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Source code used when preparing the talk

The programs

  • is code for the first part of the tutorial. It finds faces in an image, and writes out those found faces as separate image files.
  • is code for the second part of the tutorial. Given an image, it will calculate the embeddings for that image, and write them to PostgreSQL. Note that the schema it uses is the same as described in the tutorial itself.

The next two programs are from following the ideas at the end of the tutorial.

  • finds faces in an image, and stores their embeddings in PostgreSQL. Note that the schema it uses is not the same as in the tutorial - it adds a column for the original filename.
  • takes a reference face image file, finds the face in, calculates its embedding, and looks for the N nearest faces stored in the PostgreSQL database (where N defaults to 5).

To run the programs, follow the start of the tutorial in order to set up a virtual environment (Python requirements are in requirements.txt). Don't forget to download the HAAR cascade XML file, again as described in the tutorial.


The code is licensed under the Apache license, version 2.0, for compatibility with the tutorial source code repository. The full license text is available in the LICENSE file.

Please note that the project explicitly does not require a CLA (Contributor License Agreement) from its contributors.