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API Documentation

JS/TS library for Aitum's Public API. This library requires Aitum to be installed and running. You can read the API documentation here.

The main goal of this library is to provide an easy-to-use wrapper for using Aitum's public API, instead of having to spend the time implementing your own logic to make requests.

If you are looking for a more integrated way to do custom code with Aitum, please take a look at our Custom Code Wrapper project.


To install this module, please follow the steps below for your package manager of choice:

# npm
npm i -s aitum.js

# yarn
yarn add aitum.js

Getting Started

To get started, import and instantiate the library via its get method.

import { AitumJS } from 'aitum.js';
import { DeviceType } from 'aitum.js/lib/enums';

// Instantiate the library
// You can optionally provide an IP address to the machine running Aitum. It will default to
const lib = AitumJS.get(); 

// Example: Trigger an Aitum rule using its ID

// Grab all devices, filtered by Aitum devices, grab the first one.
const aitumDevice = (await lib.getDevices(DeviceType.Aitum))[0];
await aitumDevice.triggerRule('rule-id');

// Example: Change to a specific scene on OBS

// Grab all devices, filtered by OBS devices, grab the first one.
const obsDevice = (await lib.getDevices(DeviceType.OBS))[0];
await obsDevice.changeScene('my awesome scene');



The methods in this library mostly correspond to the methods listed in the Public API documentation.


Getting Devices

There are multiple ways to filter down to get a single device, below are a few examples:

import { AitumJS } from 'aitum.js';
import { DeviceType } from 'aitum.js/lib/enums';

// Instantiate the library
// You can optionally provide an IP address to the machine running Aitum. It will default to
const lib = AitumJS.get();

// Filter all devices by the type we want to find
const allOBSDevices = await lib.getDevices(DeviceType.OBSV5);

// If you have more info for filtering ahead of time
const singleOBSDevice = (await lib.getDevices(DeviceType.OBSV5, { host: 'aitum-host-id', name: 'device-name' }))[0];

OBS (Websocket 5+)

For interfacing with OBS (WS 5 and later) devices.

  • changeScene(scene: string) - Change the current OBS scene
  • changeFilterVisibility(source: string, filter: string, enabled: boolean) - Change a source filter's visibility
  • changeSceneItemVisibility(scene: string, item: string, visible: boolean) - Change the visibility of a specific source in a scene
  • muteAudio(input: string, mute: boolean) - Change the mute state of an audio device
  • playPauseMedia(source: string, play: boolean) - Change the play/pause state of a media source
  • restartMedia(source: string) - Restart a media source
  • stopMedia(source: string) - Stop a media source
  • nextMediaItem(source: string) - Play the next media item
  • previousMediaItem(source: string) - Play the previous media item
  • refreshBrowserSource(source: string) - Refresh a browser source
  • setRecording(state: boolean) - Set recording state
  • toggleRecording() - Toggle recording state
  • setStreaming(state: boolean) - Set streaming state
  • toggleStreaming() - Toggle streaming state
  • setReplayBuffer(state: boolean) - Set replay buffer state
  • toggleReplayBuffer() - Toggle replay buffer state
  • saveReplayBuffer() - Save current replay buffer
  • sendCustomMessage(data: object) - Send a custom obs-websocket message. This is usually not very useful unless you have code interfacing directly with obs-websocket
  • setBrowserSourceProperties(source: string, options: { url?: string, fps?: number, routeAudio?: boolean }) - Set browser source properties
  • setDisplaySourceProperties(source: string, options: { display?: number, showCursor?: boolean }) - Set display source properties
  • setTextSourceProperties(source: string, options: { text?: string, dropShadow?: boolean, outline?: boolean, antiAliasing?: boolean, wordWrap?: boolean, colour?: string, colourTwo?: string }) - Set text source properties
  • setSourceFilterProperties(source: string, filter: string, options: object) - Set source filter properties
  • sendVendorRequest(vendorName: string, eventType: string, eventData?: object) - Send vendor request


For interfacing with MIDI devices.

  • noteOn(channel: number, note: number, velocity: number) - Send a Note On
  • noteOff(channel: number, note: number, velocity: number) - Send a Note Off
  • noteOnOff(channel: number, note: number, velocity: number, hold: number) - Send a Note On followed by a Note Off
  • controlChange(channel: number, value: number, controller: number) - Send a Control Change
  • program(channel: number, number: number) - Send a Program
  • polyAftertouch(channel: number, note: number, velocity: number) - Send a Poly Aftertouch
  • channelAftertouch(channel: number, pressure: number) - Send a Channel Aftertouch
  • pitch(channel: number, value: number) - Send a Pitch
  • position(value: number) - Send a Position
  • select(song: number) - Send a Select
  • start() - Send a Start
  • continue() - Send a Continue
  • stop() - Send a Stop
  • activeSense() - Send an Active Sense
  • reset() - Send a Reset


For interfacing with Twitch.

