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Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

The brackets at the end of each step indicate the alias’s or IntelliJ Live Templates to use. You can find the template definitions at mraible/idea-live-templates.

Create Eureka Server, Car Service, and API Gateway

  1. Create a Eureka Server

    http javaVersion==11 \
      artifactId==discovery-service name==eureka-service \
      dependencies==cloud-eureka-server baseDir==discovery-service | tar -xzvf -
  2. Create a Car Service

    http \
      artifactId==car-service name==car-service baseDir==car-service \
      dependencies==actuator,cloud-eureka,data-jpa,h2,data-rest,web,devtools,lombok | tar -xzvf -
  3. Create an API Gateway

    http \
      artifactId==api-gateway name==api-gateway baseDir==api-gateway \
      dependencies==cloud-eureka,cloud-feign,data-rest,web,cloud-hystrix,lombok | tar -xzvf -
  4. Install Java 11 with SDKMAN!

    sdk list java
    sdk install java 11.0.2-open
    sdk default java 11.0.2-open
  5. Add @EnableEurekaServer and properties to set port and turn off discovery

  6. Add @EnableDiscoveryClient to main classes in car-service and api-gateway

  7. Configure car-service to run on 8090 and set its name

  8. Add an application name to the api-gateway project
  9. Create an API with Spring Boot and Spring Data [boot-entity-lombok, boot-repo, boot-data]

  10. Show Lombok plugin is installed in IntelliJ

  11. Configure gateway to enable resilient server-to-server communication

  12. Create a Car class with @Data

  13. Create a feign client and cool car controller [feign-client, cool-car-adapter]

  14. Add @HystrixCommand for failover [hystrix-fallback]

  15. Start all servers, view Eureka server, and https://localhost:8080/cool-cars endpoint

Secure Java Microservices with OAuth 2.0 and OIDC

  1. Add Okta Spring Boot starter to api-gateway and car-service [okta-maven-boot]

  2. Create a web app on Okta, use http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/okta for redirect URI

  3. Populate Okta properties in

  4. Create a SecurityConfiguration class, and enable OAuth Login and a Resource Server [ss-resource-config]

    public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
      protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
          // @formatter:off
          // @formatter:on
  5. Enable Resource Server in the car-service application [ss-resource-config]

  6. Create UserFeignClientInterceptor to add Authorization header in api-gateway [feign-interceptor]

  7. Register interceptor as a bean [feign-bean]

    public RequestInterceptor getUserFeignClientInterceptor(OAuth2AuthorizedClientService clientService) {
        return new UserFeignClientInterceptor(clientService);
  8. Make Feign Spring Security-aware

  9. Restart all apps and show with security enabled

Use Netflix Zuul for Routing

  1. Add Zuul as a dependency and @EnableZuulProxy

  2. Create an AuthorizationHeaderFilter to pass the access token to proxied routes [zuul-auth-header]

  3. Register AuthorizationHeaderFilter filter as a bean [zuul-bean]

    public AuthorizationHeaderFilter authHeaderFilter(OAuth2AuthorizedClientService clientService) {
        return new AuthorizationHeaderFilter(clientService);
  4. Add Zuul routes for /cars and /home [zuul-routes]

  5. Add HomeController to the car-service [zuul-home]

  6. Restart and confirm http://localhost:8080/cars and http://localhost:8080/home routes work

  7. Fin! 🏁