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ANAVI Thermometer

An ESP8266-powered, open source, Wi-Fi dev board with temperature and humidity sensors


ANAVI, the ANAVI logo and combinations thereof, are registered trademarks of Leon Anavi. Other product names may be trademarks of others and the rights belong to their respective owners.

The information in this document is provided in connection with Anavi products. No license, express or implied or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Anavi products.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit

ANAVI Thermometer hardware design is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).

The software examples are released under MIT and the rest of the software is available under GPLv3.

It is possible that the pictures in this manual differ from the latest revision of the board.

The product described in this document is subject to continuous development and improvements. All particulars of the product and its use contained in this document are given by Anavi in good faith. However all warranties implied or expressed including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose are excluded. This document is intended only to assist the reader in the use of the product. Anavi shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of any information in this document or any error or omission in such information or any incorrect use of the product.

This evaluation board/kit is intended for use for engineering development, demonstration, or evaluation purposes only and is not considered by Anavi to be a finished end-product fit for general consumer use. People handling the product must have electronics training and observe good engineering practice standards. As such, the goods being provided are not intended to be complete in terms of required design-, marketing-, and/or manufacturing-related protective considerations, including product safety and environmental measures typically found in end products that incorporate such semiconductor components or circuit boards.

There is no warranty for the design materials and the components used to create ANAVI Thermometer. There are considered suitable only for ANAVI Thermometer.

CHAPTER 1: Overview


ANAVI Thermometer is an open source hardware, Wi-Fi development board for measuring temperature that’s powered by an ESP8266 processor. It comes with a built-in DHT22/AM2302 temperature and humidity sensor and has slots for a mini OLED display, waterproof DS18B20 temperature sensor, and empty slots for up to three additional I2C sensor modules. All these features make ANAVI Thermometer appropriate for developers, makers, students and open source enthusiasts interested in home automation.

ANAVI Thermometer is designed with the free and open source electronics design automation suite KiCAD. No soldering is required. You can assemble ANAVI Thermometer with your bare hands and a screwdriver.

Features & Specifications

  • CPU: Tensilica L106 32-bit processor (ESP8266)
  • Connectivity: WiFi 802.11 b/g/n
  • Build-in sensor: temperature and humidity (AM2302/DHT22)
  • Peripherals: Mini OLED display, terminal block DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensor, UART pins, button, three slots for I2C sensors
  • Compatibility: Arduino IDE, PlatformIO, Home Assistant, MQTT, and any modern web browser
  • Certification: Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) BG000017
  • Dimensions: 75 mm x 40 mm
  • Upgradable: The software can be upgraded, either using an USB to UART module, or (if configured) Over-the-Air

Target Market

ANAVI Thermometer is a certified open source hardware development board for customers interested in home automation, software development and Internet of Things. The option to attach a waterproof DS18B20 sensor makes it convenient for measuring temperature in fish tanks and liquids. The board is appropriate for embedded programming enthusiasts, open source supporters, students as well as web and/or mobile app developers. The main usage of the board is home automation.

Board Version

Revision 1.0 of ANAVI Thermometer was used while writing this document. It is possible that it is outdated so it is always recommended to check the latest sources from the GitHub page of the board.

CHAPTER 2: Getting Started

Electrostatic Warning

ANAVI Thermometer is shipped in a protective bag. It must NOT be exposed to high electrostatic potentials. A grounding strap or similar protective device should be worn when handling the board. Avoid touching the component pins or any other metallic element.


In order to setup ANAVI Thermometer the following items are required:

  • 5V power supply with microUSB

It is recommended to use 1A (1000mA) or higher power supply.

Supported Peripherals

ANAVI Thermometer has a terminal block for attaching DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensor, I2C slot for mini OLED display as well as up to 3 slots for I2C sensors.


ANAVI Thermometer has a built-in DHT22/AM2303 temperature and humidity sensor. Additionally, you can attach external DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensor module. The officially supported I2C add-on sensor modules are:

  • Light (BH1750)
  • Temperature and humidity (HTU21D)
  • Color and gesture recognition (APDS-9960)
  • Temperature and barometric pressure (BMP180)

You may also attach any other I2C sensors, but you will have to take care of their software integration.

Light Sensor

The official light I2C sensor for ANAVI Thermometer is BH1750.

