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Aircoookie edited this page Feb 27, 2020 · 62 revisions


What binary should I use?

Please see this page.

Connection issues

I have entered my WiFi credentials and rebooted, but I can not connect to the module now!

If you did not enter a static IP, the module will automatically obtain a dynamic IP from the router. You can check it in the router configuration or in the settings page, if the Access Point is still enabled. An easier way is to use the WLED Android app which features automatic discovery!

The module once was connected, but I can no longer reach it.

First, make sure you can reach the connected WiFi yourself (with another device). See if you can connect to the Access Point, then go to Else, power-cycle the module manually.

The wled-xxx.local address (mDNS) does not work.

This only works with Apple devices out of the box. You can install Bonjour to make it work in Windows. For Android there is no convenient way to achieve it, though you can use apps like "Bonjour search" to find the IP. I highly recommend you install the WLED app, which makes automatic discovery easy!

Is it safe to do a port forwarding to the public internet to control the lights from anywhere?

See this page.

My device is unresponsive or animations lag!

You are probably using too many sync interfaces. Please only enable one of Hue sync, MQTT, or Blynk at a time. For optimal performance, use two devices and sync them via the UDP notifier. Maybe you are also using a very high amount of LEDs. 750 is the recommended maximum.

I'm having a bootloop! (LEDs turn on every ~5seconds)

Please open an issue or message me on Discord to resolve your issue. Most of the time, wiping the flash (Arduino IDE compile setting: Erase flash -> All flash contents) resolves the issue. Unfortunately it will also reset all your settings and presets. You can also try if using a different ESP resolves the issue. If you compiled with lwip version 2, try version 1.4 Higher Bandwidth instead!

LED issues

My LEDs don't turn on at all.

Please make sure you have connected the strip to GPIO2 and it is sufficiently powered.

My LEDs don't get as bright as they should!

If the brightness slider in the UI is already at maximum, try checking the auto brightness limiter in the LED settings. Set the milliamp limit to slightly below the rating of your power supply. If the LEDs are still too dim or change color towards the end of the strip, there may be a significant voltage drop. Try injecting 5v power at the end or middle of the strip with some appropiate cabling.

When I select green, the LEDs turn red!

Depending on the type of LEDs used, Red and Green or other colors might be reversed. You can change the order in LED settings. WS2812B and most related chips use GRB, WS2811 uses RGB in most cases.

My LEDs act funny and flicker randomly.

Reason 1

If you use an external 5V power supply for your LEDs, please connect the GND of power supply, LEDs, and ESP. Otherwise, the LEDs can't read the data signal from the ESP.

Reason 2

The ESP8266 is a 3.3V microcontroller while the WS2812B LED uses 5V. I have personally got away with this in most cases, but you should technically add a level shifter. A string of WS2811 did not work in one case (pure static white). A possible workaround is chaining a single WS2812B pixel in front and checking "Skip first LED" in the settings.

Reason 3

If they don't flicker, but display funny colors, try switching between RGB/RGBW modes in LED settings.

Not all my LEDs turn on.

Reason 1

By default the LED count is set to 30. If you have more and can power them, go to LED settings and increase the LED count! Please also enter the milliamp rating of your 5v power supply for optimal brightness in the field below it. Do not increase the mA number if you power LEDs directly from the 5V pin of the ESP!

WLED supports up to 1500 individual LEDs right now (recommended maximum is 750 LEDs).

Reason 2

An LED in your chain may be broken. Try another strip or removing the first LED that doesn't light up. Make sure you are in solid effect mode and the LED count is set high enough first!

How to turn off the bright blue onboard LED?

This LED can be very distracting. Unfortunately it can't easily be disabled as it shares the gpio2/D4 pin with the LED output. Currently there are 3 workarounds:

  • Cover the LED
  • Remove the LED permanently (desolder or apply pressure with e.g. a flathead screwdriver)
  • Use a different LEDPIN, although the default is recommended for stable operation

General Questions

What does the name WLED mean?

WiFi Lighting Effects Driver. Also it has LED in the name and is similar to the official term for WiFi, WLAN!

What LED strip hardware is supported by WLED?

The compatible chipsets for the color-coding are

  • 1 pin:

    • WS2812B (5V)
    • WS2811 (12V power, with 5V signal)
    • WS2813 (WS2812 with redundant data on 2 wires DI and BI, to resist LEDs failure)
    • WS2815 (like WS2813 but 12V), send 5V signal on BI.
      • BTF2815 (cheaper 12V)
    • SK6813 (redundant like WS2813)
    • SK6812 (can support up to 4 colors, commonly GRBW)
      • SK6805 (3 colors)
  • 2 pins (clock CI and data DI) chips:

    • APA102
    • SK9822
    • WS2801 (uses gpio0 and 2)
    • LPD8806

Beside the digital addressable LED stripes the good old analog LED stripes are supported, too:

  • 4 pins: RGB
  • 5 pins: RGBW / RGBWW / RGBCW / RGBNW (RGB + one white channel)
  • 6 pins: RGBCT (RGB + 2 white channels)
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