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Unity extensions library

Table of contents


HexCoroutineRunner should be attached to any gameobject on each scene where its functionality is needed (used to use Unity built-in coroutines from non-MonoBehaviour classes). As it is using singleton there should be no more than one instance of it on a scene (there is no reason to have more anyway).

All other classes (except for Pool and HexCoroutineRunner) and functions are static and are declared in the global namespace.



float SnapNumberToStep(float number, float step)

Snaps the given number to the nearest float number within the given step. Rounding for float-point numbers with adjustable accuracy given as the step argument.

Vector2 GetCirclePointDegrees(float radius, float angle)

Returns a point on the circumference with the given "radius" at the given "angle" in degrees, starting at the point (radius, 0) as in math.

Vector2 GetCirclePointRadians(float radius, float angle)

Returns a point on the circumference with the given "radius" at the given "angle" in radians, starting at the point (radius, 0) as in math.

Vector2 GetRandomRingPoint(float radius)

Returns random point on the circumference of the given "radius".

Vector2 GetRandomCirclePoint(float radius)

Returns random point on or within the circumference of the given "radius".

int Ternarsign(float value)

Returns -1 if value is negative, 0 if value is 0, 1 if value is positive

float Ramp(float value, float min, float max)

Holds the input "value" at "max" when it is larger than "min", otherwise starts decreasing starting from "max".

float MinLimit(float value, float min)

Returns value if it's greater than min threshold, min otherside

float MaxLimit(float value, float max)

Returns value if it's less than max threshold, or max otherwise


Note: All coroutine-related functions work using HexCoroutineRunner script that has to be attached to any gameobject on scene, unless non of these functions are called.

void InvokeDelayed(float delaySeconds, System.Action action)

Invokes the given function with a delay. There are overloads for void output and 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 generic arguments and 1 output with 0, 1, 2, 3 generic arguments.

void InvokeOnCondition(System.Func<bool> condition, System.Action action)

Invokes the input function once the condition() becomes true




These functions perform element-wise arithmetic operations on vectors - multiplication, division, and taking absolute values. They work on Vector3, Vector3Int, Vector2, and Vector2Int types.

Multiply (Element-wise)

Vector3 Multiply(this Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
Vector3Int Multiply(this Vector3Int a, Vector3Int b)
Vector2 Multiply(this Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
Vector2Int Multiply(this Vector2Int a, Vector2Int b)

Multiplies each component of the first vector by the corresponding component of the second vector, returning a new vector with the result.

Divide (Element-wise)

Vector3 Divide(this Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
Vector3Int Divide(this Vector3Int a, Vector3Int b)
Vector2 Divide(this Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
Vector2Int Divide(this Vector2Int a, Vector2Int b)

Divides each component of the first vector by the corresponding component of the second vector, returning a new vector with the result.

Remarks: Not safe from division by zero

Abs (Per component)

Vector3 Abs(this Vector3 vector)
Vector3Int Abs(this Vector3Int vector)
Vector2 Abs(this Vector2 vector)
Vector2Int Abs(this Vector2Int vector)

Returns a new vector where each component is the absolute value of the corresponding component in the original vector.



These functions allow inline manipulation of individual components of vectors. They provide a way to set values for individual axes (X, Y, Z).

Set Axis Value

void SetX(this ref Vector3 vector, float x)
void SetY(this ref Vector3 vector, float y)
void SetZ(this ref Vector3 vector, float z)
void SetX(this ref Vector3Int vector, int x)
void SetY(this ref Vector3Int vector, int y)
void SetZ(this ref Vector3Int vector, int z)
void SetX(this ref Vector2 vector, float x)
void SetY(this ref Vector2 vector, float y)
void SetX(this ref Vector2Int vector, int x)
void SetY(this ref Vector2Int vector, int y)

Directly modify a specific component (X, Y, or Z) of the given vector.

With Axis Value

Vector3 WithX(this Vector3 vector, float x)
Vector3 WithY(this Vector3 vector, float y)
Vector3 WithZ(this Vector3 vector, float z)
Vector3Int WithX(this Vector3Int vector, int x)
Vector3Int WithY(this Vector3Int vector, int y)
Vector3Int WithZ(this Vector3Int vector, int z)
Vector2 WithX(this Vector2 vector, float x)
Vector2 WithY(this Vector2 vector, float y)
Vector2Int WithX(this Vector2Int vector, int x)
Vector2Int WithY(this Vector2Int vector, int y)

Create a new vector where the specified component is replaced with the given value, keeping the original vector object unchanged.

Null Z

Vector3 NullZ(this Vector3 vector)

A shortcut for WithZ(0)


Random Vectors

Vector3 Random3D()
Vector2 Random2D()

Generates a random vector where each component is a random float value between -1 and 1.



Color VectorToColor(this Vector3 vector, float a = 1.0f)
Vector3 ColorToVector(this Color color)
Vector2 ConvertTo2D(this Vector3 vector3)
Vector2 ConvertTo2D(this Vector2Int vector2Int)
Vector3 ConvertTo3D(this Vector2 vector2)
Vector3 ConvertTo3D(this Vector3Int vector3Int)
  • VectorToColor: Converts a Vector3 to a Color, mapping the vector's components to RGB channels, and optionally setting the alpha channel.
  • ColorToVector: Converts a Color back to a Vector3, using the RGB values.
Vector2Int RoundToInt(this Vector2 vector2)
Vector3Int RoundToInt(this Vector3 vector3)
Vector2Int CeilToInt(this Vector2 vector2)
Vector3Int CeilToInt(this Vector3 vector3)
Vector2Int FloorToInt(this Vector2 vector2)
Vector3Int FloorToInt(this Vector3 vector3)