Using 4 Dupont jumper wires, connect BH1750 to one of the 3 I2C slots on ANAVI Thermometer as follows:

BH1750 ANAVI Thermometer
VCC 3.3V

I2C External Temperature & Humidity Sensor

The official external temperature and humidity add-on sensor for ANAVI Thermometer is HTU21 (SHT21). This is an I2C sensor capable of measuring both humidity and temperature.

Using 4 Dupont jumper wires, connect HTU21 to one of the 3 I2C slots on ANAVI Thermometer as follows:

HTU21 ANAVI Thermometer
VIN 3.3V

Color & Gesture Recognition Sensor

The official I2C sensor for RGB color and gesture detection on ANAVI Thermometer is APDS-9960.

Using 4 Dupont jumper wires, connect APDS-9960 to one of the 3 I2C slots on ANAVI Thermometer as follows:

APDS-9960 ANAVI Thermometer
VIN 3.3V

Temperature & Barometric Pressure Sensor

The official temperature and barometric pressure sensor for ANAVI Thermometer is BMP180. This is an I2C sensor capable of measuring both temperature and barometric pressure.

Using 4 Dupont jumper wires, connect BMP180 to one of the 3 I2C slots on ANAVI Thermometer as follows:

BMP180 ANAVI Thermometer
VIN 3.3V

Waterproof Temperature DS18B20 Sensor

ANAVI Thermometer Advanced and Developer kits include a waterproof 1-wire DS18B20 sensor appropriate for measuring temperature in liquids. Attached the sensor to the designated terminal on ANAVI Thermometer. You can even connect multiple DS18B20 sensors to the terminal because each sensor has a unique 64-bit ID burned in at the factory to differentiate them. The typical color codes for the waterproof DS18B20 sensor are:

  • GND - black
  • Data - yellow
  • VCC - red


You can assemble ANAVI Thermometer with your bare hands and a screwdriver, following the steps below:

  • Add sensors to your ANAVI Thermometer.
  • Optionally, you may also assemble the simple acrylic case by removing the protective film and mounting screws.
  • Use 5V power supply and plug an appropriate cable in the microUSB of ANAVI Thermometer to turn on the board.

Powering ANAVI Thermometer

ANAVI Thermometer has been tested using various 5V power supplies and USB to microUSB cables. It is recommended to use 5V power supply with 1A or higher current output. Make sure that you are using a 5V power supply from a trusted supplier. Cheap, untested power supplies can be risky and unreliable.

Configure ANAVI Thermometer

Video tutorial for getting started with ANAVI Light Controller (same procedure for ANAVI Thermometer)

Turn on ANAVI Thermometer by plugging an appropriate power supply. As soon as the board is turned on for the very first time it will create a temporary WiFi access point. Connect to it from your computer, smartphone or tablet.

The default software of ANAVI Thermometer has a captive portal which guides you through the configuration. As you see in the video you have to select your WiFi network and enter a password if it is not open.

Our open source software relies on the machine to machine communication protocol MQTT to report data from the sensors. You can connect to your own MQTT broker, or just leave the default configurations and connect to the public broker as shown in the video.

Recent versions of the firmware support Home Assistant MQTT Discovery which makes it very convenient to add ANAVI Thermometer to Home Assistant. For this to work, you need to enter the sensor name (such as "Master Bedroom") that will be used for this Thermometer on the setup screen. See Chapter 5 for more details.

Recent versions of the firmware support Over-the-Air upgrades of the software. To enable this, you need to specify the IP address or DNS domain name of a web server that hosts the firmware. See Chapter 3 for more details.

It very important to copy the machine ID. Later it is needed to identify your device.

When you are ready just click save. If you have entered valid credentials in a moment ANAVI Thermometer will connect to your WiFi network and the configured MQTT broker. This way the configuration is complete and ANAVI Thermometer will turn off its temporary WiFi access point. After that your device, for example smartphone as in the video, will automatically connect again to your WiFi network.

To verify that ANAVI Thermometer is up and running open a modern web browser and visit Enter your machine ID. Check the advanced settings only if you are not using the default public MQTT broker. Click connect.

Reset to Factory Defaults

If you decide to change the settings of ANAVI Thermometer you need to reset the board and configure it again.