If you're looking for how to interact with Twitch Redemptions, please check here.

  • startCommercial(length: number) - Start a Commercial
  • createStreamMarker() - Create a Stream Marker
  • startPoll(title: string, duration: number, choices: string[], pointsVoting = false, pointsPerVote?: number) - Starts a new Poll
  • endPoll() - Ends a poll if one is active
  • getPoll() - Gets the active poll if one is running
  • announcement(message: string, colour?: TwitchChatAnnounceColour) - Sends an announcement
  • setBanStatus(ban: boolean, username: string, reason?: string) - Ban/unbans a user
  • emoteOnly(enabled: boolean) - Sets emote only mode
  • followerOnly(enabled: boolean) - Sets follower only mode
  • setVIP(vip: boolean, username: string) - VIPs/unVIPs a user
  • raid(username: string) - Starts a raid
  • subOnlyMode(enabled: boolean) - Sets subscriber only mode
  • setTimeoutStatus(timeout: boolean, username: string, reason?: string) - Timeouts/untimeouts a user
  • clearChat() - Clear chat
  • setModStatus(mod: boolean, username: string) - Mod/unmod a user
  • uniqueChat(enabled: boolean) - Sets unique chat mode
  • sendMessage(message: string) - Sends a message as the broadcaster
  • setTitle(title: string) - Sets the stream title


For interfacing with Aitum's in built tools.

  • triggerRule(rule: string | Rule) - Trigger a rule in Aitum. (Note: When triggering a rule with this method, any triggers and checks in the rule are ignored, and the actions are immediately executed)
  • playSound(path: string, volume: number) - Play a sound in Aitum
  • stopAllSounds() - Stop all sounds playing in Aitum


For interfacing with Elgato Key Lights & Light Strips.

  • setState(on: boolean) - Set the light state
  • setColour(colour: string) - Set the light colour
  • setColourTemperature(temperature: number, brightness: number) - Set the light colour temperature


For interfacing with OSC devices.

  • float(address: string, value: number) - Send a Float
  • integer(address: string, value: number) - Send a Integer
  • string(address: string, value: string) - Send a String
  • boolean(address: string, value: boolean) - Send a Boolean
  • null(address: string) - Send a Null

Twitch Redemptions


Getting Redemptions

Use your AitumJS instance to get Redemptions, e.g.

await AitumJS.get().getRedemptions();
  • update(data: Partial<ITwitchRedemption>) - Update a Redemption

Redemption Groups

Getting Redemption Groups

Use your AitumJS instance to get Redemption Groups, e.g.

await AitumJS.get().getRedemptionGroups();
  • getRedemptions() - Get all Redemptions in this Group
  • enable() - Enable the Redemption Group
  • disable() - Disable the Redemption Group


Getting Rules

Use your AitumJS instance to get Rules, e.g.

await AitumJS.get().getRules();
  • trigger() - Trigger the rule

Global Variables

Use your AitumJS instance to get Global Variables, e.g.

await AitumJS.get().getVariables();
  • update(value: string | string[] | number | boolean) - Update the variable


HTTP client

For ease of use, we expose the library axios for you to use yourself in any HTTP requests you would like to make (even non-Aitum ones). You can call it by using:

// GET request
const get = await AitumJS.http.get('');

// POST request
const post = await'', {foo: 'bar'}, {
  headers: {
    'User-Agent': 'My Example User Agent'

You can learn more about how to use axios and its methods on its documentation.

Further reading

As we expect that some people using this library may be new to JavaScript/TypeScript, we recommend learning the core concepts of the language before diving straight in. We also recommend this video series. Here's some common mistakes:

JSON objects

Everything in aitum.js is a class object. However, if you are writing your own code and making requests to other API services, you may need to serialise and de-serialise JSON. If you use our exposed HTTP client (axios), this should be done automatically for you. If you need to serialise and de-serialise JSON, use:

// Serialise to string
const d = {foo: "bar"};
const asString = JSON.stringify(d); // returns {foo: "bar"} as a string

// Deserialise to JS object
const d2 = '{foo: "bar"}';
const asObject = JSON.parse(d2); // returns {foo: "bar"} as an object

TypeScript support

This library is designed with TypeScript in mind, so provides various TypeScript interface definitions for objects returned by methods in this library. You can import them from aitum.js/lib/interfaces/.


JS Library for Aitum's public API







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