hoc [OPTIONS] --url <URL> [METHOD]
[possible values: get, post, delete, put]
-u, --url <URL> (The url on which to make request)
-d, --data <DATA> (Json data)
-j, --json-header (weather or not to remove Content-type header, -d automatically adds is, this can be used to remove)
-r, --raw-json (Weather or not to print raw json as output from response, default is pretty)
-k, --auth-header-key <AUTH_HEADER_KEY> (The header name that should be used for auth, could be Authorization, could be X-Api-Key)
-v, --auth-header-val <AUTH_HEADER_VAL> (The value of auth header, ie the api key or token or whatever)
-V, --version
Print version information
-h, --help
Print help information