To reset ANAVI Thermometer press the button and hold it for approximately 6 seconds until the red light stops blinking. After resetting the board there will be a steady red light that indicates that the temporary WiFi access point is on and you can proceed with the configuration again. The reset button works once the ANAVI Thermometer has successfully connected to a WiFi network. If you are running a recent enough version of the firmware, it also works for 2 seconds after you power on the device (while the red LED is blinking quickly).

CHAPTER 3: Software Development

Default Firmware

By default ANAVI Thermometer comes with this free and open source Arduino sketch.

USB to UART Module

For uploading firmware to ANAVI Thermometer you need USB to UART module. All kits include CP2102 which out of the box on GNU/Linux distributions and usually also on macOS. Drivers for Windows and macOS are available at

Setting up the Arduino IDE

  1. Install the Arduino IDE following the instructions from from

  2. Add the ESP8266 board package: In File > Preferences input into the Additional Board Manager URLs field.

  3. In Tools > Board ... > Boards manager find and add the ESP8266 package. Now "Generic ESP8266" should be an option in the Tools > Boards menu. Select it.

  4. In Tools > Flash Size: select 4M (1M SPIFFS)

  5. Go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries... and include the following dependencies of the default firmware for ANAVI Thermometer:

  • WiFiManager by tzapu (version 0.15.0)
  • ArduinoJson by Benoit Blanchon (version 6.11.2)
  • PubSubClient by Nick O'Leary (version 2.7.0)
  • Adafruit HTU21DF Library by Adafruit (version 1.0.1)
  • Adafruit APDS9960 Library by Adafruit (version 1.0.5)
  • DHT sensor library by Adafruit (version 1.3.4)
  • U8g2 by oliver (version 2.23.18)
  • OneWire (version 2.3.4)
  • DallasTemperature (version 3.8.0)
  • Adafruit Unified Sensor by Adafruit (version 1.0.2)
  • Adafruit BMP085 Unified by Adafruit (version 1.0.0)
  • NTPClient by Fabrice Weinberg (version 3.1.0)

Please double check the list of dependencies in the README for the sketch.

Note: Issues might be experienced if using different versions of the libraries.

Flashing Custom Firmware

Follow the steps below to compile and flash custom firmware on ANAVI Thermometer from Arduino IDE:

  1. To flash the firmware from Arduino IDE select Tools > Generic ESP8266 Module (Flash mode: DIO, Flash frequency: 40MHz, CPU frequency: 80MHz, Flash size: 4M, Debug port: Disabled, Debug level: None, Reset method: ck, Upload speed: 115200, Port: /dev/ttyUSB0). Set the flash size to 4M (1M SPIFFS). You might need to adjust the port if your USB to serial debug cable is connected on a different port.

  2. After that press load an Arduino sketch. A simple blinking LED example is available at GitHub

  3. In Arudino IDE click Verify/Compile (Ctrl+R)

  4. Connect ANAVI Thermometer to the USB to serial debug board: GND to GND, TX cable to RX of ANAVI Thermometer and RX cable to TX of ANAVI Thermometer.

  5. In Arudino IDE click Upload (Ctrl+U)

  6. Press and hold the RESET button on ANAVI Thermometer. Plug the 5V power supply in the jack of ANAVI Thermometer (without releasing the RESET button).

  7. In Arduino IDE verify that the upload has been started. Hold RESET until the upload completes.

The output in Arduino IDE for successful flashing is:

Archiving built core (caching) in: /tmp/arduino_cache_954939/core/core_esp8266_esp8266_generic_CpuFrequency_80,FlashFreq_40,FlashMode_dio,UploadSpeed_115200,FlashSize_512K64,ResetMethod_ck,Debug_Disabled,DebugLevel_None_____1c2aa2b3da66da225b39c9bfab6531e5.a
Sketch uses 224949 bytes (51%) of program storage space. Maximum is 434160 bytes.
Global variables use 31756 bytes (38%) of dynamic memory, leaving 50164 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 81920 bytes.
Uploading 229104 bytes from /tmp/arduino_build_904122/anavi-blinking-led.ino.bin to flash at 0x00000000
................................................................................ [ 35% ]
................................................................................ [ 71% ]
................................................................                 [ 100% ]

If you have flashed the blinking LED example, D1 on ANAVI Thermometer will start blinking.

