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Using Machine Learning to play Flappy Bird, use NEAT algorithm from Carrot.js
//Initalize variables for neat
let populate = 50;
let GAMES = 70;
let elitism = Math.round(0.2 * GAMES);
let rate = 1.5;
let amount = 8.5;
//Initalize Neat itself
const neat = new Neat(5, 2, {
population: populate,
elitism: elitism,
mutation_rate: rate,
mutation_amount: amount,
equal: false
function populating() {
neat.population = {
// grab a random mutation method
const random_mutation_method = methods.mutation.FFW[Math.floor(Math.random() * methods.mutation.FFW.length)]
// mutate the genome
// return the mutated genome
return genome
//populate the mutated genomes into the active birds array
for (let i = 0; i < neat.population.length; i++) {
activeBirds.push(new Bird(neat.population[i]));
//Counter increment for New Generation
// If there is no more birds start the next generation
if (activeBirds.length == 0) {
//sort the population by score, highest to lowest
//new array to push for new generation
const newGeneration = [];
// gets the best of previous generation and inserts them into the next population
for (let i = 0; i < elitism; i++) {
// test to see if parent gets returned
for (let i = 0; i < POP - elitism; i++) {
neat.population = newGeneration;
Thanks to the Coding Train for the structure of the flappy bird game, the original version of the repo:
Thanks to xviniette for inspiration of the machine learning flappy bird demo in js, famous FlappyLearning repo: