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Your name, Your GitHub user, Dataset name, Dataset URL, Dataset brief description,,,,,
Alberto González Ruiz, AlbertoGRuiz, Bus stops and times, https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/https-www-zaragoza-es-sede-servicio-catalogo-335?locale=en, The dataset provides detailed information about urban bus lines and stops in the city of Zaragoza. Developers can access data on available bus lines, their routes, and obtain information about bus stops. Additionally, it's possible to retrieve coordinates in the wgs84 (Google) or utm30n spatial reference systems by including the SRName parameter in the provided URLs within the dataset.,,
Emanuel Buttaci, buttaciemanuel, Camden Coffee Cup Data, https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/camden-coffee-cup-data, This dataset shows where you can buy a reusable cup, get a discount for using it and other nearby places to recycle single-use cups. It represents a map built on a community driven challenge. In addition it is downloadable in multiple linked data formats including RDF AND JSON-LD.,,,,
Adrian Retes Corada, b190042, Bibliotecas de Roma. Lista completa de registros bibliográficos en el Catálogo de las Bibliotecas de Roma en 2020, https://dati.comune.roma.it/catalog/dataset/c1633938-7d63-4c93-80b9-4372298a7b6c/resource/90dc6876-776e-41f0-8da8-a6765178c0a3/download/exportbf_001.rdf, This dataset contains a complete list of bibliographic records in the Catalogue of the Libraries of Rome in 2020,,,,,
Álvaro Alonso Lancho, b190057, Escuelas Infantiles Municipales en Madrid, https://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.ac61933d6ee3c31cae77ae7784f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=00149033f2201410VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&format=xml&file=0&filename=202318-0-escuelas-infantiles&mgmtid=758352c974fb3410VgnVCM2000000c205a0aRCRD&preview=full, This dataset contains a complete list of schools in Madrid,,,,,
Raúl Moldes Castillo,RaulMoldes,Open Food Facts,https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/r/7682f22b-67ae-42ff-978c-6b8fc8eef7c9,This dataset contains information about food products, with nutritional information, food labels and ingredients.,,,
Francesco Mattioli, francesco-mattioli, SocialLink, https://old.datahub.io/dataset/sociallink, SocialLink is a publicly available Linked Open Data dataset that matches social media accounts on Twitter to the corresponding entities in multiple language chapters of DBpedia. By effectively bridging the Twitter social media world and the Linked Open Data cloud, SocialLink enables knowledge transfer between the two,,,,
Emanuele Paci, emanuelePaci, Municipality Brescia — Graduatoria family names, https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/comune-brescia-graduatoria-cognomi?locale=en, List of most common surnames divided between Italians and foreigners — 2018,,,,,
Alessandro Rossi, AlexRouge, Pokemon Pokedex,http://archive.org/download/kasabi/pokedex-data-rdf.gz, Linked data on all Pokemon in the Pokedex,,,,,
Luca Petracca, lucapetrh-dev, Linked Movie Database, https://old.datahub.io/dataset/linkedmdb, A linked-data collection of movies, actors, directors, and the relationships between,,
Tommaso Baroni, tommasobbb, Linked Sensor Data (Kno.e.sis), https://old.datahub.io/dataset/knoesis-linked-sensor-data, Datasets for sensors and sensor observations, created at Kno.e.sis Center, and converted from weather data at Mesowest. Contains descriptions of 20 thousand weather stations and 160 million observations.,,,
Nicola Cecere, nicola-cecere, Yahoo Geoplanet RDF, http://linkeddatacatalog.dws.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/fr/dataset/yahoo_geoplanet, This is a Linked Data version of the publically available data dumps from the Yahoo! GeoPlanet database. GeoPlanet helps bridge the gap between the real and virtual worlds by providing an open, permanent, and intelligent infrastructure for geo-referencing data on the Internet,,,
Luca Bestagno, LucaBestagno, New York Times, https://old.datahub.io/dataset/nytimes-linked-open-data,For the last 150 years, The New York Times has maintained one of the most authoritative news vocabularies ever developed. In 2009, we began to publish this vocabulary as linked open data,,,
Juan Ramón Romero García, juanraromero, Visualización de datos de aparcamientos, https://visualizadatos.madrid.es/pages/aparcamientos, Reúne numerosas carácterísticas de los aparcamientos que hay en la comunidad de Madrid, plazas libres, número de plazas en cada aparcamiento, valoración del aparcamiento, entre otros.,
Javier Soto,JSLWilfizz,NASA Space Flight & Astronaut data in RDF,http://linkeddatacatalog.dws.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/dataset/data-incubator-nasa,The dataset encompasses every spacecraft recorded in the NSSDC database, which serves as an extensive compilation of information regarding orbital, suborbital, and interplanetary spacecraft launches spanning from the 1950s up to the present time.,,
Elias Borge Svinø, eliasborge, Division of Scientific Disciplines, https://old.datahub.io/dataset/nvd, This provides an overview and classification of Norwegian scientific disciplines as linked data. It is available in RDF, XML and SPARQL. ,,,,
Guillermo López García, glopez42, Near Earth Objects, https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/pedroclapers/near-earth-objects-1900-to-2200, This dataset provides information on close approaches to Earth by near-Earth objects (NEOs) between 1900 A.D. and 2200 A.D., including information about their close aproach date, object velocity, diameter, etc.,
Paul Faschingbauer, PabloPaulGenius, Internet purchases - money spent (2020 onwards), https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/duxvuzfay47fem2lq8uyjq?locale=en, This dataset shows how much money is spent on purchases through the internat as of 2020 and onwards.,,,,,
Diego Rafael Torrelles Rodriguez, diegotorrelles,Escuelas que tienen un sitio web,https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/ygvknizbkc2zhpt6jqoudg?locale=es, This dataset posses all the schools from 27 countrys which has a website,,,,,
Tymoteusz Ciesielski,Tymotheus,Camden Fire Risk Assessments,https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/camden-fire-risk-assessments?locale=en,British dataset providing assesment of the buildings in terms of risk of fire,,,,,
Grecia Guzmán, greciagr, Accidents by Nature, https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/incidenti-per-natura?locale=en, This dataset contains information on the number of accidents, deaths, and injuries due to the nature of the car accident in Italy.,,,
ChiaChi Hsu, chiachihsu, European Patent Office (EPO), https://old.datahub.io/dataset/epo, The European Patent Office (EPO) provides access to millions of patent documents,,,,,
Ander Ros Ollo, ander-ros, https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/movimento-anagrafico-per-comune-tassi-popolazione?locale=en, Population movement by municipality — mortality rates, birth rates, registration and cancellation rates,,,,
Francisco Madrigal Puertas, pmad19, FarolApp Streetlight Dataset, https://old.datahub.io/dataset/farolapp-dataset, This dataset contains data about street lights in ten cities from four countries.,,,,,
Zaki Amin, z-amin, Concerts of the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra 1882—, https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/eb5bb9c5-1cb1-4610-9ba9-3bfe56c2336c~~1, This dataset contains data about all the concerts performed by the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, updated twice a year. Metadata for the various linked data representations can be downloaded from here.,,,,
Mehsun Ihtiyan Saalim, MeisiSaalim, Amsterdam Museum as Linked Open Data in the Europeana Data Model, http://linkeddatacatalog.dws.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/dataset/amsterdam-museum-as-edm-lod, The Amsterdam Museum dataset describes more than 70.000 cultural heritage objects related to the city of Amsterdam described by the museum.The metadata was retrieved from an XML Web API of the museum's Adlib collection database and converted to RDF compliant with the Europeana Data Model (EDM). ,,,,,
Sofía Ferrández Benito, sofiaferben, Accidentes de tráfico Madrid, https://visualizadatos.madrid.es/pages/accidentes-de-trafico, Dataset about the traffic accidents in Madrid throughout the years with different info such as the district, time, or type of car accident. ,,,
