Data Science Analytics Virtual Intern at British Airways Co. _________________________________________________________ First Task : Web scraping to gain company insights Scrape and analyze customer review data to uncover findings for British Airways - Scrape data from the web i use a website called Skytrax. ( ) - Analyse data to uncover some insights After Reading the data, i perform some univarite analysis like see the distrubtion of Customer Rating Create stopword list and visualize Wordcloud Classifying Reviews To 3 catigores ( Positive, Negative and Nutural ) Data Cleaning by remove_punctuation create new Dataframe from the 2 important columns random split train and test data with numpy Create a bag of words with CountVectorizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text - Modeling import RandomForestClassifier & Split target and independent variables Fit model on data and Make predictions find accuracy, precision, recall and make classification_report _______________________________________________________________ Second Task : Predicting customer buying behaviour Build a predictive model to understand factors that influence buying behaviour - Explore and prepare the dataset First, spend some time exploring the dataset. then, Encode values labels for opject variables. - Modeling * After preparing data, i do some feature engineering, then i Start with a Dummy Model (np.rand) - Baseline Model with accuarcy 0.49 and F1_score 0.22 * I try a Simple Model (linear) with : Linear model & calculate score ( accuarcy 0.85 and F1_score 0.0 ) * Also i try a Simple Model with Balanced Dataset ( Upsampling[f1-score 0.24], Downsampling[f1-score 0.24] ). * Then i try Complex and Explainable Modeles (Tree Based) : Decision Tree (Original_data[f1-score 0.26], Upsampling[f1-score 0.30], Downsampling[f1-score 0.32] ). Random Forest (Original_data[f1-score 0.13], Upsampling[f1-score 0.33], Downsampling[f1-score 0.38] ). * Finally i try Deeper Modeles : XGBoost (Original_data[f1-score 0.17], Upsampling[f1-score 0.34], Downsampling[f1-score 0.39] ). CatBoost (Original_data[f1-score 0.11], Upsampling[f1-score 0.35], Downsampling[f1-score 0.40] ). * The Best Model is : CatBoostClassifier With Downsampling data because the accuracy is higher. ______________________________________________________