Please have a look at the YouTube video that shows the exact steps for compiling and uploading an Arduino sketch to ANAVI Thermometer.

Note: you have to be quick between step 5 and 6. Remember to press and hold RESET until the upload completes.

OTA Firmware Upgrade

Recent versions of the official firmware also support OTA firmware updates by putting a firmare binary on a web server and then triggering the update via a MQTT message. This can be very convenient, as you do not have to connect the device to your computer.

Check support

If the captive portal contained a "OTA server" field, your software supports OTA upgrades.

If you are unsure if your current firmware supports OTA update, you can first check if your ANAVI Thermometer is already setup to receive MQTT commands.

To do this, send a MQTT message to the topic "cmnd/[deviceId]/line1" with message body "test", for example using mosquitto_pub:

mosquitto_pub -h [mqttserver] -p 1883 -t cmnd/b5cfb5cfb5cfb5cfb5cfb5cfb5cfb5cf/line1 -u [mqttuser] -P [mqttpass] -m "test"

When this message causes the first line of your ANAVI Thermometer display to change to "test", OTA updates should be supported. If not (after double checking that you used the correct topic and deviceId), please first update to a more recent firmware version.

(To reset the line again to the default display, just send an empty message to the same topic).

Enabling OTA upgrades

For security reasons, OTA upgrades are disabled by default. There are two ways to enable them: either enter an IP address or domain name on the captive portal screen (see Chapter 2), or edit the official source code and define OTA_SERVER as explained in the comment. (You can even do both, if you want the Thermometer to accept upgrades from two sources.)

The web server can be located anywhere, but for improved security it is best if it is located on your local network, and no untrusted persons should be able to edit any files at all on the server. Don't host your firmware images on a shared server!

Build binary firmware image

Using the Arduino build settings above, instead of clicking Upload (Ctrl+U), use Menu Sketch -> Export compiled binary (CTRL+ALT+S). A .bin file will be created in the same folder as the .ino file. Copy this file to the HTTP webserver you specified when you enabled OTA upgrades.

Trigger update

The devices listens to MQTT messages in topic "cmnd/[deviceid]/update" and expects messages to be in the format

{"file":"/[filePath]", "server": "[server IP or DNS name]"}

For example, if you put the file at

{"file":"/anavi.bin", "server": ""}

If your server does not listen on port 80, you can provide the port, for example for

{"file":"/anavi.bin", "server": "", "port": 8080}

Example for sending an update message using mosquitto_pub:

mosquitto_pub -h [mqttserver] -p 1883 -t cmnd/b5cfb5cfb5cfb5cfb5cfb5cfb5cfb5cf/update -u [mqttuser] -P [mqttpass] -m "{\"file\":\"anavi.bin\", \"server\":\"\", \"port\":8080}

Note: to ensure a successful update, please specify the file with leading slash ('/'), use an HTTP web server, not HTTPS, and -- when run from the command line -- escape quote characters

On receipt of this message, ANAVI Thermometer will download the file from the specified server, update the firmware and restart. As with the normal firmware update, your saved settings such as WiFi and MQTT server settings should remain as configured.

Note: After the update, you may find that readings from the DHT22 sensor no longer work and temperature and humidity are shown as "0". In this case, please powercycle the device (unplug power until display turns off, then plug power in again)

Using signed builds

If you do OTA upgrades, and especially if you do so over the Internet, you are strongly encouraged to use Signed Updates. Follow the link to see all the details.

If you are running the Arduino IDE on Linux or macOS it is very easy to enable automatic signing. Just run these commands in the sketch directory:

openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
openssl rsa -in private.key -outform PEM -pubout -out public.key

Once this is done, builds will be automatically signed. In addition to the .bin file, a .bin.signed file will also be created. You should see messages similar to these when you compile your sketch:

Enabling binary signing
Signed binary: /tmp/arduino_build_710055/sketch_apr03a.ino.bin.signed

The exact file name will change depending on your installation. Use the signed binary instead of the .bin file. Once you have upgraded your ANAVI Thermometer using a signed build, OTA upgrades will reject any attempt to use an unsigned build, a build signed using the wrong key, or a build that has been tampered with. (If necessary, you can still load an unsigned firmware using the USB to UART module, and then you will be able to use unsigned builds for OTA upgrades as well.)