Iratxe Zunzunegui Sanz, iratxe-zunzunegui, Weather and Air Quality data for Ireland as RDF data cube, https://zenodo.org/record/5799118, This dataset contains data on weather, air pollution and other meteorological events obtained from different weather stations within the Republic of Ireland.,,,,
Carlos González-Almansa Laredo, Formil, Actividades gratuitas en Bibliotecas Municipales en los próximos 60 días, https://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=4412a47136826410VgnVCM1000000b205a0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default, This dataset contains free activities carried out in public libraries, both the ones organized by public entities and the ones done by private individuals or bussines. It contains for every event information about the place where it will occur and the event itself.,,,,
Pablo Torija Martínez, ptorija, Contaminación atmosférica por horas 2022, https://datos.alcobendas.org/dataset/contaminacion-atmosferica-por-horas-historico/resource/d47a23d4-dde0-4876-b323-0216a67207c8, The dataset contains the pollution by hours in Alcobendas the last year.,,,,,
Berta García Heras, bertagh, Most Streamed Spotify Songs 2023, https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/nelgiriyewithana/top-spotify-songs-2023, This dataset contains a comprehensive list of the most famous songs of 2023 as listed on Spotify. It provides insights into each song's attributes, popularity, and presence on various music platforms.,,,
Jorge Kessler Martín,JorgeKGIT,Global Armed Forces Dataset,https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/abhijitdahatonde/global-armed-forces-dataset,This dataset provides a comprehensive overview of the active and reserved military forces around the world.,,,,,
Sergio Marín Sánchez, Serms1999, Data COVID-19 Laboratory Positivized Balearic Islands (Aggregate Data), https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/https-catalegdades-caib-cat-d-9gdq-gvv3, Aggregate data from patients positive for COVID-19 (patients with a first positive PCR analytical test or rapid antigen test) since the onset of the pandemic.,,,,,
Paul Eyzaguirre, PaulAndree, World Stock Prices, https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/nelgiriyewithana/world-stock-prices-daily-updating?resource=download , This Data set shows the open and closing prices of stocks, worldwide. ,,,,
Marcel Palacios, mlpalacios8, GeoSpecies Knowledge Base, https://old.datahub.io/dataset/geospecies, Information on Biological Orders, Families, Species as well as species occurrence records and related data. Available in RDF and SPARQL.,,,
Ewa Kupczyk, tutajewcia,Camden Public Wi-Fi Locations,https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/camden-public-wi-fi-locations?locale=en,This dataset contains the location of public WiFi hotspots across the London Borough of Camden.,,,,,
Konrad Owsikowski, Shelvi96, Administration of COVID-19 vaccines in Lombardy (with Booster), https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/somministrazioni-dei-vaccini-anti-covid-19-in-lombardia-con-booster?locale=en, Data on the administration of COVID-19 vaccines in Lombardy.,,,,,
Laura Ramírez Moraleda, LauraRamirezM, On Street Crime In Camden, https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/on-street-crime-in-camden?locale=en, This dataset contains on street crimes provided by the Police of Camden and includes up to fifteen categories of street crimes.,,,,,
Alvaro Fontecha del Ser, alvarodelser, A global reference database of crowdsourced cropland data collected using the Geo-Wiki platform, https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.873912, This dataset is based on a systematic sample of cropland at latitude and longitude intersections. It was collected through a crowdsourcing campaign implemented on Geo-Wiki.,,,,,
Laura Andara, laurandara, Calidad de las aguas regeneradas, https://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=33bcb9549c9ed510VgnVCM1000001d4a900aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default, This data set presents the detected values of various typical control parameters of regenerated water to know the quality of Madrid's water.,,,,,
