I have design an E-Commerce Website named E-Commerce. This project was build as a individual project in Masai School.
- You will find latest products on this website.
- It has features of authentication, Login and Register User.
- It has different categories and filters to find the products.
- Users can read details of each product by clicking on product.
- Users can add products to the cart.
- Users have to fill address details for shipping.
- Users can pay money using a card as well as RazorPay.
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Material UI
Alok Kushwaha - My Linkedin
Project Link - Project Repo
Project Deployed Link - Project Deployed Link
Users can create a account on this page.
Only valid user can login on this web application. If user is not valid, then it will show an error. If user is valid, then user will redirect to home page for shopping.
On this page, users can see Navbar and Landing image of the website.
On this page, users can see Category list of Product.
On this page, users can see the trending products on the website.
This is the footer of the website
On this page, users can see the selected category products on the website.
On this page, users can read all the details of any product. Also, users can add product to cart using add to cart button.
Users can see all the products added in the cart with quantity, price and total amount.
On this page users have to fill all the details for shipping purpose. Also, users can increase or decrease the quantity of product.
Users can pay money by filling card details or users can also use other payment option on payment gateway. ....