Be sure the back up the private.key file, and make sure nobody can get hold of it.

CHAPTER 4: Temperature scale: Celsius vs Fahrenheit

The temperature scale of the default open source firmware of ANAVI Thermometer can be configured at the initial setup of the device. By default it is set to Celsius. Manually type in fahrenheit to change it.

After the initial setup the temperature scale can be still changed with a single MQTT message with topic cmnd/machine-id/tempformat (where machine-id must be replaced with the unique value for your board) and a JSON payload:

{ "scale": "fahrenheit" }

To switch back to Celsius, send the same message and just edit the JSON payload by changing fahrenheit to celsius.

For example, if using the mosquitto_pub application from a command-line terminal and machine id 11111111111111111111111111111111:

mosquitto_pub -h -d -p 1883 -t
"cmnd/11111111111111111111111111111111/tempformat" -m '{ "scale": "fahrenheit" }'

CHAPTER 5: Home Automation Platforms

This chapter provides guidelines on how to connect ANAVI Thermometer to popular home automation platforms: Home Assistant and OpenHAB.

Home Assistant

Home Assistant is a free and open-source home automation platform running on Python 3 with more than 1200 components for integration with popular Internet of Things.

ANAVI Thermometer can be easily integrated in Home Assistant using the component MQTT sensor. This component supports JSON in the payload of the MQTT messages. To use it, in configuration.yaml specify MQTT broker and register the sensor with the corresponding MQTT topic, for example:

  • Configure MQTT broker:
  • Register the MQTT sensor:
    - platform: mqtt
      name: "Temperature"
      unit_of_measurement: 'C'
      state_topic: "home/room/temperature"
      value_template: "{{value_json.temperature}}"
    - platform: mqtt
      name: "Humidity"
      unit_of_measurement: '%'
      state_topic: "home/room/humidity"
      value_template: "{{value_json.humidity}}"

MQTT Discovery can simplify this process. To use this, specify this in configuration.yaml:

  discovery: true
  discovery_prefix: homeassistant

Also, supply a Sensor name for Home Assistant on the captive portal page of the ANAVI Thermometer. Sensors will automatically be created for the temperature, humidity, and (if connected) the DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensor module.

The other sensors do not yet support MQTT Discovery.


OpenHAB is a popular free and open source home automation software. Major version 2 of OpenHAB is significantly different for version 1. It is written in the JAVA programming language using the Eclipse Smart Home framework. Version 2.4 of OpenHAB adds several new MQTT features. This YouTube video explains the exact steps how to integrate ANAVI Thermometer in OpenHAB.

Follow the steps below to integrate ANAVI Thermometer in OpenHAB:

OpenHAB Step 1: Install MQTT Binding

Open the Paper UI web interface of OpenHAB. Go to Add-ons > Binding. Find MQTT Binding and click Install

OpenHAB Step 2: Configure MQTT Broker

Again in Paper UI of OpenHAB, go to Configuration > Things. Click the button to add a new thing. Select MQTT Thing Binding. After that click ADD MANUALLY. Click MQTT Broker. Enter the domain or the IP address of the MQTT broker, the port and any other needed credentials.

After adding the MQTT Broker to OpenHAB go to Configuration > Things and verify that the broker appears as online. If it is not online double check the configuration and try again.

OpenHAB Step 3: Install JavaScript Transformations

Go to Add-ons > Transformations. Find JavaScript Transformation and click Install

OpenHAB Step 4: Download JavaScript Files

Download temperature.js and humidity.js from GitHub and deploy both files in directory $OPENHAB_CONF/transform.

For example, on Raspberry Pi with OpenHABian variable $OPENHAB_CONF is set to /etc/openhab2 so the whole path is /etc/openhab2/transform:

cd $OPENHAB_CONF/transform

Note: If you prefer the temperature in Fahrenheit, set variable celsius to false in the first line of temperature.js. This way the JavaScript will automatically convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit when showing it in the user interfaces of OpenHAB.

OpenHAB Step 5: Add ANAVI Thermometer as MQTT Generic Thing

In Paper UI web interface go to Configuration > Things. Click the button to add a new thing and select MQTT Thing Binding.