Ana Gómez Marcos, anagm98, Stray Dog Information, https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/stray-dog-information?locale=en, This dataset contains the numbers of stray dogs collected, rehomed, euthanised and the costs of the service under environmental protection requirements. ,,,
Anas El Hounsri, Anas-Elhounsri, Greece's Earthquakes, https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/nickdoulos/greeces-earthquakes, A dataset of earthquakes that hit Greece dating back from 1965 to 2023 collected and proccessed by National Observatory of Athens ,,,,,
Aleksandar Stankovski, StankovskiA, Data related to Cryptocurrencies, https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/6203cf9d078190db35f3f061?locale=en, Datasets containing the listing of coins present on the Coingecko.com website. This dataset is generated in May 2022 through the Coingecko API.,,,,,
Alisson Gutierrez Garcia, alivane, Care in Primary Social Care of Social Service Centers, https://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=a35b4e8b0327d610VgnVCM1000001d4a900aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default, The following set of data offers a list of the care provided through the network of municipal Social Services Centers for Primary Social Care. It collects data related to the reference district and neighborhood, age range, nationality and sex.,,,
Lucia Fabbri,luciafabbri,Annual data on municipal waste generation in the region,https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/dati-annuali-di-produzione-dei-rifiuti-urbani-in-regione?locale=en,This dataset contains annual information about municipal waste generation data in the Friuli-Venezia Giuli italian region from 1998 to 2017.,,,,,
Alicia Morales Martínez, AliciaMorMar, Puntos de atención a mujeres, https://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=93c1a516f8045410VgnVCM1000000b205a0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default, This dataset collects information on care services for women in the city of Madrid.,,,,,
Haolin CHEN, haolin568, Madrid province rent dataset, https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/mapecode/madrid-province-rent-data, Dataset with properties to rent in Madrid province from Idealista,,,,,
Eduardo Ariño Pelegrín, Any-Winter-4079, Centros y equipamientos o dependencias, públicos o privados, de la ciudad de Zaragoza, https://www.zaragoza.es/sede/servicio/equipamiento/category/55.rdf, Set of Soccer facilities in the city of Zaragoza -see: 55.rdf from dataset url for a few examples- gathered by citizens, and presented in RDF-XML format. Found from https://data.europa.eu/sites/default/files/report/data.europa.eu_Report_Citizen-generateddataondata_europa_eu.pdf and then https://datos.gob.es/es/catalogo/l01502973-equipamientos.,,
César Pantoja Rosales, CesarPRinso, Breast-cancer,https://www.cbioportal.org/study/summary?id=brca_metabric,Targeted sequencing of 2509 primary breast tumors with 548 matched normals.,,,,,
Andrés de Vicente Muñoz, andresroman1999, Popular Video Games 1980 - 2023, https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/arnabchaki/popular-video-games-1980-2023, This dataset contains a list of video games dating from 1980 to 2023, it also provides things such as release dates, user review rating, and critic review rating.,,
Jonah Wenzel, jonwenz1, Rail transport performance in Europe 2021, https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/bp5k-ynxy?locale=en, Dataset compares Rail transport performance in Europe 2021 and the population that you reach by train to the nearby population to measure how well the rail system performs.,,,,,
Jorge Cordobés Delgado, jdlgc, The WASABI Dataset and RDF Knowledge Graph, https://zenodo.org/record/5603369, The WASABI Dataset and RDF Knowledge Graph is rich dataset describing more than 2 millions commercial songs, 200K albums and 77K artists (mainly from pop/rock culture). It comprises data extracted from music databases on the Web, and resulting from the processing of song lyrics and from audio analysis.,,,
Enrique Martínez Martel, enrimmartel, EVENTSKG, https://old.datahub.io/dataset/eventskg, A dataset of scientific events, containing historical data about the publications, submissions, start date, end date, location and homepage for 25 top-prestigious events series.
