Show color message in shell.
Constants | Color |
${COLOR_BLACK} | Black |
${COLOR_RED} | Red |
${COLOR_GREEN} | Green |
${COLOR_YELLOW} | Yellow |
${COLOR_BLUE} | Blue |
${COLOR_MAGENTA} | Magenta |
${COLOR_CYAN} | Cyan |
${COLOR_WHITE} | White |
# Print message with color.
# Usage: message [-t] [-f color] [-b color] <message>
# Options:
# -t Bright text.
# -f color Foreground color, use COLOR_*, default black.
# -b color Background color, use COLOR_*, default no background.
# -n Do not print the trailing newline character.
# Parameters:
# message [in] The message to print.
# Returns:
message -f ${COLOR_CYAN} '1st line'
message -f ${COLOR_RED} -b ${COLOR_YELLOW} '2nd line'
message -f ${COLOR_BLACK} -b ${COLOR_MAGENTA} '3rd line'
message -f ${COLOR_CYAN} -n 'one '
message -t -f ${COLOR_CYAN} -n 'two '
message -f ${COLOR_RED} -n 'three '
message -t -f ${COLOR_RED} -b ${COLOR_YELLOW} -n 'four '
message -t -f ${COLOR_GREEN} -n 'five'
# Print information message.
# Usage: info <information>
# Parameters:
# information [in] The information.
# Returns:
# The default color of the information message is green, and you can change it
# by setup ${LIB_BASH_INFO_COLOR}.
info 'This is some information.'
# Print error message.
# Usage: error <error>
# Parameters:
# error [in] The error message.
# Returns:
# The default colors of the error message is white/red (FG/BG), and you can
# change it by setup ${LIB_BASH_ERROR_FG} and ${LIB_BASH_ERROR_BG}.
# Print question.
# Usage: question <question> <answer>
# Parameters:
# question [in] The question.
# answer [out] The answer.
# Returns:
# The default color of the questionis cyan, and you can change it by setup
question 'What is your name? ' name
printf "%s\n" "${name}"
# Ask to choose an option.
# Usage: select_option [-o|--option] <info> <options> <option_out>
# Options:
# -o|--option Return the content of the selected option instead of index.
# Parameters:
# info [in] The information to show before the option selection.
# options [in] The array of options to select, it must at least contains
# two options.
# option_out [out] The index of selected option, or the content of the
# selected option if -o|--option is specified.
# Returns:
options=('I' 'II' 'III' 'IV' 'V' 'VI' 'VII' 'VIII' 'IX' 'X' 'XI' 'XII')
select_option 'Please choose:' options[@] option
printf "%d\n" ${option}
options=('I' 'II' 'III' 'IV' 'V' 'VI' 'VII' 'VIII' 'IX' 'X' 'XI' 'XII')
select_option -o 'Please choose:' options[@] option
printf "%s\n" "${option}"