Convert VectorN to VectorNInt

Distance Calculation

float SqrDistance(this Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
float SqrDistance(this Vector2Int a, Vector2Int b)
float SqrDistance(this Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
float SqrDistance(this Vector3Int a, Vector3Int b)
float SqrDistanceXY(this Vector3 a, Vector3 b)

Calculate the squared distance between two vectors. SqrDistanceXY calculates the squared distance on XY plane.

float Distance(this Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
float Distance(this Vector2Int a, Vector2Int b)
float Distance(this Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
float Distance(this Vector3Int a, Vector3Int b)
float DistanceXY(this Vector3 a, Vector3 b)

Calculate the real distance between two vectors. DistanceXY calculates the real distance on XY plane.


bool NearlyEquals(this Vector3 a, Vector3 b, double inaccuracy = 1.0E-7)
bool NearlyEquals(this Vector2 a, Vector2 b, double inaccuracy = 1.0E-7)

Checks if two vectors are nearly equal, allowing for a small tolerance (inaccuracy) to account for floating-point precision errors.


Vector2 Rotate(this Vector2 vector, float degrees)

Rotates the given Vector2 by the given degree and returns the result without changing original vector.

Vector2 Clamp01(this Vector2 vector)

Clamps the given Vector2 to 0.0 - 1.0 range

Vector3 Clamp01(this Vector3 vector)

Clamps the given Vector3 to 0.0 - 1.0 range


List<Transform> GetChildren(this Transform transform)

Iterates over all transforms attached to this transform as direct children. For recursive search see GetChildrenRecursive

List<Transform> GetChildrenRecursive(this Transform transform)

Recursively iterates over all transforms nested to this transform


Default random settings:

float pitch_min = 0.94f;
float pitch_max = 1.04f;
float volume_min = 0.97f;
float volume_max = 1.03f;
float RandomizePitch(this AudioSource source)

Sets and returns random pitch for the audio source.

float RandomizeVolume(this AudioSource source)

Sets and returns random volume for the audio source.


T RandomElement<T>(this T[] array)

Returns random element from the given array with the scope of [first, last].

T RandomElement<T>(this List<T> list)

Returns random element from the given list with the scope of [first, last].

bool AreListsEqual<T>(this List<T> list1, List<T> list2)

Checks if two lists are completely equal (same length, same objects, and same order).

bool AreSetsEqual<T>(this List<T> list1, List<T> list2)

Checks if two lists contain the same unique objects, regardless of order or the number of occurrences.

bool AreMultisetsEqual<T>(this List<T> list1, List<T> list2)

Checks if two lists contain the same objects with the same number of occurrences, regardless of order.


public class Pool<T>

Pool of objects of the same type.
Objects can be enabled and disabled dynamically without unnecessary instantiation and destruction, hence avoiding overhead and extra memory allocation. Requires createFunc and isActiveFunc to be assigned before usage. Supports any object types through generics and delegate-powered checks.

When an object becomes inactive on the client (such as when an entity dies, is destroyed, goes off-screen, or is otherwise used), it should be disabled so the Pool can recognize it as inactive. Then, when needed, it can be retrieved, reinitialized, adapted to a new use case, and enabled. Disabling and enabling an entity is game-dependent and must be managed on the game side.

Fields and Properties
bool isEmpty
Func<T> createFunc

Function called upon instantiation of a new object. Only used in the TakeInactiveOrCreate method.

Func<T, bool> isActiveFunc

Function that defines whether an object is considered active.

pubc Pool(Func<T> createFunc, Func<T, bool> isActiveFunc)


  • createFunc: Function that instantiates a new object, used in TakeInactiveOrCreate.
  • isActiveFunc: Function that determines if an object is active.
T TakeInactive()

Returns the first inactive object in the pool, or null if there are no inactive objects or the pool is empty.

T TakeActive()

Returns the first active object in the pool, or null if there are no active objects or the pool is empty.

T TakeInactive(Func<T, bool> condition)

Returns the first inactive object that meets the specified condition, or null if no suitable objects are available or the pool is empty.

  • condition: An additional condition that determines whether an inactive object is suitable.
T TakeActive(Func<T, bool> condition)

Returns the first active object that meets the specified condition, or null if no suitable objects are available or the pool is empty.

  • condition: An additional condition that determines whether an active object is suitable.
bool TryTakeInactive(out T obj, Func<T, bool> condition = null)

Assigns the first inactive object that meets the specified condition to obj, or null if no suitable object is available. Returns true if an object was assigned, otherwise false.

  • condition: An additional condition that determines whether an inactive object is suitable (optional).
bool TryTakeActive(out T obj, Func<T, bool> condition = null)

Assigns the first active object that meets the specified condition to obj, or null if no suitable object is available. Returns true if an object was assigned, otherwise false.

  • condition: An additional condition that determines whether an active object is suitable (optional).
T TakeInactiveOrCreate()

Returns an inactive object from the pool or creates and records a new object using 'createFunc' if no inactive object is available.

T TakeInactiveOrCreate(Func<T, bool> condition)

Returns an inactive object that meets the specified condition, or creates and records a new object using 'createFunc' if no suitable inactive object is available.

  • condition: An additional condition that determines whether an inactive object is suitable.
T RecordNew(T newObj)

Records a new object to the pool without checking whether it is needed.
Returns the added object.

bool Unrecord(T obj)

Removes the given object. Returns true if the given object was successfully removed.


public static class HexDebug
void Log(params object[] objs)

Logs multiple objects in the Console (leaving space between them)

void LogWarning(params object[] objs)

Logs as a warning multiple objects in the Console (leaving space between them)

void LogError(params object[] objs)

Logs as an error multiple objects in the Console (leaving space between them)


Tests are implemented using built-in Unity NUnit Framework.