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153 lines (121 loc) · 4.45 KB


  • All Elements Are Sorted + No Duplication
  • Element Value Cannot Be Changed As There Is No Random Access (Not like vector)
  • Also, Insertion/Removal/Searching : O(Log n)
  • Implemented Using Red-Black Tree (Self Balancing Binary Search Tree)
  • Set/MultiSet/Map/MultiMap Complexity

insert(X): Adds a new element > O(log n)

erase(X): Removes the value X from the set > O(log n)

erase(it): Removes the element at the iterator > O(1)

erase(it1,it2): Removes an interval > O(n)

find(X): Returns an iterator to the element X in the set if found, else returns the iterator to the end (.end()) > O(log n)

lower_bound(X) & upper_bound(X) > O(log n)

count(X): Count the number of occurrence of an element (in Set it will always be 1 as it doesn't allow duplicates) > O(log n)

Unorderd_set/Unorderd_multiset/Unorderd_Map/Unorderd_MultiMap Complexity

O(1) In Average Case O(n) In The Worst Case

insert(X): Adds a new element > O(1)

erase(X): Removes the value X from the set > O(1)

erase(it): Removes the element at the iterator > O(1)

erase(it1,it2): Removes an interval > O(n)

find(X): Returns an iterator to the element X in the set if found, else returns the iterator to end.

count(X): Count the number of occurrence of an element (in Unorderd_set it will always be 1 as it doesn't allow duplicates) > O(1)

  • Let's work with Set
    // Declare
    set<ll> s1;
    // Initialize
    set<ll> s1 = {2,3,4,5}; // Result -> 1 2 3 4 5
    // Sort in Desc order
    set<ll , greater<ll>> s1; /// Result -> 5 4 3 2 1
    // Insert an element
    s1.insert(1); // O(Log n) as we said
    s1.insert(5);// 5 Will Be Added Once (No Duplicates)
  • Iterate on Set
    // For each
    for(auto it : s1) cout<<it<<" ";

    // Using Iterator
    set<ll>::iterator it = s1.begin();
    for (it; it != s1.end(); ++it)
        cout << *it<<" ";

    // Reverse Printing
    set<ll>::reverse_iterator it = s1.rbegin();
    for (it  ; it != s1.rend(); ++it)
        cout << *it<<" ";
  • Iterators with Set
    set<ll>::iterator it = s1.begin();
    ++++it; // Move to index 2
    set<ll>::iterator it2 = s1.end(); // { 1 2 3 4 5 } <-end() like vector
    ----it2; // move to element 4

    set<ll>::reverse_iterator it3 = s1.rbegin();// You Can't Used it to erase (++)
    cout<<*it3;// element 4
    set<ll>::reverse_iterator it4 = s1.rend(); // rend()->{ 1 2 3 4 5 } 
    // use (--) to move from left to right & (++) to move from right to left    
    it4--; // element 1
    it4--; // element 2
    it4++; // go again to element 1
    cout<<*it4; // 1
  • Erase an element from a Set
    set<ll>s1 = {1,2,3,4,5};
    s1.erase(1); // Specific The Value O(Log N)
    s1.erase(++++it);// remove the element 3
    // Remove Range O(n), n is number of elements between starting position and ending position.
    s1.erase(++++it, s1.end()); // O:P > 1 2    (3 4 5 are removed)
    s1.erase(s1.find(5));// remove element 5
    s1.erase(++it , s1.find(5)); // 1 5       (2 3 4 are removed)
    //Note: 5 Is Not Included in s1.find(5) part
    // .find() O(Log n)
    if(s1.find(8) == s1.end()) cout<<"Not Exist\n";
    else cout<<"Exist\n";
  • Using lower_bound()/upper_bound() functions with Set
    set<ll>s1 = {1,2,3,4,5};
    auto low = s1.lower_bound(3);
    auto up = s1.upper_bound(3);
    cout<< *low;// 3
    cout<< *up;// 4

auto low = s1.lower_bound(3); > Get First Number Which Is Equal Or Greater Than 3

auto up = s1.upper_bound(3); > Get First Number Which Is Greater Than 3

Note: If an element does not exist It Returns Iterator For Last Element (.end())

  • Other functions with Set
    // Get size of a set
    // Get max size a set can reach
    // Return is the set empty or not
    // Count number of occurrence of number 20 (in set it will be either 1 or 0 as there is no duplicates)
    // Swap between two sets
    // Clear all elements in a set
    s1.clear(); //O(N)

VIP Note > Multiset is Same In Every Thing Except Accept It Allows Duplicates

Also, Insertion Removal , Searching O(Log n)

Implemented Using Red-Black Tree (Balanced Binary Search Tree)