On the next screen it is very important to click ADD MANUALLY. After that select Generic MQTT Thing. Set the name, for example to ANAVI Thermometer. Set the MQTT broker configured on step 2 for Bridge Selection.

After creating the Generic MQTT Thing, open it and add two channels:

  • A channel with type Text value, label Temperature and Incoming value transformation set to JS:temperature.js. Set the MQTT State Topic to <workgroup>/<machine id>/air/temperature (replace <workgroup> and <machine id> with the actual values)

  • A channel with type Text value, label Humidity and Incoming value transformation set to JS:humidity.js. Set the MQTT State Topic to <workgroup>/<machine id>/air/humidity (replace <workgroup> and <machine id> with the actual values)

IMPORTANT NOTE: In both topics replace <workgroup> and <machine id> with valid values! You have set <workgroup> during the initial configuration of ANAVI Thermometer, the default value is workgroup. The <machine id> is MD5 hash generated based on the ESP8266 chip ID of ANAVI Thermometer. The machine ID is displayed in the web interface during the initial configuration of ANAVI Thermometer. It is also printed it serial console output on each boot of ANAVI Thermometer therefore you can also see it through Arduino IDE.

Finally, Link channel to the default profile of a new item. As shown in the video this has to be done for both the temperature and the humidity.

If everything works fine you will see the temperature and the humidity reported from ANAVI Thermometer in the Control section of Paper UI as well as in the Basic UI of OpenHAB 2 (and newer).

CHAPTER 6: Schematics


The components of ANAVI Thermometer rely on the ESP8266 (ESP-12 module) and utilize the following pins:

Component Pins Arduino Pin ID
I2C 13, 14
DHT22/AM2302 11 2
DS18B20 6 12
Indication LED (D1) 7 16
Reset button (RESET) 12 0
UART 15, 16


The sensors that can be connected to ANAVI Thermometer communicate with a host microcontroller via a communications standard called I2C (Inter-Integrated-Circut). I2C uses two wires, labelled SDA (Serial Data) and SCL (Serial Clock). To function properly, I2C requires a pullup resistor on each of those lines therefore ANAVI Thermometer includes two 4.7kohm resistors labelled as R2 and R3. If for one reason or another you need to disable the I2C pullup resistors remove R2 and R3.

CHAPTER 7: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What power supply do I need?

You need a standard 5V power supply with a microUSB connector.

Why isn't a power supply included?

Nowadays, 5V power supplies with a microUSB connector are a commodity item because of smartphone and tablets, so you should be able to easily find a suitable unit online or at your local electronics store.

Can I remotely control ANAVI Thermometer from a web browser on my smartphone, tablet, or laptop?

Yes, you can use our demo website or easily integrate ANAVI Thermometer in your instance of the popular open source platform Home Assistant as an MQTT Sensor component.

Is ANAVI Thermometer an open source project?

Yes, ANAVI Thermometer is an open source hardware project powered and created with free and open source software. The hardware designs are available at GitHub under CC BY-SA 4.0 license. All schematics, documents, and source code files are available at our GitHub repositories.

Is ANAVI Thermometer certified?

Yes, ANAVI Thermometer revision 1.0 has been certified by the Open Source Hardware Association under UID BG000017.

Does ANAVI Thermometer use the ESP8266?

Yes, ANAVI Thermometer is based on the ESP8266.

Can I flash different firmware to ANAVI Thermometer?

Yes, using a USB to serial cable, you can flash custom firmware built from your own source code.

Is ANAVI Thermometer compatible with Arduino IDE?

Yes, ANAVI Thermometer is compatible with Arduino IDE. You can easily upload your own Arduino sketches to the board.

How can I get involved and help?

Buy any of the available perks, get your hands on the ANAVI Thermometer, contribute to our GitHub repositories, and become part of our open source community!

CHAPTER 8: Revision History

Document Revision

Date Changes Modified pages Author
24 January 2019 Initial release All Leon Anavi
6 August 2019 Celsius vs Fahrenheit All Leon Anavi

ANAVI Thermometer Revision

Revision Notable changes
1.0 Stable product

See Also

For more information please visit and our GitHub repositories. If you have any questions or enquiries please contact us through Facebook, Twitter or email.