui.error({
title: "Your billing information is incorrect"
body: "Please check that your information provided is complete and correct before submitting again"
// close the error screen
This is the checkout modal used on desktop. You can create a new checkout modal by passing in a url
you received from calling
var my_new_checkout = affirm.ui.checkout(response.url);
Affirm.js has an informational screen about how Affirm Checkout works, used by the affirm.ui.button
widget. You can open and close this screen at any time.;