- Moved Apikey field from Match tab to Account tab.
- You can only edit the Apikey field.
- Streamer mode is enabled to hide your apikey when any OBS/SLOBS is open.
- While selecting the Qualifiers stage the app will automatically set it as 1vs1 match. (still working on qualifiers match as teamVS)
- Now the Score Reverse only invert the names. (Ex. Akinari 2 - 5 kib | kib 2 - 5 Akinari)
- When Save button is clicked, the app automatically copies to clipboard the new URL.
- The displayer now uses a new URL to put into obs source. URL: http://localhost:21086/visualizer
- Changed design of displayer preview.
- Removed Old Colors field. (It was causing so much problems while setting up the match, so now the colors are [1st team: RED, 2nd team: BLUE)
- Added Export Matches feature. This feature will allow you to export and save your matches on osu! Tourney Match Displayer website.
- Improved significantly the design of the displayer.
- Long names of players or teams now use a slide animation to show them correctly.
- Support for Teams images. You can put the images of teams into teams folder at: 'AppData/Roaming/otmd/teams'.
The name of the image should be exactly the name of the team. (Ex. Team name: Vitun Vite / Image name: Vitun Vite.png)\n
- Sometimes at first start of OBS/SLOBS or while changing match, the browser source doesn't refresh automatically. Just refresh by yourself to fix it.
- Maximize window button doesn't work on Linux systems.
- Minimize to system tray doesn't work on Linux systems.
- Streamer mode doesn't work on Linux systems. (Make sure to not show your osu apikey on stream)