Paula Gisbert Llorca, pgisbert, Mercadona Spain Product Pricing, https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/thegurusteam/mercadona-es-product-pricing, This dataset contains all mercadona products in 2020 with its id, price and category.,,,,
Regina López Entrena, reginalopezentrena, Medical Guards, https://www.dati.friuliveneziagiulia.it/api/views/my2j-r3t4/rows.rdf?accessType=DOWNLOAD,The dataset lists Medical Guards by identifying opening times, addresses, georeferences and telephone numbers. The dataset is updated daily at 01.00 a.m., ,,
Lydia Fernández González, LydiaFdz, https://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=6d8bdae2be63c410VgnVCM1000000b205a0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default, In this dataset it is described the information about new users of BiciMAD with the total number of uses they take each day.,,,,,,
Javier Ortiz de Artiñano Martínez-Larraz,javiortizdea,the iratebirds Citizen Science Project: a Dataset on Birds’ Visual Aesthetic Attractiveness to Humans,https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/The_iratebirds_Citizen_Science_Project_a_Dataset_on_Birds_Visual_Aesthetic_Attractiveness_to_Humans/20170082, the dataset contains comprehensive visual aesthetic attractiveness, as seen by humans, data for bird taxonomic units. The data were collected from an app where users rated the appearance of birds on a linear scale from 1-10.,,,
Hugo Muñoz Suarez, Hugoms-2001, Bares de pintxos de Euskadi, https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/https-opendata-euskadi-eus-catalogo-bares-de-pintxos-de-euskadi-?locale=es , Basic information on the pintxos bars that are members of the Euskadi Gastronomika product club.,,,,,
David García Sanz, davidgarciasanz01, Census of Agriculture: Data Linked to Geographic Boundaries, https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/b944bd53-49e5-4a80-83e5-1048d3abf38d, provides Census of Agriculture data allocated by standard census geographic polygons, including Provinces and Territories (PR), Census Agricultural Regions (CAR), Census Divisions (CD), and Census Consolidated Subdivisions (CCS). It consists of five main datasets.,
Irune Monreal Iraceburu, iraceburu,Casas rurales en activo del Registro de Turismo de Navarra,15befc3b04b7/download/downloadfile.aspxcodigoaccesoopendataficheroturismoopendata_resultados_dd_establecimientos_casar.csv,Listado oficial de casas rurales en activo del Registro de Turismo de Navarra con información detallada sobre los mismos: nombre, modalidad, categoría, dirección, ubicación, etc. No se incluyen situaciones de cese temporal
Shruti Sameer Velankar,http://data.europa.eu/88u/dataset/4389-emissions-of-air-polluting-substances-according-to-nec-guide-lines?locale=en,It contains figures on the emissions of air pollutants, calculated according to the European NEC guideline (NEC = National Emission Ceilings).,,,,,,
Adrián Rejas Llamera, AdriRejas, Hospital discharges according to the province, community and autonomous city of residence and hospitalization, http://data.europa.eu/88u/dataset/urn-ine-es-tabla-px-tpx-sociedad_2589-salud_2590-emh_8591-a2021_9733-02003?locale=es , This database shows the number of hospital discharges in Spain according to the province, autonomous community and autonomous city of residence and hospitalization.,,,
Mikel de la Fuente Landa, miikeldela, World Bank Linked Data,https://old.datahub.io/dataset/world-bank-linked-data, The World Bank data published using the Linked Data design principles. Contains statistical observations and code lists from World Development Indicators, World Bank Finances, World Bank Projects and Operations, and World Bank Climate Change data.,,
Álvaro García Barragán, Alvaro8gb, Conjunto de datos Conjunto de datos Papeleras de reciclaje perro Poop Assen, https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/dataset-prullenbakken-hondenpoep-assen, Ubicaciones contenedores de residuos para depositar caca de perro.,,,,,
Miangouila Méril,Meril99,Medical Subject Headings – MeSH,https://data.world/nlm/medical-subject-headings-mesh,Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) RDF is a linked data representation of the MeSH biomedical vocabulary produced by the National Library of Medicine.,,,,,
Carlos Almodóvar Román; CarlosAlmRom; 500k USA citizen dataset including PII, real estate info, salary, household, etc; https://market.oceanprotocol.com/asset/did:op:9442a55c25e9a0fd30231089ec34e430d0325ce0d3e03ab1aa27579eb56f7570; The dataset contains personal info of USA citizen (around 157 criteria) such as: email, phone, name, address, geo location, household, real estate, salary, income, etc. With around 500k citizens.
Antonio Jódar Martín; aajodar; Ocupación y tarifas de estacionamiento Rennes; https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/59e0d851a3a72972fce8010b?locale=es; Collection of data with information about parking options in Rennes, comparing price, availability, location and operating hours.