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Audio RotaryKnobVolume

Micz Flor edited this page Oct 30, 2018 · 14 revisions

Rotary knob for volume control (Drehknopf fΓΌr LautstΓ€rke)

Taken from the Phoniebox@GitHub issues forum

  • Tested with this rotary know hardware
  • Three files in the repo are dedicated to this feature:
    • RPi-Jukebox-RFID/scripts/
    • RPi-Jukebox-RFID/scripts/
    • RPi-Jukebox-RFID/misc/sampleconfigs/phoniebox-rotary-encoder.service.sample

Circuit diagram

(capacitors are optionally)

Tested version: Used 5V Pin on Raspberry Pi. Connected everything without Capacitors.

  .---------------.                      .---------------.
  |               |                      |               |
  |           CLK |------o---------------| GPIO 5        |
  |               |      |               |               |
  |           DT  |------)----o----------| GPIO 6        |
  |               |      |    |          |               |
  |           SW  |------)----)----------| GPIO 13       |
  |               |      |    |          |               |
  |           +   |------)----)----------| 5V            |
  |               |      |    |          |               |
  |           GND |------)----)----------| GND           |
  |               |      |    |          |               |
  '---------------'      |    |          '---------------'
       KY-040            |    |              Raspberry
                         |    |
                        ---  ---
                  100nF ---  --- 100nF
                         |    |
                         |    |
                         |    |
                        ===  ===
                        GND  GND

Once you've got the hardware done, install the scripts the following way:

sudo cp /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/misc/sampleconfigs/phoniebox-rotary-encoder.service.stretch-default.sample /etc/systemd/system/phoniebox-rotary-encoder.service 
sudo chown root:root /etc/systemd/system/phoniebox-rotary-encoder.service
sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/phoniebox-rotary-encoder.service
# enable the services needed
sudo systemctl enable phoniebox-rotary-encoder
sudo reboot

The reboot is needed to enable the service and start it.


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